The Chair: Chapter Notes – Class 6 English NCERT Book Poorvi (Friendship)

Chapter Notes: “The Chair” – Class 6 English NCERT Book, “Poorvi” (Theme 2: Friendship). Click here for Question and Answers of “The Chair”.


Mario was a boy who was proud of having many friends and liked to show off about it. One day, his grandfather challenged him, saying not all of his schoolmates were real friends. To prove this, his grandfather gave him an invisible chair. If Mario could sit on it at school, he would find out who his true friends were.

At school, Mario tried to sit on the chair but kept falling down, making his classmates laugh at him. However, he didn’t give up. Eventually, Mario managed to sit, but it was because three of his true friends—Guneet, Asma, and Deepa—were holding him up so he wouldn’t fall. The rest of his classmates did nothing but laugh.

Mario learned an important lesson: real friends are those who help and support you, not those who enjoy your bad luck. In the end, Mario, along with his true friends, went to his grandpa’s house, enjoyed fruit chaat, and celebrated.

Explanation of ‘The Chair’ Story

Part 1

Explanation of the Story: Once upon a time, there was a boy named Mario. He loved having many friends and often bragged about how friendly he was with everyone at school. He liked to tell stories about all the friends he had.

One day, Mario’s grandfather had a little bet with him. He said, “Mario, I bet you that you don’t really have as many true friends as you think. Some of them might just be people you know and are just companions or partners.” Mario accepted the challenge, but he was confused about how to find out who his real friends were.

So, Mario asked his grandfather for help. The grandfather went to the attic and came back with an invisible chair. He explained, “This is a special chair. If you can sit on it, magic will happen, and you will see who your true friends are.”

Conclusion: In this story, Mario learns that having a lot of friends doesn’t always mean they are true friends. The invisible chair is a way to test who really cares about him. The adventure that follows will show Mario what true friendship means!

Part 2

Explanation of the Story: Mario, determined to prove his grandfather wrong, took the invisible chair to school. He gathered all his classmates around him to show them something amazing. However, when he tried to sit on the invisible chair, he kept missing it and falling on the ground. This made his classmates laugh at him.

Even though it was embarrassing, Mario kept trying. Finally, on one attempt, he didn’t fall—he was sitting on the invisible chair! But that wasn’t because of the chair’s magic; it was because his true friends, Guneet, Asma, and Deepa, were holding him up so he wouldn’t fall.

Mario realized that not everyone who laughed at him was a real friend. Only those who helped him were his true friends. In the end, Mario understood the lesson his grandfather had taught him: true friends are the ones who care for you when you’re in trouble, not the ones who laugh at your mistakes.

Mario and his three friends went to his grandpa’s house, and they celebrated the win by eating fruit chaat and listening to stories. From then on, Mario knew how to find real friends—through the magic chair test.

Conclusion: This part of the story teaches us that true friends help us when we need them the most, while others might just laugh when we are struggling.

Vocabulary Notes:

Word/PhraseEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
Showed offTo act in a way to attract attention or admiration.दिखावा करना; ध्यान आकर्षित करना।
CompanionsPeople who spend time with you, often as friends.साथी; वे लोग जो आपके साथ समय बिताते हैं।
PartnersPeople who work or do activities together.सहयोगी; जो लोग आपके साथ काम करते हैं।
AcceptedAgreed to something offered or proposed.स्वीकार किया; किसी प्रस्ताव को मानना।
ReadilyWillingly or without hesitation.आसानी से; बिना झिझक या देरी के।
AtticThe space or room just below the roof of a house.अटारी; छत के नीचे का स्थान।
InvisibleSomething that cannot be seen.अदृश्य; जो दिखाई नहीं देता।
TrickyDifficult or complicated to deal with.मुश्किल; जिसे संभालना कठिन हो।
DeterminedHaving a strong will to do something, even if difficult.दृढ़ निश्चयी; कार्य को पूरा करने का इरादा।
Set offStarted a journey or went somewhere.निकल पड़ा; यात्रा पर जाना। रवाना होना।
AmazingVery surprising and wonderful.अद्भुत; बहुत आश्चर्यजनक और शानदार।
PrettyQuite or fairly (informal usage).काफी; साधारण से बेहतर या मध्यम।
BuddiesClose friends.दोस्त; करीबी मित्र।
HoldingGrasping or supporting something.पकड़ना; कुछ पकड़कर या सहारा देकर रखना।
MeanwhileAt the same time, while something else is happening.इसी दौरान; इस बीच,
Takes joy in your bad luckFeels happy when something bad happens to you.आपकी दुर्भाग्य ओर बुरे समय में खुशी महसूस करना।
Little Women Novel Chapter 5

Message of the Poem:

The message of the story The Chair is about the importance of recognizing true friendship. Here are the key points:

  1. True Friends Support You: Real friends are those who help you when you are in trouble and care about your well-being. They celebrate your successes and stand by you during hard times.
  2. It’s Quality Over Quantity: Having many friends doesn’t mean much if they don’t truly care for you. It’s better to have a few close friends who are supportive than many acquaintances who only laugh at your mistakes.
  3. Be Determined: Mario’s determination to prove himself shows that persistence is important. Even when things get tough, trying again is valuable.

Overall, the story teaches us to cherish and appreciate those who truly care about us and to understand the difference between real friends and those who are not.

Key Points

Here are the key points of the story The Chair. These points highlight the central ideas and lessons from the story!

  1. Pride in Friendship: Mario is proud of having many friends and loves to show off about it.
  2. Challenge from Grandpa: Mario’s grandfather challenges him to see if his friends are truly supportive or just companions.
  3. The Invisible Chair: Grandpa gives Mario an invisible chair that he must sit on at school to discover who his real friends are.
  4. Attempts to Sit: At school, Mario tries to sit on the chair but keeps falling, causing laughter among his classmates.
  5. True Friends Come to Help: Eventually, Mario manages to sit on the chair with the help of his true friends—Guneet, Asma, and Deepa—who support him.
  6. Realization: Mario realizes that true friends are the ones who care for him and help him, while others just laugh at his failures.
  7. Celebration with Grandpa: Mario and his true friends celebrate their friendship with his grandfather by enjoying fruit chaat together.
  8. Lesson Learned: The story teaches the importance of recognizing and valuing true friendship over mere companionship.

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