Notes & Answers: Little Women Novel: (Part 2)- The Christmas Presents

Little Women Novel: (Part 2)- The Christmas Presents: This part is explained with vocabulary and summary. Question and answers are also given here. Click here for all the parts of the novel and Notes.

Part 1: Introduction to The March Family

Part 3: The Two Girls Enjoy at the Party

Part 2- The Christmas Presents


Word/PhraseEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
StockingA long sock hung by the fireplace for giftsक्रिसमस उपहार के लिए लटकाई जाने वाली लंबी मोजा
Encouraging wordsWords that give support or motivationप्रोत्साहन देने वाले शब्द
Received love and obedienceWas loved and respected, followed with care (other sisters loved and obeyed what she said)प्रेम और आज्ञाकारिता प्राप्त की, मेग की बातों का सम्मान ओर पालन किया गया।
Goodness only knowsOnly God knows (used when something is uncertain)भगवान ही जानें (जब कुछ अनिश्चित हो)
Came a-beggingArrived asking for help or foodमदद या भोजन मांगते हुए आया
EagernessA strong desire or enthusiasmउत्सुकता
TrumpSomeone outstanding or admirableएक उत्कृष्ट या प्रशंसनीय व्यक्ति
UnisonTogether as one, in perfect agreementएक स्वर में, एक साथ
HuddledGathered closely together, especially in a small spaceठंड से बचने के लिए पास-पास बैठना या खड़ा होना
SumptuousRich and luxuriousबहुत शानदार और विलासपूर्ण
Set offBegan a journey or started movingयात्रा शुरू की
OverwhelmedOvercome with strong emotionभावनाओं से अभिभूत
Trooped backReturned together in a groupएक साथ लौटे
CotA simple, small bedचारपाई या खाट
SprawlTo lie or sit with arms and legs spread out awkwardlyफैलकर बैठना या लेटना
BonbonsSmall candies with sweet fillingsछोटे मीठे भराई वाले टॉफी
Hothouse flowerA flower grown in a controlled environment like a greenhouseग्रीनहाउस में उगाया गया फूल
WistfullyWith a feeling of longing or sadnessउदासी या तरस के साथ
The Little Women Novel Vocabulary


On Christmas morning, Jo wakes up expecting stockings filled with presents but instead finds a book under her pillow. It is a Bible, given to her by her mother. Each of the sisters receives a different colored Bible, and Meg, being the eldest and most responsible, tells them they should read the Bible every day. This shows that Mrs. March wants her daughters to be strong and good people, especially during hard times.

When they go to thank their mother for the gifts, they find out she has gone to help a poor woman named Mrs. Hummel, who has many children and no food. The girls are initially disappointed because they were excited about their big Christmas breakfast, but they decide to give the food to the poor family as a Christmas present. The girls feel very happy after helping the family and return home to a simple breakfast of bread and milk, feeling more satisfied than if they had eaten a big meal.

Later, the girls give their mother the Christmas presents they had planned: Jo gives slippers, Beth gives handkerchiefs, Amy gives cologne, and Meg gives gloves. Mrs. March is touched and proudly wears all of the gifts at once.

The day continues with the girls performing a play they had prepared, but there are some funny accidents. Meg trips on her dress and falls off the ladder, and Amy’s fainting scene doesn’t go as planned. Despite the mishaps, everyone enjoys the play.

At dinner, the girls are surprised by a luxurious meal with all kinds of delicious food, sent by their neighbor, Mr. Laurence. He heard about the girls’ kindness to the poor family and wanted to reward them. Though they don’t know Mr. Laurence well, they are thankful for his generosity and think of their father, who is away at war and probably not having such a merry Christmas.


On Christmas morning, the March sisters receive Bibles from their mother and are reminded to read from them daily. When they learn that a poor family is in need, they give up their Christmas breakfast to help them. Although they were initially disappointed, they feel much happier after their act of kindness. Later, they give their mother the presents they had saved up for. The girls also put on a play, which has some funny mishaps but is enjoyed by all. At dinner, they are surprised by a feast sent by their neighbor, Mr. Laurence, who appreciated their generosity to the poor.

Answers to Questions:

Ans: The girls received Bibles of different colours from their mother as Christmas gifts.

Ans: Meg told her sisters to read the Bible every day as their mother wished.

Ans: Their mother had gone to help a poor woman with many children who were in need.

Ans: Amy went out to exchange her small bottle of cologne for a bigger one because she wanted to be less selfish.

Ans: Mrs. March suggested they give their Christmas breakfast to a poor family, which disappointed the girls because they had been looking forward to the delicious meal.

Ans: The poor family was in a terrible condition. They had no warm clothes, no food, and all the children were huddled together in one bed.

Ans: The girls felt happier than others because they had given their breakfast to the poor family, which made them feel good about helping those in need.

Ans: Mrs. March was very touched and immediately used all the gifts: she wore Jo’s slippers, put Beth’s handkerchief in her pocket, sprayed Amy’s cologne, and wore Meg’s gloves.

Ans: During the play, Meg tripped on her dress and fell off the ladder, and after the play, the cot where the audience was sitting collapsed.

Ans: The girls were surprised by a fancy dinner with ice-cream, cakes, fruits, and candies sent by Mr. Laurence, their neighbour.

Ans: Mr. Laurence sent the goodies because he heard about how the girls gave up their Christmas breakfast for a poor family, and he was impressed by their kindness.

Ans: The young boy was Mr. Laurence’s grandson. He brought the flowers to the March house while they were performing their play. He seemed sad because he was not having any fun and had no one to share Christmas with.

Language Practice:

A. That young man is harsh nature.
B. A guest has been living the family for long.
C. The small boy put his hand the table to pat his pet.
D. Never laugh a stammering person.
E. When the lady became emotional she had tears ___ her eyes.


A. That young man is harsh by nature.
B. A guest has been living with the family for long.
C. The small boy put his hand on the table to pat his pet.
D. Never laugh at a stammering person.
E. When the lady became emotional she had tears in her eyes.

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