Notes for Class 10 ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’, NCERT English Footprints Without Feet.

‘The Book that Saved the Earth’ is a play featured in the Class 10 NCERT English textbook ‘Footprints without Feet’. Here, you will find chapter notes that include a brief summary, vocabulary in both English and Hindi, which will aid in self-study and revision of the play. Additionally, you can review the Q&A section for this chapter.

Explanation of Scene 1:

This scene sets up the contrast between the arrogance of the Martians, especially Think-Tank, and the eventual twist of how Earth is saved by something as simple as a book.


  • Time: Twenty-fifth century (far in the future).
  • Place: Museum of Ancient History, specifically the Department of the Twentieth Century, on Planet Earth.
  • Characters Introduced:
  • Historian: A guide explaining the importance of books in the 20th century. She sets up the story about how a book saved Earth from a Martian invasion in 2040.
  • Think-Tank: The Commander-in-Chief of Mars with an inflated ego. He is described as having a large egg-shaped head, symbolizing his arrogance and belief in his superior intelligence.
  • Noodle: An apprentice who serves Think-Tank and constantly praises him.


The play opens with the Historian welcoming the audience to the Museum of Ancient History. She introduces her department, which contains curiosities from the 20th century, a time often referred to as the “Era of the Book.” Books were essential tools in those days, used for teaching and decoration. The Historian begins to tell a story about how one book saved Earth from a Martian invasion in the year 2040. The story then shifts to the Martian leader, Think-Tank, who is preparing for an invasion of Earth. Think-Tank, with a huge ego, consults his mirror to confirm that he is the most intelligent being in the universe. He orders his apprentice, Noodle, to establish communication with their space probe to Earth, which he dismisses as an insignificant planet. Think-Tank’s goal is to invade Earth before lunch, showing his overconfidence and casual attitude towards the invasion.

Vocabulary (English & Hindi):

  1. Spotlight: A strong beam of light (विशेष प्रकाश).
  2. Curiosities: Strange or interesting things (रोचक वस्तुएं).
  3. Era: A long period of time marked by a particular feature (युग).
  4. Illustrated: To explain or make clear with pictures or examples (चित्रण किया हुआ).
  5. Educated: Gave knowledge to (शिक्षित).
  6. Tsk, tsk: A sound showing disapproval (नाराज़गी की आवाज़).
  7. Encyclopedia: A book or set of books with information on many topics (विश्वकोश).
  8. Historiscope: A fictional device used to show past events (काल्पनिक यंत्र).
  9. Peevishly: In an irritated or annoyed way (चिड़चिड़े ढंग से).
  10. Salutation: A gesture or expression of greeting (अभिवादन).
  11. Rulership: The act of ruling (शासन).
  12. Generous: Large in amount, abundant (उदार).
  13. Ridiculous: Deserving to be laughed at, absurd (हास्यास्पद).
  14. Intellectual: Related to the mind or intelligence (बौद्धिक).
  15. Primitive: Early or undeveloped (आदिम).
  16. Ball of mud: A derogatory way of describing Earth (मिट्टी का गोला).

Explanation of Scene 2:

Scene 2 shows the Martians’ misunderstanding of Earth’s simplest things, leading to a series of humorous misinterpretations. Their exaggerated conclusions about Earth’s technology are what ultimately scare them away, all because of nursery rhymes from a book!


  • Time: A few seconds after Scene 1.
  • Place: Two locations: Mars Space Control (where Think-Tank and Noodle are) and the Centerville Public Library (where the Martian crew is investigating Earth).


The scene begins with the Martian space crewCaptain Omega, Lieutenant Iota, and Sergeant Oop—exploring a library on Earth. They are confused by the books, thinking they are objects like storage units or hats. Think-Tank, watching them through a communication device, believes the place is a refreshment stand, and the books are sandwiches. He orders them to eat a “sandwich” (a book), leading to comedic reactions, especially from Sergeant Oop, who pretends to eat it and finds it “dry as Martian dust.”

Noodle suggests that the books (mistaken for sandwiches) are communication devices, and Think-Tank orders the crew to “listen” to them. When this fails, Noodle corrects him, saying the Earthlings “watch” the books instead. Think-Tank then concludes that the books contain secret codes. When the crew reads nursery rhymes from Mother Goose, Think-Tank becomes paranoid, interpreting the simple rhymes as evidence of Earth’s advanced civilization.

He believes Earthlings have advanced technology, like growing explosive materials and training animals for space travel. When they read “Humpty Dumpty,” Think-Tank panics, thinking the Earthlings know about him because Humpty Dumpty resembles him. Fearing an invasion of Mars, he orders an evacuation and flees.

The scene ends with the Historian explaining to the audience how a simple book of nursery rhymes, Mother Goose, saved Earth from a Martian invasion. Over time, humans and Martians become friendly, and Martians learn to read and establish libraries—though they still avoid reading Mother Goose.

Vocabulary (English & Hindi):

  1. Catalogue: A system for organizing items, often used for books (सूची).
  2. Refreshment stand: A place where food and drinks are sold (नाश्ता स्टैंड).
  3. Peculiar: Strange or unusual (अजीब).
  4. Haberdashery: A store that sells hats (टोपी की दुकान).
  5. Elementary: Basic or simple (आधारभूत).
  6. Staple: Main or important part of something (मुख्य भाग).
  7. Doubt: To question or feel uncertain (शक करना).
  8. Dubiously: With hesitation or doubt (संदेहपूर्वक).
  9. Levity: Lack of seriousness, lightness in mood (हल्कापन).
  10. Primitive: Simple or early in development (आदिम).
  11. Decipher: To figure out or solve (कोड को समझना).
  12. Twirl: Spin or rotate (घुमाना).
  13. Transcribe: To write down or record (लिखना).
  14. Agriculture: Farming (कृषि).
  15. Mining: Extracting minerals from the earth (खनन).
  16. Levity: Lack of seriousness (हल्कापन).
  17. Evacuate: Leave a place for safety (स्थान खाली करना).
  18. Nursery rhymes: Traditional short songs or poems for children (बाल कविताएँ).

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