Welcome to our in-depth exploration of “A Piece of Bread” by François Coppée. This post provides a detailed explanation, summary, and analysis of the story, highlighting its key themes and messages. Whether you’re a student preparing for exams or a literature enthusiast, our comprehensive guide will help you understand and appreciate this classic tale.
Summary of “A Piece of Bread”
Summary In English
Here is a simplified summary of the story “A Piece of Bread”:
The story follows a young French nobleman, Duke Henri de Hardimont, who learns that France has suffered a defeat. Feeling a strong sense of duty, he returns to Paris to serve as a soldier. The hardships of war are vividly described, and Henri is stationed in a gloomy, war-torn area. One day, while on duty, he throws away a piece of bread in frustration, not realizing how precious food is to the struggling soldiers around him. A fellow soldier, Jean-Victor, quickly picks it up from the mud and begins eating it. Henri, ashamed of his wasteful action, offers Jean-Victor a drink and apologizes. They begin talking, and Jean-Victor shares his difficult life story—he is a poor, hungry man who grew up in poverty and has faced hunger his entire life.
Henri, moved by Jean-Victor’s story, offers to share his food rations with him from now on, and a bond of friendship forms between them. Later that night, when it’s time for guard duty, Jean-Victor volunteers to take Henri’s place so he can rest. Unfortunately, Jean-Victor is killed in a surprise attack, sacrificing his life for Henri.
After the war, Henri remembers Jean-Victor’s sacrifice. One night, he sees a piece of bread lying in the mud and carefully picks it up, placing it in a clean spot to honor his friend’s memory. This act symbolizes his lasting respect for Jean-Victor and reminds him of the hardships faced by the less fortunate, as well as the value of compassion and gratitude.
Themes: The story highlights the contrasts between social classes, the value of humility, and the deep bonds that can form during difficult times. Henri’s transformation from a wealthy, privileged man to someone who understands and respects the struggles of others is at the heart of the story.
Summary In Hindi
यहाँ “A Piece of Bread” कहानी का एक सरल हिंदी सारांश है:
कहानी एक युवा फ्रांसीसी nobleman, ड्यूक हेनरी डी हार्डिमॉन्ट, के बारे में है, जो यह सुनकर कि फ्रांस युद्ध में हार गया है, कर्तव्य की भावना से पेरिस लौटता है ताकि एक सैनिक के रूप में सेवा कर सके। कहानी युद्ध की कठिनाइयों को चित्रित करती है, और हेनरी को एक उदास, युद्ध से तबाह क्षेत्र में तैनात किया जाता है। एक दिन ड्यूटी पर, वह निराशा में अपनी रोटी का टुकड़ा फेंक देता है, यह सोचे बिना कि उसके जैसे अन्य सैनिकों के लिए भोजन कितना कीमती है। तभी एक और सैनिक, जीन-विक्टर, जल्दी से उस रोटी के टुकड़े को उठाकर खाने लगता है। हेनरी को अपनी बर्बादी पर शर्म महसूस होती है और वह जीन-विक्टर से माफी मांगता है और उसे एक पेय की पेशकश करता है। बातचीत के दौरान, जीन-विक्टर अपनी कठिन जीवन कहानी साझा करता है – वह एक गरीब व्यक्ति है, जो बचपन से भूख का सामना कर रहा है और पूरी ज़िंदगी गरीबी में गुजारी है।
जीन-विक्टर की कहानी सुनकर हेनरी का दिल पिघल जाता है और वह अपने भोजन का हिस्सा जीन-विक्टर के साथ बांटने का वादा करता है। उसी रात, पहरा देने का समय आता है तो जीन-विक्टर हेनरी की जगह लेने का प्रस्ताव रखता है ताकि वह आराम कर सके। दुर्भाग्य से, अचानक हुए हमले में जीन-विक्टर मारा जाता है और अपनी जान देकर हेनरी की रक्षा करता है।
युद्ध के बाद, हेनरी अपने दोस्त जीन-विक्टर की कुर्बानी को याद करते हैं। एक रात, जब वह कीचड़ में पड़ी एक रोटी देखते हैं, तो उसे उठाकर एक साफ जगह पर रख देते हैं, जो उनके दोस्त की याद में किया गया एक सम्मानजनक कार्य था। यह हेनरी के दिल में उस मित्र के प्रति सम्मान और कृतज्ञता का प्रतीक बन जाता है।
कहानी सामाजिक वर्गों के बीच अंतर, विनम्रता का महत्व, और कठिन समय में बनने वाले गहरे संबंधों को दर्शाती है। हेनरी का बदलाव – एक अमीर, विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त व्यक्ति से लेकर किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति तक जो दूसरों के संघर्षों को समझता और उनका सम्मान करता है – इस कहानी का मुख्य संदेश है।
Message of the Story ‘A Piece of Bread’
The moral of the story “A Piece of Bread” is:
- Compassion and Empathy: The story emphasizes the importance of understanding and feeling for the struggles of others, especially those less fortunate. Henri de Hardimont learns to see beyond his privilege and develops a deep compassion for the hardships faced by soldiers like Jean-Victor.
- Value of Humility and Generosity: Henri’s character transforms from a wealthy, self-centered individual to someone who shares what little he has with another person. The story teaches us that true generosity comes from sharing even when we have little ourselves.
- Sacrifice and Gratitude: Jean-Victor’s selfless sacrifice for Henri shows the powerful bond that can form in difficult times. Henri’s gesture of honoring Jean-Victor’s memory by carefully picking up the piece of bread shows the importance of remembering and appreciating the sacrifices made by others.
- Importance of Small Acts of Kindness: Even small acts, like sharing a piece of bread, can have a lasting impact and can change a person’s life. The story teaches that kindness, no matter how small, can lead to meaningful connections and make a difference in someone’s life.
In summary, the moral of the story is to be compassionate, generous, and grateful, and to recognize the value of every human being, regardless of their social status.
Vocabulary Notes (meanings)
- पेरिचोल
- English: The name of the duke’s horse.
- Hindi: ड्यूक के घोड़े का नाम
- Wind-broken
- English: Having difficulty breathing, especially due to lung damage in horses.
- Hindi: सांस लेने में कठिनाई होना, खासकर घोड़ों में फेफड़ों की बीमारी के कारण
- Disastrous engagement
- English: A battle that ended terribly or disastrously.
- Hindi: भयानक रूप से समाप्त हुई लड़ाई या युद्ध
- Reichshoffen
- English: A place in France where a significant battle took place.
- Hindi: फ्रांस में एक जगह जहाँ एक महत्वपूर्ण लड़ाई हुई थी
- Horrible feeling of suffocation
- English: A terrible feeling of not being able to breathe, often due to strong emotions.
- Hindi: घुटन का भयानक एहसास, आमतौर पर तीव्र भावनाओं के कारण
- Regiment
- English: A large group of soldiers in the army.
- Hindi: सेना में सैनिकों का एक बड़ा समूह
- Advance guard
- English: A front part of an army ready to confront the enemy.
- Hindi: सेना का अग्रिम भाग जो दुश्मन से मुकाबला करने के लिए तैयार होता है
- Redoubt of Hautes Bruyères
- English: A defensive structure at Hautes Bruyères.
- Hindi: Hautes Bruyères में एक रक्षात्मक संरचना
- Fortified in haste
- English: Strengthened or protected quickly.
- Hindi: जल्दी से मज़बूत या सुरक्षित किया गया
- Gloomy place
- English: A dark, depressing place.
- Hindi: उदास और अंधेरी जगह
- Clusters of broom
- English: Groups of plants with yellow flowers.
- Hindi: पीले फूलों वाले पौधों के समूह
- Muddy ruts
- English: Deep tracks in the ground filled with mud.
- Hindi: गीली मिट्टी में बने गहरे निशान
- Traversing the leprous fields
- English: Moving across fields that look diseased or spoiled.
- Hindi: बीमार या सड़ी-गली दिखने वाली ज़मीन के पार जाना
- Abandoned
- English: Left empty, with no people.
- Hindi: छोड़ दिया हुआ, खाली
- Arbors
- English: Shady places, often with trees or trellises.
- Hindi: पेड़ों या बेलों से छायादार जगहें
- Fallen back
- English: Retreated or moved back.
- Hindi: पीछे हट गए
- Grape-shot
- English: Small cannonballs packed together for firing.
- Hindi: छोटे तोप के गोले, जिन्हें एक साथ फायर करने के लिए पैक किया गया
- Shudder
- English: To shake with fear or disgust.
- Hindi: डर या घृणा से काँपना
- Wretched winter sky
- English: Miserable, dark, and cold sky in winter.
- Hindi: उदासीन और ठंडा सर्दी का आसमान
- Odious sky
- English: A sky that looks unpleasant or hateful.
- Hindi: नफरत से भरा या अप्रिय आसमान
- Angry and hateful
- English: Looking fierce and unpleasant.
- Hindi: गुस्से और नफरत से भरा हुआ
- Tavern
- English: A small inn or pub.
- Hindi: एक छोटा सा सराय या शराबखाना
- Benumbed
- English: Numb or frozen, often due to cold.
- Hindi: ठंड के कारण सुन्न
- Sheepskin coat
- English: A coat made from sheepskin, warm and thick.
- Hindi: भेड़ की खाल से बना मोटा और गर्म कोट
- Krupp gun followed by a report
- English: A type of cannon followed by the sound of firing.
- Hindi: एक प्रकार की तोप जिसके बाद गोली चलने की आवाज़ आती है
- Stooping
- English: Bending forward or down.
- Hindi: आगे की ओर या नीचे की ओर झुकना
- Knapsack
- English: A backpack or bag carried by soldiers.
- Hindi: सैनिकों द्वारा ले जाया जाने वाला बैग
- Ammunition bread
- English: Basic, hard bread given to soldiers as rations.
- Hindi: सैनिकों को राशन के रूप में दिया गया कठोर और साधारण ब्रेड
- Café-Anglais
- English: A famous restaurant in Paris.
- Hindi: पेरिस का एक प्रसिद्ध रेस्तरां
- Cutlet
- English: A small piece of meat, often breaded and fried.
- Hindi: मांस का एक टुकड़ा, आमतौर पर तला हुआ
- Buttered eggs
- English: Eggs cooked with butter.
- Hindi: मक्खन के साथ पकाए गए अंडे
- Asparagus
- English: A green vegetable.
- Hindi: एक हरी सब्ज़ी
- Accustomed to
- English: Used to or familiar with.
- Hindi: आदी होना
- Soldier of the line
- English: A regular, front-line soldier.
- Hindi: एक सामान्य सैनिक जो सामने की पंक्ति में लड़ता है
- Poor devil
- English: A term for someone who is pitied.
- Hindi: दया के पात्र व्यक्ति
- Feverish eyes
- English: Eyes that look tired or unwell, often due to sickness.
- Hindi: बुखार से ग्रस्त आंखें
- Hospital beard
- English: A beard grown due to lack of care, as in a hospital.
- Hindi: अस्पताल में देखभाल की कमी से बढ़ी हुई दाढ़ी
- Reproach
- English: Blame or disappointment.
- Hindi: आलोचना या निराशा
- Acquaintance
- English: Someone you know.
- Hindi: जान-पहचान का व्यक्ति
- Châtillon
- English: A place in France.
- Hindi: फ्रांस का एक स्थान
- Infirmary
- English: A small hospital or place for sick soldiers.
- Hindi: बीमार सैनिकों के लिए छोटा अस्पताल
- Horse bouillon
- English: Broth or soup made with horse meat.
- Hindi: घोड़े के मांस से बना सूप
- Devoured by hunger
- English: Extremely hungry, as if “eaten” by hunger.
- Hindi: भूख से बहुत पीड़ित
- Comrade
- English: A friend or fellow soldier.
- Hindi: साथी या साथी सैनिक
- Startling
- English: Surprising or shocking.
- Hindi: चौंकाने वाला
- Sybarite
- English: Someone who enjoys luxury and pleasure.
- Hindi: ऐश्वर्य और आनंद पसंद करने वाला व्यक्ति
- Terrified amazement
- English: Shocked with fear.
- Hindi: डर के साथ चौंक जाना
- Sickly face
- English: A face that looks unwell or pale.
- Hindi: बीमार या पीला चेहरा
- Ceasing
- English: Stopping.
- Hindi: रुकना
- Divining
- English: Understanding or sensing.
- Hindi: समझना या महसूस करना
- Foundling
- English: An abandoned child or orphan.
- Hindi: एक त्यागा हुआ बच्चा या अनाथ
- As pale as a wax-taper
- English: Extremely pale, like a candle.
- Hindi: बहुत पीला, जैसे मोमबत्ती
- Communion
- English: A deep emotional connection or spiritual bond.
- Hindi: गहरी भावनात्मक या आध्यात्मिक संबंध
- Apprentice
- English: A person who is learning a trade or skill.
- Hindi: एक प्रशिक्षु जो किसी कला या कौशल को सीख रहा है
- Faubourg Saint-Jacques
- English: A district or neighborhood in Paris.
- Hindi: पेरिस का एक इलाका
- That is not a trade
- English: Implies that the work is not a respectable profession.
- Hindi: यह सम्मानजनक पेशा नहीं है
- Crusts from the dust
- English: Leftover pieces of bread picked up from the ground.
- Hindi: जमीन पर गिरे हुए रोटी के टुकड़े
- Windfalls
- English: Unexpected gains, often fruit fallen from trees.
- Hindi: अप्रत्याशित लाभ, जैसे पेड़ से गिरे फल
- Nibbled
- English: Ate in small bites.
- Hindi: छोटे-छोटे कौरों में खाना
- Prowl
- English: To move around stealthily, usually looking for something.
- Hindi: चोरी-छिपे घूमना, अक्सर कुछ खोजते हुए
- Errands
- English: Small tasks or chores, usually done outside the home.
- Hindi: छोटे काम या चक्कर जो आमतौर पर बाहर के होते हैं
- Enlisted
- English: Joined the military voluntarily.
- Hindi: स्वेच्छा से सेना में भर्ती होना
- Siege and famine
- English: A prolonged attack on a place, causing starvation.
- Hindi: लंबे समय तक घेरा और भूख से पीड़ित
- Profoundly moved
- English: Deeply touched or affected.
- Hindi: गहराई से प्रभावित
- Phlegm
- English: Calmness or composure, sometimes meaning sluggishness.
- Hindi: शांति या ठंडापन, कभी-कभी धीमापन भी
- Dandy
- English: A person, usually a man, who is very concerned with his appearance.
- Hindi: ऐसा व्यक्ति जो अपने रूप-रंग की बहुत परवाह करता है
- By a delicate tact
- English: With careful and sensitive approach.
- Hindi: संवेदनशील और सावधानीपूर्वक दृष्टिकोण से
- Commissary
- English: A store that supplies food and goods, especially for soldiers.
- Hindi: एक दुकान जो सैनिकों के लिए खाद्य सामग्री और वस्त्र प्रदान करती है
- Delicate appetite
- English: Preferring finer or more luxurious food.
- Hindi: अधिक स्वादिष्ट या महंगी चीज़ों का शौकीन
- Comrades
- English: Fellow soldiers or close friends.
- Hindi: साथी सैनिक या करीबी दोस्त
- Endymion
- English: A reference to the Greek mythological figure known for his beauty.
- Hindi: यूनानी पौराणिक पात्र जिसे सुंदरता के लिए जाना जाता है
- Sentinels
- English: Guards or watchmen.
- Hindi: प्रहरी या चौकीदार
- Prussians
- English: Refers to soldiers from Prussia, a historic region in Europe.
- Hindi: यूरोप के एक ऐतिहासिक क्षेत्र प्रशिया के सैनिक
- Madeleine
- English: A reference to the church La Madeleine in Paris.
- Hindi: पेरिस का ला मैडलिन चर्च
- Spattered
- English: Covered with spots or splashes of mud or dirt.
- Hindi: कीचड़ या गंदगी के छींटों से ढका हुआ
- Monsieur de Saulnes
- English: A character in the story, likely a person of nobility.
- Hindi: कहानी का एक पात्र, शायद एक कुलीन व्यक्ति
- Embroidered with his armorial bearings
- English: Decorated with symbols of family or nobility.
- Hindi: परिवार या कुल के प्रतीकों से सजी हुई
- It offends me
- English: It irritates or bothers me.
- Hindi: यह मुझे परेशान करता है
Explanation of “A piece of Bread”
The story is given here by dividing it in different sections. It would help in understanding the story.
Section 1: Duke de Hardimont Learns of France’s Loss
“The young Duke de Hardimont happened to be at Aix in Savoy, whose waters he hoped would benefit his famous mare, Perichole, who had become wind-broken since the cold she had caught at the last Derby, and was finishing his breakfast while glancing over the morning paper, when he read the news of the disastrous engagement at Reichshoffen.
Upon learning that France had lost a battle on French soil, the young duke felt the blood mount to his face, giving him a horrible feeling of suffocation.”
The Duke de Hardimont, a young nobleman, was in a town called Aix in Savoy. He was there to help his horse, Perichole, who had breathing trouble after getting sick at a horse race. While having breakfast, he read in the newspaper that France had lost a big battle on its own land. This news made him feel so shocked and sad that he felt like he couldn’t breathe, as if he was choking.
Section 2: The Battlefield at Hautes Bruyères
“And so, early in November, 1870, Henri de Hardimont returned to Paris with his regiment, forming part of Vinoy’s corps… the cannon of Fort Bicêtre.”
In November 1870, the duke went back to Paris to join his regiment (a large group of soldiers). He was part of General Vinoy’s corps, and his company (a smaller group within the regiment) was stationed as the frontline before a defence called Hautes Bruyères. This place had been quickly fortified to protect a fort nearby called Fort Bicêtre, where cannons were positioned to defend Paris.
Section 3: Description of the Battlefield
“It was a gloomy place; a road planted with clusters of broom, and broken up into muddy ruts, traversing the leprous fields of the neighbourhood; on the border stood an abandoned tavern, a tavern with arbors, where the soldiers had established their post… an odious sky, angry and hateful.”
The battlefield was a very gloomy and sad place. The road was full of plants and muddy, broken paths. There was an old, abandoned tavern (a small inn or pub) nearby, where the soldiers had set up their station. The tavern and the trees around it showed signs of damage from the battle, with bullet scars and bloodstains on the walls. The sky was dark and cloudy, adding to the depressing feeling of the place.
Section 4: The Duke’s Bitter Bread
“At the door of the tavern stood the young duke, motionless… he bit off a morsel and slowly ate it.”
The duke was standing at the tavern’s door, lost in sad thoughts. He was cold, tired, and feeling defeated as he looked at the hills in the distance, where enemy guns fired. Feeling hungry, he took a piece of army bread from his bag. Since he had no knife, he bit off a small piece to eat. But the bread tasted hard and bitter, making him remember better, happier meals in the past.
Section 5: The Soldier and the Bread
“But after a few mouthfuls, he had enough of it… and began to devour it eagerly.”
After taking a few bites, the duke couldn’t eat any more because the bread tasted bad, so he threw it away in frustration. Just then, a poor, hungry soldier saw the bread, picked it up, wiped it on his sleeve to clean it, and began eating it quickly. The duke felt ashamed for wasting the bread when this soldier was so grateful to have it.
Section 6: Jean-Victor’s Hard Life
“Henri de Hardimont was already ashamed of his action, and now with a feeling of pity… but, such as you see me, I have been hungry all my life.”
The duke, feeling sorry for the soldier, started talking to him. The soldier introduced himself as Jean-Victor and explained that he had been hungry his entire life. He grew up as an orphan in an asylum (a home for children without parents) and was often so poor he had to eat scraps from the streets. Jean-Victor told the duke that he joined the army to survive, but even in the army, he barely got enough to eat.
Section 7: The Duke’s Kind Offer
“The young duke had a kind heart… ‘we will share it like good comrades.”
Moved by Jean-Victor’s sad story, the duke promised to share his bread with him from now on. They shook hands as friends. The duke was touched by the soldier’s difficult life and decided to help him as a friend and equal, showing kindness and respect.
Section 8: Jean-Victor’s Sacrifice
“Toward midnight Jean-Victor awoke, being hungry probably… Shot through the head with a bullet—died without a word!”
That night, when the soldiers were called to replace others on guard duty, Jean-Victor saw that the duke was sleeping peacefully. Out of kindness, he decided to take the duke’s place so he could keep resting. Tragically, Jean-Victor was killed during the attack, sacrificing his life to let his new friend rest.
Section 9: The Duke’s Tribute
“One night last winter, the Duke de Hardimont left his club… It is in memory of a poor fellow who died for me.”
Sometime after the war, the duke was walking down a street in Paris and saw a piece of bread on the ground. Remembering Jean-Victor, he carefully picked up the bread, cleaned it, and placed it somewhere clean, to honor his friend. When his friend laughed at this action, the duke explained that it was a tribute to the soldier who had died for him, showing his gratitude and respect for Jean-Victor’s sacrifice.