Notes and answers are shared for the Chapter 6 in the novel “Little Women” abridged by Sraboni Ghosh. The notes contain a summary with key points and word meanings. Later solutions to exercises are given. Click here for the 5th part and the 7th part.
Summary of the passage with key points:
- March Sisters’ Visits to the Laurence Mansion:
- The March girls slowly overcame their shyness and began visiting Mr. Laurence’s big house.
- Mr. Laurence often reminisced with Mrs. March about old times, making everyone feel more comfortable.
- Laurie appreciated their care and kindness as neighbors.
- Activities at the Mansion:
- The sisters enjoyed different parts of the mansion:
- Meg loved the conservatory.
- Jo spent time reading in the library.
- Amy admired the paintings.
- Laurie was a gracious host.
- Beth, however, was too shy to play the piano because she was scared of Mr. Laurence.
- The sisters enjoyed different parts of the mansion:
- Mr. Laurence’s Thoughtful Gesture for Beth:
- Noticing Beth’s hesitation, Mr. Laurence casually mentioned to Mrs. March that someone should play the piano to keep it in tune.
- This encouraged Beth to introduce herself and ask if she could play the piano.
- Mr. Laurence welcomed her warmly, saying she was doing him a favor.
- Beth’s Gift to Mr. Laurence:
- Beth was so grateful that she decided to make a pair of slippers for him.
- With her mother’s support, she sewed the slippers and wrote a thank-you note.
- Laurie helped place the gift on Mr. Laurence’s table.
- Mr. Laurence’s Response:
- Mr. Laurence sent Beth a heartfelt letter praising her needlework and included a small cabinet piano as a gift.
- Beth was overwhelmed with joy and couldn’t believe the piano was for her.
- Beth’s Visit to Thank Mr. Laurence:
- Overcoming her shyness, Beth went to thank him in person.
- She gave him a kiss on the cheek, surprising him but making him very happy.
- He felt as if he had his little granddaughter back.
- A New Bond:
- From that moment, Beth stopped fearing Mr. Laurence.
- Their relationship grew stronger, based on mutual affection and kindness.
Moral: This part beautifully portrays how simple acts of kindness, gratitude, and courage can create deep and meaningful bonds between people.
Meanings in English and Hindi
- Reminiscing (यादें ताज़ा करना)
- Talking or thinking about past memories with fondness.
- पुराने यादगार पलों को प्यार से याद करना।
- Example: Mr. Laurence was reminiscing about old times with Mrs. March. मिस्टर लॉरेंस पुराने समय की बातें मिसेज मार्च से कर रहे थे।
- Ease the Situation (स्थिति को सहज बनाना)
- To make a tense or difficult situation more comfortable or relaxed.
- किसी कठिन या तनावपूर्ण स्थिति को आरामदायक बनाना।
- Example: Mr. Laurence’s talks helped to ease the situation for the March girls. मिस्टर लॉरेंस की बातों ने मार्च बहनों के लिए स्थिति को सहज बनाया।
- Pleasant (सुखद)
- Enjoyable, pleasing, or agreeable.
- आनंददायक, खुशहाल, या मनभावन।
- Example: The time spent at Mr. Laurence’s mansion was pleasant for the girls. मिसाल: मिस्टर लॉरेंस की हवेली में बिताया गया समय लड़कियों के लिए सुखद था।
- Revelled (आनंद लेना)
- To enjoy something greatly or with excitement.
- किसी चीज़ का भरपूर आनंद लेना।
- Example: Amy revelled in admiring the beautiful paintings in the mansion. एमी ने हवेली में सुंदर पेंटिंग्स का भरपूर आनंद लिया।
- Host (मेजबान)
- A person who entertains guests.
- वह व्यक्ति जो मेहमानों की मेजबानी करता है।
- Example: Laurie played the role of a perfect host during the parties. लॉरी ने पार्टियों के दौरान एक आदर्श मेज़बान की भूमिका निभाई।
- Rapturous (अत्यधिक खुश)
- Feeling or showing great joy and happiness.
- बहुत अधिक खुशी और उत्साह महसूस करना।
- Example: Beth felt rapturous when Mr. Laurence allowed her to play the piano. जब मिस्टर लॉरेंस ने बेथ को पियानो बजाने की इजाजत दी तो वह बेहद खुश हुई।
- Overwhelmed (आभाविभूत)
- Feeling deeply affected or emotional due to something powerful or unexpected.
- किसी शक्तिशाली या अप्रत्याशित चीज़ से गहराई से प्रभावित या भावुक होना।
- Example: Beth was overwhelmed when she received the piano as a gift मिसाल: जब बेथ को पियानो उपहार में मिला तो वह भावुक हो गई।
- Lavished (भरपूर देना)
- To give something in abundance or generously.
- किसी चीज़ को बहुतायत से या उदारता से देना।
- Example: Mr. Laurence lavished praises on Beth’s needlework. मिस्टर लॉरेंस ने बेथ के कढ़ाई-काम की भरपूर प्रशंसा की।
- Gruff Voice (कड़क आवाज़)
- A deep and rough voice, often sounding stern or unfriendly.
- गहरी और कड़ी आवाज़, जो अक्सर सख्त लगती है।
- Example: Beth heard a gruff voice calling, “Come in,” when she knocked on Mr. Laurence’s study door. जब बेथ ने मिस्टर लॉरेंस के अध्ययन के दरवाजे पर दस्तक दी तो उसने एक कड़क आवाज़ सुनी, “अंदर आओ।”
Solutions and Answers
- How did the March girls overcome their shyness?
Answer: The March girls overcame their shyness gradually by visiting the big house and interacting with Mr. Laurence, who shared old memories with their mother and made them feel comfortable. - How did the children spend their time?
Answer: The children enjoyed their time by having parties at the big house, sleigh-riding, skating, exploring the conservatory, reading in the library, and admiring pictures. - How did Mr. Laurence ease the situation for Beth?
Answer: Mr. Laurence eased the situation for Beth by talking about music and casually suggesting to Mrs. March that someone should practice on the piano to keep it in tune. - What made Beth rapturous?
Answer: Beth became rapturous when Mr. Laurence invited her to play the piano, and later, when he gifted her a small cabinet piano with a heartfelt letter. - How did Beth show her gratitude to Mr. Laurence? Give two examples.
Answer: The two examples are:- Beth made a pair of slippers for Mr. Laurence as a token of her gratitude. She went to his house to personally thank him and affectionately kissed him on the cheek.
- What overwhelmed Beth?
Answer: Beth was overwhelmed when she received the small cabinet piano and Mr. Laurence’s letter, which praised her work and kindness. - What gave courage to Beth to go and thank the old man?
Answer: Beth’s love and gratitude for Mr. Laurence gave her the courage to personally thank him. - How did Mr. Laurence react at Beth’s gestures?
Answer: Mr. Laurence was surprised but deeply moved by Beth’s affectionate gestures. He appreciated her kindness and felt as if he had regained his granddaughter.
Language Practice:
Language Practice : Study the sentence :
Beth lacked courage to play at the piano. Here ‘lacked’ means Beth did not have the courage to play at the piano.
Now transform the sentences in the first manner :
A. The poor boy did not have enough money to pay the fees.
B. I do not have the enthusiasm to go trekking.
C. The mob does not have the sense to act rationally.
D. The employee does not have the courage to refuse his employer.
A. The poor boy lacked enough money to pay the fees.
B. I lacked the enthusiasm to go trekking.
C. The mob lacked the sense to act rationally.
D. The employee lacked the courage to refuse his employer.