The Martian Attack: Notes, Question and Answers Class 7 Wind Chimes

‘The Martian Attack’ is a lesson included in the Class 7 English Wind Chimes textbook. Notes on this lesson, ‘The Martian Attack’, are available, encompassing a summary, explanations, vocabulary, and answers to the exercises within the lesson.

Summary – The Martian Attack

The narrator begins by mentioning that a falling star had passed over Winchester, but they didn’t see it themselves. However, Ogilvy, another character, did see it. He believed it was a meteorite and found it early in the morning in a common area. The meteorite had made a large hole in the ground, and sand and gravel were scattered around. Part of the object, which looked like a giant cylinder, was visible, but most of it was buried in the sand.

Ogilvy was shocked by the strange shape and color of the object. It didn’t look like a normal meteorite. Suddenly, the top of the cylinder began to turn, as if something inside was trying to open it. Scared, Ogilvy ran to tell the authorities.

Soon, people gathered around the cylinder, curious to see what was inside. As the top of the cylinder came off, everyone expected to see a person, but instead, they saw strange movements and glowing eyes. Then, tentacles started to come out of the cylinder, which terrified the people. The creature inside was large, grey, and looked wet, with big eyes and tentacles moving around.

As more creatures appeared from the cylinder, a group of men decided to approach them with a white flag to show that humans were intelligent and meant no harm. However, the creatures responded with flashes of light and green smoke, which killed the men. A deadly beam of heat followed, burning everything in its path—people, trees, and buildings. The scene was one of destruction, as this invisible heat weapon moved quickly, killing everything it touched.

This was the beginning of what came to be known as the “War of the Worlds.”

Vocabulary: The Martian Attack

The meanings given here are arranged alphabetically to help easy access to desired words:

  1. Advances: Moves forward. आगे बढ़ना।
  2. Alarmed: Worried or frightened. चिंतित या डरा हुआ।
  3. Altered: Changed in some way. किसी तरह से बदल दिया गया।
  4. Aperture: An opening or hole. एक छेद या खुला स्थान।
  5. Appendage: Something attached to a larger body, like a limb or arm. किसी बड़े शरीर से जुड़ा हुआ अंग।
  6. Astonished: Greatly surprised or amazed. बहुत हैरान या चकित।
  7. Ashy colour: A pale grayish color, like ash. राख जैसा हल्का धूसर रंग।
  8. Astronomical Society: A group of people interested in studying space and stars. खगोल विज्ञान में रुचि रखने वाले लोगों का समूह।
  9. Billowy: Flowing or moving like a large wave. लहरों की तरह बहता हुआ।
  10. Brim: The edge of something, like a cup or a container. किसी चीज़ का किनारा।
  11. Bulged up: Swelled or stuck out. उभरना या फूला हुआ दिखना।
  12. Bulks: Large masses or shapes. बड़े आकार या मात्रा।
  13. Cavity: A hollow space or hole. एक खाली जगह या गड्ढा।
  14. Chill: A sudden feeling of cold or fear. अचानक ठंड या डर महसूस होना।
  15. Common: A piece of open land in a town or village. गाँव या शहर में खुली जमीन।
  16. Concussion: A sudden shock or impact. अचानक झटका या टकराव।
  17. Deputation: A group of people sent to speak or act on behalf of others. एक समूह जो दूसरों की ओर से बात करने या कार्य करने के लिए भेजा जाता है।
  18. Dispersal: The act of spreading something over a wide area. किसी चीज़ को एक बड़े क्षेत्र में फैलाने की क्रिया।
  19. Distinct: Clearly noticeable; different. साफ तौर पर दिखाई देने वाला; अलग।
  20. Emerge: To come out or become visible. बाहर आना या दिखाई देना।
  21. Enormous: Very large in size or amount. बहुत बड़ा या विशाल।
  22. Entirely: Completely, in every way. पूरी तरह से।
  23. Faint: Weak and difficult to see or hear. कमजोर और देखने या सुनने में कठिन।
  24. Flaming death: Fiery destruction or devastation. आग की तबाही।
  25. Foremost: The most important or in the front. सबसे महत्वपूर्ण या सामने वाला।
  26. Forthwith: Immediately or without delay. तुरंत या बिना देरी के।
  27. Gave way: To be replaced by something else, usually a strong emotion. किसी अन्य चीज़ द्वारा बदल दिया जाना, अकसर एक भावनात्मक प्रतिक्रिया।
  28. Ghost of a beam of light: A very faint or weak light. बहुत हल्की या कमजोर रोशनी।
  29. Glistened: Shined with a wet or glossy surface. चमकना, विशेषकर गीले या चमकदार रूप में।
  30. Grating: A harsh, scraping sound. कर्कश या रगड़ने वाली आवाज़।
  31. Gripped: Held tightly. कसकर पकड़ना।
  32. Gorgon: A mythical creature known for its terrifying appearance. एक पौराणिक जीव जो अपने डरावने रूप के लिए प्रसिद्ध है।
  33. Horror: A feeling of great fear or shock. बहुत ज्यादा डर या सदमा।
  34. Impact: The force of one thing hitting another. टकराने की ताकत या प्रभाव।
  35. Impinged: Had an effect or impact on something. किसी चीज़ पर असर डालना।
  36. Inevitable: Certain to happen; unavoidable. निश्चित रूप से होने वाला; अटल।
  37. Knot of men: A small group of men standing closely together. एक छोटा समूह जो पास-पास खड़ा है।
  38. Luminous: Shining or glowing with light. चमकदार या प्रकाश से जगमगाता।
  39. Meteorite: A piece of rock or metal from space that hits the Earth’s surface. अंतरिक्ष से पृथ्वी पर गिरने वाला पत्थर या धातु का टुकड़ा।
  40. Muffled: A sound that is quiet or not clear. धीमी या अस्पष्ट आवाज़।
  41. Pallid: Pale, typically because of poor health. पीला, आमतौर पर खराब स्वास्थ्य के कारण।
  42. Panted: Breathed quickly and heavily. जल्दी और भारी सांस लेना।
  43. Persuaded: Convinced someone to do or believe something. किसी को कुछ करने या मानने के लिए राज़ी करना।
  44. Phenomena: Observable events or occurrences. देखी जाने वाली घटनाएँ।
  45. Projecting: Sticking out or extending beyond a surface. किसी सतह से बाहर निकला हुआ।
  46. Puffs: Short bursts of air, smoke, or steam. हवा, धुआं, या भाप की छोटी फुहारें।
  47. Quivered: Shook or trembled slightly. हल्का कंपन या कांपना।
  48. Resembling: Looking like or similar to. किसी चीज़ से मिलता-जुलता।
  49. Ridges: Raised lines or edges on a surface. सतह पर उभरी हुई रेखाएं या किनारे।
  50. Sandpits: Places where sand is dug out of the ground. जगहें जहाँ से रेत निकाली जाती है।
  51. Scarcely: Barely or hardly. मुश्किल से।
  52. Shaft of light: A narrow beam of light. प्रकाश की पतली किरण।
  53. Staggering: Walking or moving unsteadily. लड़खड़ाते हुए चलना।
  54. Steadfastly: Firmly or with a steady gaze. दृढ़ता से या स्थिर दृष्टि से।
  55. Streak: A long, thin line or mark of a different color. लंबी और पतली रेखा या निशान।
  56. Stirring: Moving slightly. हल्की हरकत करना।
  57. Sword of heat: A metaphorical phrase indicating intense, destructive heat. अत्यधिक, विनाशकारी गर्मी का प्रतीक।
  58. Tentacles: Long, flexible arms of a creature, often used for grabbing. किसी प्राणी के लंबे, लचीले अंग, जो पकड़ने के लिए उपयोग होते हैं।
  59. Tentacular: Having or related to tentacles. टेंटेकल्स से संबंधित।
  60. Toppled: Fell over or collapsed. गिर पड़ा या ढह गया।
  61. Uncovered part: The part that is not covered or hidden. जो हिस्सा ढका नहीं है।
  62. Unscrewing: Loosening or taking off by turning something like a screw. स्क्रू की तरह घुमा कर खोलना।
  63. Violently: With great force or intensity. बहुत जोर से या तीव्रता से।
  64. Writhing: Twisting and turning movements. मुड़ने और मरोड़ने वाली हरकतें।
  65. Wriggled: Moved by twisting and turning. मरोड़ते और हिलते हुए चलना।
  66. Yard: A unit of length equal to 3 feet or about 0.91 meters. लंबाई का एक माप, जो लगभग 0.91 मीटर के बराबर होता है।

Exercise Q&A: The Martian Attack

Some questions have two set of answers as short answers are also provided to help students have some choice of shorter answers.


  1. What time of day did the first falling star appear, and in which direction was it seen moving?
  2. Where was the ‘meteorite’ found, and what was its appearance?
  3. How did Ogilvy react when he observed the cylinder, and what did he do afterwards?
  4. Describe the initial movements of the creature inside the cylinder as seen by the narrator.
  5. What were some of the distinct physical features of the Martian creature that emerged from the cylinder?
  6. How did the people around the pit attempt to communicate with the Martian and what was the result of their efforts?
  7. What happened when the greenish smoke emerged from the pit, and how did it affect the Deputation?
  1. The first falling star appeared early in the morning and was seen moving eastward, towards Winchester.
  2. The meteorite was found on the common near the sandpits. It had created a large hole in the ground and was partially buried. The visible part looked like a huge cylinder, grey in color, and around thirty yards in diameter.
  3. Ogilvy was astonished by the strange shape and appearance of the cylinder. When he noticed that the top of the cylinder was rotating, he became alarmed and quickly ran to the town to inform the authorities, including the Astronomical Society.
  4. The narrator saw greyish, billowy movements inside the cylinder, and then two glowing discs that looked like eyes. Soon after, tentacles began to emerge from the cylinder, moving and wriggling in the air.
  5. The Martian creature had a big, rounded body about the size of a bear. It had large, dark-colored eyes, a V-shaped mouth, no chin or brow ridges, and several tentacles. Its skin was grey and shiny, like wet leather.
  6. The people tried to communicate with the Martians by sending a Deputation, a group of men who waved a white flag as a sign of peace. However, their efforts failed, as the Martians responded by releasing greenish smoke and a deadly heat beam, killing the men.
  7. When the greenish smoke emerged from the pit, it flashed brightly and the sky darkened. The Deputation was affected by the smoke, and as the heat beam followed, they were burned and killed instantly, turning into flames.

Short Answers:

  1. The falling star appeared early in the morning and was seen moving towards the east, over Winchester.
  2. The meteorite was found near the sandpits on the common. It appeared as a large grey cylinder, mostly buried, with a diameter of about thirty yards.
  3. Ogilvy was shocked by the cylinder’s unusual shape and noticed its top rotating. Alarmed, he quickly ran to the town to inform the authorities.
  4. The narrator saw greyish movements, two glowing eyes, and tentacles emerging from the cylinder, which caused him and the crowd to feel a sense of horror.
  5. The Martian was large, with a rounded body, big dark eyes, a quivering V-shaped mouth, and many tentacles. Its skin appeared wet and shiny.
  6. The people sent a Deputation waving a white flag, but the Martians responded with green smoke and a deadly heat beam, killing the men instantly.
  7. The green smoke was followed by a deadly heat beam that burned the Deputation, turning them to flames, while the heat destroyed everything in its path.
  1. The news soon spread like wildfire, and people started surrounding the hole where cylinder lay. When I arrived, the end of the cylinder was still being unscrewed from within, shortly fell with a ringing concussion on the ground. For a moment the circular cavity seemed perfectly black.
         a. Which news ‘spread like wildfire’?
         b. What caused the ‘hole’ to form?
         c. What is being called a ‘cylinder’ here?
  2. Forthwith another of these creatures appeared in the shadow of the aperture. At this tim, I noticed a little black knot of men, the foremost of whom was waving a white flag. Thus was the Deputation.
         a. Who were ‘these creatures’?
         b. What is being referred to as the Deputation?
         c. What did the Deputation want to show and to whom?
  3. It was sweeping round swiftly and steadily, this flaming death, this invisible, inevitable sword of heat. Suddenly something fell far away to the left and forthwith the hissing humming ceased, and the black dome-like object sank slowly out of sight into the pit.
    Thus began the war of the worlds.
         a. What was ‘it’?
         b. Why has the word ‘sword’ been used in the first sentence?
         c. Which worlds are being referred to here?

1. The news soon spread like wildfire, and people started surrounding the hole where cylinder lay. When I arrived, the end of the cylinder was still being unscrewed from within, shortly fell with a ringing concussion on the ground. For a moment the circular cavity seemed perfectly black.

  • a. Which news ‘spread like wildfire’?
    Ans: The news that a strange object, thought to be a meteorite, had landed in the common and that its top was being unscrewed spread quickly among the people. Short Ans. The news of the cylinder landing and its top being unscrewed.
  • b. What caused the ‘hole’ to form?
    Ans: The hole was caused by the impact of the cylinder, which had fallen from the sky, creating a large crater in the ground. Short Ans. The hole was formed by the impact of the cylinder falling from the sky.
  • c. What is being called a ‘cylinder’ here?
    Ans: The ‘cylinder’ refers to the object that had fallen from the sky, believed to be a meteorite but later revealed to contain Martian creatures. Short Ans. The object from the sky that contained the Martians.

2. Forthwith another of these creatures appeared in the shadow of the aperture. At this time, I noticed a little black knot of men, the foremost of whom was waving a white flag. Thus was the Deputation.

  • a. Who were ‘these creatures’?
    Ans: ‘These creatures’ refers to the Martians, alien beings that had emerged from the cylinder. Short Ans. The creatures were Martians.
  • b. What is being referred to as the Deputation?
    Ans: The Deputation refers to the group of men who approached the Martians with a white flag, intending to communicate with them peacefully. Short Ans. A group of men trying to communicate with the Martians.
  • c. What did the Deputation want to show and to whom?
    Ans: The Deputation wanted to show the Martians that humans were intelligent and meant no harm by signalling with a white flag as a gesture of peace. Short Ans. They wanted to show the Martians that humans were intelligent and peaceful.

3. It was sweeping round swiftly and steadily, this flaming death, this invisible, inevitable sword of heat. Suddenly something fell far away to the left and forthwith the hissing humming ceased, and the black dome-like object sank slowly out of sight into the pit.

  • a. What was ‘it’?
    Ans: ‘It’ refers to the deadly heat beam emitted by the Martians, which was burning everything in its path, including people, trees, and buildings. Short Ans. The deadly heat beam from the Martians.
  • b. Why has the word ‘sword’ been used in the first sentence?
    Ans: The word ‘sword’ is used to describe the heat beam as a weapon of destruction, cutting down everything in its path like an invisible blade. Short Ans. To describe the heat beam as a destructive weapon.
  • c. Which worlds are being referred to here?
    Ans: The ‘worlds’ being referred to are Earth and Mars, symbolizing the start of a war between humans and Martians.
    Short Ans. Earth and Mars.
  1. In what ways does the author, HG Wells, use vivid and descriptive language to
    create a sense of tension and horror in the passage?
  2. How does the initial description of the meteorite and the emerging cylinder make you curious about what is being described?
  3. What about the Martian creature’s appearance and behaviour make it seem like it was not from the Earth?
  4. What caused the enormous hole near the sandpits, and why did Ogilvy believe it was a meteorite?
  5. What evidence led Ogilvy to believe that the creature inside the cylinder was not human?
  6. How did the people around the narrator react when they saw the creature emerging from the cylinder? What emotions did they display?
  7. What did the Deputation plan to communicate to the Martians, and how did the Martians respond?
  8. Describe the effect of the luminous greenish smoke that came out of the pit. How did it impact the Deputation?
  9. What happened to the group of men when flashes of actual flame appeared?
  10. What do you think the ‘invisible, inevitable sword of heat’ refers to in the passage?
  11. What event marked the beginning of the war of the worlds, and what was the outcome for the people in the vicinity of the pit?


  1. HG Wells uses detailed descriptions like “greyish billowy movements,” “tentacles projecting,” and “flaming death” to create an eerie and frightening atmosphere. The uncertainty of what is emerging from the cylinder and the sudden deadly actions build tension and fear.
  2. The description of the meteorite as a large grey cylinder, its strange rotating top, and the mystery of what’s inside sparks curiosity. It hints that something unusual is about to happen, creating suspense.
  3. The Martian had tentacles, large dark eyes, and a quivering mouth, unlike any Earth creature. Its alien behaviour—emerging slowly and using a heat beam—made it seem otherworldly.
  4. The impact of the falling cylinder caused the enormous hole. Ogilvy believed it was a meteorite because of its large size and the way it had crashed into the ground.
  5. The unusual shape, rotating top of the cylinder, and the sight of tentacles and glowing eyes made Ogilvy realize that the creature inside was not human.
  6. The people were horrified and shocked. Their faces showed fear and astonishment as they watched the alien creature emerge.
  7. The Deputation planned to show the Martians that humans were intelligent and peaceful by waving a white flag. However, the Martians responded by releasing green smoke and using a heat beam, killing the men.
  8. The green smoke flashed and darkened the sky. It was followed by a deadly heat beam that burned and killed the Deputation instantly.
  9. The group of men was engulfed in flames, turning into fire as they staggered and fell. The heat beam burned them instantly, causing their destruction.
  10. The ‘invisible, inevitable sword of heat’ refers to the Martians’ deadly heat beam, which was sweeping through and killing everything in its path.
  11. The war of the worlds began when the Martians used their heat beam, killing the Deputation and others around the pit. The people were either burned by the heat beam or fled in terror.


  1. It is ……. to drive fast. (danger)
  2. This is a very ……. chair. (comfort)
  3. She is a very ……. leader. (ambition)
  4. The plane was caught in an ……l storm. (electric)
  5. I read a really ……. story yesterday. (interest)
  6. I found a ……. cover for this cushion. (suit)
  7. After the mishap, he was left ……. (penny)
  8. The girl was ……. towards her teachers. (courtesy)
  9. My sister is extremely ……. and always likes to look her best. (fashion)
  10. The scene was so ……. that I ran away. (frighten)


  1. It is dangerous to drive fast. (danger)
  2. This is a very comfortable chair. (comfort)
  3. She is a very ambitious leader. (ambition)
  4. The plane was caught in an electrical storm. (electric)
  5. I read a really interesting story yesterday. (interest)
  6. I found a suitable cover for this cushion. (suit)
  7. After the mishap, he was left penniless. (penny)
  8. The girl was courteous towards her teachers. (courtesy)
  9. My sister is extremely fashionable and always likes to look her best. (fashion)
  10. The scene was so frightening that I ran away. (frighten)


  1. It was wise of you to come home early but it was ……….. of your brother to go out in the rain. (not wise)
  2. She agrees with us but her father ……. (does not agree)
  3. This is a reliable car, but that one is quite ……. .(not reliable)
  4. I am interested in this game, but my sister is ……. in most games (not interested).
  5. I think we have a sufficient amount of sugar but the flour is ……. (not sufficient)
  6. I am ……. to help you but I am sure my mother can help you. (not able)
  7. The clouds appeared in the sky but they have ……. after it has rained. (does not appear)
  8. It connected the wires but my sister ……. them. (did not connect)
  9. My friends behave themselves but some of the children in that class ……. (do not behave)
  10. I read most of the words correctly but I ……. the new words. (did not read correctly)


  1. It was wise of you to come home early, but it was unwise of your brother to go out in the rain. (not wise)
  2. She agrees with us, but her father disagrees. (does not agree)
  3. This is a reliable car, but that one is quite unreliable. (not reliable)
  4. I am interested in this game, but my sister is uninterested in most games. (not interested)
  5. I think we have a sufficient amount of sugar, but the flour is insufficient. (not sufficient)
  6. I am unable to help you, but I am sure my mother can help you. (not able)
  7. The clouds appeared in the sky, but they have disappeared after it has rained. (does not appear)
  8. I connected the wires, but my sister disconnected them. (did not connect)
  9. My friends behave themselves, but some of the children in that class misbehave. (do not behave)
  10. I read most of the words correctly, but I misread the new words. (did not read correctly)
  1. My brother’s favourite hobby is to painting
  2. She loves to walk in her garden.
  3. I love to work in this office.
  4. My father likes to cook in his spare time.
  5. We are watching them learn how to skate.
  6. To forgive and to forget should be easy.
  7. I thought I would go out to shop at the mall.
  8. It is fun to slide down this little hillock.


  1. My brother’s favourite hobby is painting.
  2. She loves walking in her garden.
  3. I love working in this office.
  4. My father likes cooking in his spare time.
  5. We are watching them learning how to skate.
  6. Forgiving and forgetting should be easy.
  7. I thought I would go out shopping at the mall.
  8. It is fun sliding down this little hillock.
  1. This is an ……. film. (interest)
  2. I don’t like ……. cars. (honk)
  3. The ……. pipe must be replaced. (leak)
  4. The ……. train speeded over the rails. (run)
  5. His ……. speed was less than ideal. (type)
  6. We watched ……. the brook. (babble)
  7. Jane loves the noise of ……. rain. (fall)
  8. We had a drink of the ……. water. (sparkle)


  1. This is an interesting film. (interest)
  2. I don’t like honking cars. (honk)
  3. The leaking pipe must be replaced. (leak)
  4. The running train speeded over the rails. (run)
  5. His typed speed was less than ideal. (type)
  6. We watched babbling the brook. (babble)
  7. Jane loves the noise of falling rain. (fall)
  8. We had a drink of the sparkling water. (sparkle)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Sir, Video of the lesson, THE MARTIAN ATTACK is not there in the channel???

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