The Eyes Have It by Philip K. Dick Notes Summary Meanings and Answers Class 8 English Wind Chimes

Here are shared with students the Notes, Question and Answers based on the chapter ‘The Eyes have It” by Philip Dick. You would get a summary in English and Hindi, Vocabulary notes (Word Meanings) and Question & Answers as given class 8 Wind Chimes English textbook.

Notes – The Eyes Have It

Summary of The Eyes Have It by Philip K. Dick

The story is about a man who reads a book and starts believing something strange about the characters in it. While reading, he notices sentences that sound odd, like “his eyes roved about the room” or “she gave him her hand.” He takes these lines literally and imagines that people in the book can remove their eyes, arms, or other body parts.

As he reads more, he becomes convinced that these characters are aliens pretending to be humans. They can split in two, remove body parts, and still act normal. The narrator is horrified and feels he has uncovered a secret invasion of Earth by these strange creatures.

In the end, the man is so scared that he stops reading and avoids thinking about it anymore. He decides not to do anything about this “discovery” because it’s too overwhelming for him to handle.

The story is a humorous look at how someone might misunderstand phrases in language when they take them too literally.

Summary in Hindi

यह कहानी एक ऐसे व्यक्ति की है जो एक किताब पढ़ते समय उसमें लिखी बातों को बहुत गंभीरता से लेता है और उनकी गलत व्याख्या करता है। कहानी में हास्यपूर्ण और व्यंग्यात्मक तरीके से दिखाया गया है कि भाषा को गलत समझने से कैसी भ्रमित करने वाली स्थिति पैदा हो सकती है।

कहानी में, मुख्य पात्र (नरेटर या लेखक ) एक बस में मिली किताब पढ़ता है। किताब में उसने एक वाक्य पढ़ा: “his eyes roved about the room” (उसकी आंखें कमरे में इधर-उधर घूम रही थीं)। इसे पढ़कर वह सोचने लगा कि किताब के पात्र अपनी आंखें निकालकर इधर-उधर घुमा सकते हैं। इसके बाद, उसने और वाक्य पढ़े जैसे:

  • “his eyes moved from person to person” (उसकी आंखें एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति पर गईं)।
  • “he put his arm around her, and then removed it” (उसने अपना हाथ उसके चारों ओर रखा और फिर हटा लिया)।

यह सब पढ़कर नरेटर को यकीन हो गया कि किताब में जो लोग हैं, वे असल में इंसान नहीं, बल्कि कोई एलियन प्रजाति के हैं। वह सोचने लगा कि ये प्रजाति अपनी आंखें, हाथ, और शरीर के अन्य अंगों को आसानी से अलग कर सकती है और फिर भी जीवित रहती है।

आगे चलकर, उसने पढ़ा:

  • “we split up” (हम अलग-अलग हो गए)।
    नरेटर ने इसे समझा कि ये प्रजाति खुद को दो हिस्सों में बांट सकती है, जैसे कोई सरल जीव (starfish) करता है।

एक और वाक्य पढ़कर वह और डर गया:

  • “she gave him her heart” (उसने उसे अपना दिल दे दिया)।
    इससे उसे लगा कि ये लोग अपने अंगों को दान कर सकते हैं और फिर भी सामान्य तरीके से रहते हैं।

कहानी के अंत में, नरेटर इतना डर जाता है कि वह किताब बंद कर देता है। वह इसे किसी और से साझा नहीं करता क्योंकि उसे लगता है कि आम लोग इसे समझ नहीं पाएंगे। वह अपनी पत्नी और बच्चों के साथ सामान्य जीवन जीने की कोशिश करता है और इस “खोज” को भूलने का प्रयास करता है।

मुख्य संदेश

यह कहानी हास्य और व्यंग्य का उपयोग करते हुए यह बताती है कि भाषा को गलत समझने से कितने अजीब निष्कर्ष निकल सकते हैं। इसमें यह भी दिखाया गया है कि कभी-कभी हम कल्पना में इतने खो जाते हैं कि साधारण चीजें भी हमें डराने लगती हैं।

Vocabular: Word Meanings

Word/PhraseEnglish MeaningHindi Meaning
Frame housesWooden houses made using a framework of timber.लकड़ी के ढांचे से बने घर।
Paperbacked bookA book with a soft, paper cover instead of a hard one.एक किताब जिसकी जिल्द कागज की बनी होती है, कठोर कवर नहीं होता।
TrailA path or a series of clues leading to something.रास्ता या सुरागों की कड़ी।
Came across the reference that first put me on the trailFound a piece of information that started leading me toward a discovery.एक जानकारी मिली जिसने मुझे खोज की दिशा में ले जाना शुरू किया।
Import to sink inFor the meaning or significance of something to become clear.किसी बात के महत्व को समझने में समय लगना।
ComprehendedFully understood something.पूरी तरह समझना।
Indigenous to EarthNaturally belonging to Earth.पृथ्वी का स्वाभाविक निवासी।
CustomarilyUsually or traditionally.आमतौर पर या परंपरागत रूप से।
Customarily masquerading as ordinary human beingsUsually pretending to be normal humans.आमतौर पर सामान्य मनुष्यों के रूप में होने का नाटक करना।
DisguiseA way to hide one’s true identity.अपनी असली पहचान छिपाने का तरीका।
In the face ofDespite something or when confronted with something.के बावजूद या किसी चीज का सामना करते हुए।
Taking it in his strideAccepting something without being overly surprised or upset.किसी बात को सहजता से स्वीकार करना।
RovedMoved or wandered around.घूमना या भटकना।
His eyes slowly roved about the roomHis gaze moved slowly around the room.उसकी नज़र धीरे-धीरे कमरे में घूमी।
Vague chills assailed meI felt an unclear but unsettling fear or discomfort.मुझे अस्पष्ट लेकिन बेचैन कर देने वाला डर महसूस हुआ।
Tried to picture the eyesTried to imagine what the eyes looked like.आंखों की कल्पना करने की कोशिश की।
DimesSmall coins in the US currency.अमेरिका की मुद्रा में छोटे सिक्के।
Tipped me offGave me a clue or warned me.मुझे एक संकेत या चेतावनी दी।
Outrageous thingSomething very shocking or unbelievable.बहुत चौंकाने वाली या अविश्वसनीय बात।
AmplifiedMade larger, clearer, or more detailed.विस्तार से स्पष्ट करना या बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर दिखाना।
In a nutshellBriefly or in summary.संक्षेप में।
Slow suspicion burned in my mindGradually developed a feeling of doubt or mistrust.धीरे-धीरे शक या अविश्वास की भावना पैदा हुई।
Too easily in his strideAccepted too calmly without showing much reaction.बिना ज्यादा प्रतिक्रिया दिखाए बहुत आसानी से स्वीकार कर लेना।
Presently his eyes fastened on JuliaHis gaze settled on Julia.उसकी नज़र जूलिया पर टिक गई।
Had at least the breeding to feel indignantWas cultured enough to feel angry or offended.इतना सभ्य था कि उसे गुस्सा या नाराजगी महसूस हुई।
Blushing and knitting her brows angrilyTurning red in anger and frowning.गुस्से में लाल हो जाना और भौंहें सिकोड़ना।
Stomped offWalked away angrily with heavy steps.गुस्से में जोर-जोर से कदम रखते हुए चला जाना।
Gasping with horrorBreathing heavily out of fear or shock.डर या झटके के कारण जोर-जोर से सांस लेना।
Ordinary run-of-the-mill personA very normal or average person.एक बहुत ही सामान्य व्यक्ति।
Presently she asked him if he would remove his armShe asked him to take away his arm.उसने उससे पूछा कि क्या वह अपना हाथ हटा सकता है।
The full meaning was there, staring me right in the faceThe complete truth was obvious and clear.पूरी सच्चाई स्पष्ट और सामने थी।
Without batting an eyelashWithout showing any surprise or reaction.बिना किसी प्रतिक्रिया या आश्चर्य के।
Incredible revelationA surprising or amazing discovery.एक चौंकाने वाला या अद्भुत खुलासा।
Tossed off coolly by the author without the faintest tremorCasually written by the author without showing any emotion.लेखक द्वारा बिना किसी भावना के सहजता से लिखा गया।
Binary fissionA form of reproduction where a single organism splits into two.प्रजनन का एक रूप जिसमें एक जीव दो भागों में विभाजित हो जाता है।
Made outUnderstood or recognized.समझना या पहचानना।
He has utterly no gutsHe has no courage or bravery.उसमें बिल्कुल भी साहस नहीं है।
Quite deliberatelyOn purpose or intentionally.जानबूझकर।
Final disposition of the organThe last action taken regarding the body part.अंग के साथ किए गए अंतिम कार्य।
VisceraInternal organs of the body.शरीर के आंतरिक अंग।
QualmA feeling of doubt or uneasiness.संदेह या बेचैनी की भावना।
I sickenedI felt disgusted or unwell.मुझे घृणा या बुरा महसूस हुआ।
Start dismantlingBegin to take apart.अलग करना शुरू करना।
Carefree bits of anatomy whose travels had originally thrown me on the trackBody parts that seemed to move freely, leading to the discovery.शरीर के हिस्से जो स्वतंत्र रूप से चलते हुए दिखाई दिए और खोज की ओर ले गए।
As if the accursed things were following meAs if the cursed objects were chasing me.जैसे वे अभिशप्त चीजें मेरा पीछा कर रही थीं।
Frantic fervorIntense and desperate enthusiasm or activity.तीव्र और बेचैन उत्साह या गतिविधि।
I had had enough of the thingI could no longer tolerate or deal with it.मैं इसे और सहन नहीं कर सकता।
I have absolutely no stomach for itI have no courage or desire to face it.इसे सहन करने या सामना करने की कोई इच्छा या साहस नहीं है।
The Eyes have It by Philip Dick

Textbook Exercise Q&A


1. What was the narrator doing when he discovered something?
Answer: The narrator was sitting in his chair and flipping through a book he found on a bus.

2. What did the narrator discover accidentally?
Answer: He discovered a strange reference to nonhuman creatures pretending to be humans.

3. What was the response from the Government when the narrator wrote to them about the discovery?
Answer: The Government sent back a pamphlet about the repair and maintenance of frame houses.

4. How did the narrator stumble upon the reference that put him on the trail?
Answer: He came across a line in the book that described eyes moving around the room, which seemed unnatural.

5. What characteristics of the nonhuman species were revealed in the book the narrator was reading?
Answer: The nonhuman species could remove body parts, such as eyes and arms, and even split themselves into two.

6. How did the characters in the book react to the presence of the nonhuman species?
Answer: The characters acted as if it was completely normal and didn’t show any surprise.

1. It was quite by accident I discovered this incredible invasion of Earth by lifeforms from another planet.

a. Why did the narrator feel that Earth had been invaded by life forms from another planet?
Ans: The narrator thought this because the book described people whose eyes and arms could move or be removed, which he believed was a sign of nonhuman creatures pretending to be humans.

Short Ans: He thought so because the book described people whose eyes and arms could move or detach.

b. How did the narrator discover this invasion?
Ans: He discovered it while reading a book. A line about someone’s eyes roaming around the room made him think that aliens were present on Earth.

Short Ans: He discovered it while reading a book and noticing strange phrases.

c. What was the truth behind this incredible invasion of Earth?
Ans: The truth was that the narrator misunderstood common phrases in the book and took them literally, imagining an alien invasion that wasn’t real.

Short Ans: The invasion was imaginary, caused by the narrator’s misunderstanding of common phrases.

2. For a moment I didn’t respond. It took some time for the full import to sink in. After I’d comprehended, it seemed odd I hadn’t noticed it right away.

a. What did the narrator not respond for a moment?
Ans: The narrator didn’t respond to the unusual description of someone’s eyes moving around the room, as he was initially confused.

Short Ans: He didn’t respond to the strange description of eyes moving around the room.

b. What began to ‘sink in’ finally?
Ans: The narrator started to believe that the book was describing nonhuman creatures living among humans.

Short Ans: He believed the book revealed alien creatures living among humans.

c. What made the narrator ‘comprehend it’?
Ans: As he read more lines in the book, he connected the descriptions and formed the idea that the characters were alien beings.

Short Ans: Reading more unusual lines helped him connect the idea of aliens.

3. Part of us went inside, part over to the cafe for dinner.

a. Who does ‘us’ refer to in this line?
Ans: ‘Us’ refers to the group of people mentioned in the book.

Short Ans: ‘Us’ refers to the group of people in the book.

b. How did the narrator interpret this line?
Ans: The narrator thought it meant that the group split into two physical parts, with one part going inside and the other to the cafe, like how simple organisms reproduce by splitting.

Short Ans: He thought it meant the group physically split into two parts.

c. How did the narrator feel when he read this line?
Ans: The narrator felt shocked and convinced that these were alien beings capable of dividing themselves.

Short Ans: He felt shocked and more convinced they were aliens.

1. What does the narrator’s reaction to the discovery of the nonhuman species reveal about his personality and coping mechanisms?

Answer: The narrator’s reaction shows he is imaginative but overly literal and prone to overthinking. He copes by avoiding the issue, keeping it to himself, and distracting himself with family activities.

2. Who does the narrator think has invaded the Earth?

Answer: He believes alien lifeforms, who can remove and move their body parts, have invaded Earth while pretending to be humans.

3. Why do you think the narrator believes that the invasion may be under control?

Answer: He assumes the government and others already know about the invasion since the book describes it so casually and without alarm.

4. What literary techniques does the author of the book within the story use to build tension and evoke a sense of horror in the reader?

Answer: The author uses exaggerated descriptions, such as body parts moving on their own, and presents them as normal, which creates an eerie and unsettling atmosphere.

5. What might be the significance of the author of the book within the story taking the discovery so casually and matter-of-factly?

Answer: It adds irony to the story, as the casual tone contrasts with the narrator’s exaggerated fear, highlighting his overreaction and misunderstanding.

6. Why do you think the narrator decides not to share the discovery with his family? How does this decision impact the narrator’s emotional state throughout the story?

Answer: He doesn’t share it because he thinks ordinary people won’t understand or handle it. This isolation increases his anxiety and makes him more paranoid.

7. Discuss the use of humour and irony in the story, particularly in relation to the narrator’s reactions and the actions of the nonhuman species.

Answer: The humour lies in the narrator’s misinterpretation of common phrases, and the irony comes from how he believes the absurd situations are real. His serious reactions to harmless descriptions make the story funny and highlight his exaggerated fears.


Answer: Expressions that made the narrator think the characters were aliens:

  1. His eyes slowly roved about the room.
  2. His eyes moved from person to person.
  3. Presently his eyes fastened on Julia.
  4. He put his arm around Julia.
  5. Part of us went inside, part over to the cafe for dinner.
  6. Poor Bibney has lost his head again.
  7. Quite deliberately, Julia had given her heart to the young man.

What lifeforms from another planet may look like (based on just imagination):

  1. Green skin or glowing bodies.
  2. Large, oval eyes or multiple eyes.
  3. Long, thin limbs or tentacles.
  4. Transparent or shapeshifting forms.
  5. Ability to float or split into parts.
  1. eyes slowly roved
  2. suspicion burned in my mind
  3. heart pounded
  4. sighed in relief
  5. stomped off
  6. gasping with horror

Answer: Sentences Using the Expressions

  1. Eyes slowly roved
    The teacher’s eyes slowly roved around the classroom, looking for anyone not paying attention.
  2. Suspicion burned in my mind
    When I saw the door unlocked, suspicion burned in my mind that someone had entered the house.
  3. Heart pounded
    My heart pounded as I stood on the stage for my first public speech.
  4. Sighed in relief
    She sighed in relief after finding her lost phone under the couch.
  5. Stomped off
    The little boy stomped off angrily when he wasn’t allowed to play outside.
  6. Gasping with horror
    I was gasping with horror as I watched the suspenseful climax of the movie.


Manager: Good afternoon, Sir, I’m the manager of this store. May I ask you a few questions about shopping here?
Customer: Good afternoon. Sure, I’d be only too happy to answer your questions
Manager: How often do you shop here?
Customer: About twice a week.
Manager: Why have you chosen our department store?
Customer: It’s the cheapest and the best in this area.
Manager: How far is your house from here?
Customer: About two kilometres.
Manager: How do you come for shopping?
Customer: By car.
Manager: Would you like to say something else about our shop?
Customer: Yes, all the people here are very friendly and helpful. They make shopping a joyful experience.
Manager: That is very kind of you. Thanks a lot.
Customer: You are welcome.

Answer: Customer’s Reported Conversation with His Wife

Customer: The manager of the store asked me some questions today.
Wife: Oh, really? What did he ask?
Customer: First, he asked how often I shop there. I told him that I shop about twice a week.
Wife: Then what did he ask?
Customer: He asked why I had chosen their store. I said that it was the cheapest and the best in the area.
Wife: That’s true. Did he ask anything else?
Customer: Yes, he asked how far our house was from the store. I told him it was about two kilometres away.
Wife: Did he ask about how you get there?
Customer: Yes, he asked how I come for shopping, and I told him I come by car.
Wife: Anything else?
Customer: He asked if I wanted to say anything else about their shop. I said that the staff were friendly and helpful and that they made shopping a joyful experience.
Wife: That’s very kind of you. Did he thank you?
Customer: Yes, he said it was very kind of me, and I thanked him too.

  1. What is your name?
  2. Why do you wish to leave your present school?
  3. What do you like to do in your free time?
  4. How do you organise your study time?
  5. How can your parents help the school in any way?
  6. If you are required to stay back after school, how would you go back home?
  7. How much pocket money do you get and how do you spend it?
  8. If you don’t get admitted here, what will you do?
    Aarti’s parents are very eager to know what happened at the interview. They ask her how the interview was.
    Mother: Was the interview tough?
    Aarti: Don’t sound so worried. I answered all the questions, and the teacher was very friendly.
    Father: Tell us what the teacher asked you.
    Aarti: First of all, she asked what my name was.

Customer: The manager of the store asked me some questions today.
Wife: Oh, really? What did he ask?
Customer: First, he asked how often I shop there. I told him that I shop about twice a week.
Wife: Then what did he ask?
Customer: He asked why I had chosen their store. I said that it was the cheapest and the best in the area.
Wife: That’s true. Did he ask anything else?
Customer: Yes, he asked how far our house was from the store. I told him it was about two kilometres away.
Wife: Did he ask about how you get there?
Customer: Yes, he asked how I come for shopping, and I told him I come by car.
Wife: Anything else?
Customer: He asked if I wanted to say anything else about their shop. I said that the staff were friendly and helpful and that they made shopping a joyful experience.
Wife: That’s very kind of you. Did he thank you?
Customer: Yes, he said it was very kind of me, and I thanked him too.

Answer: Aarti’s Reported Conversation with Her Parents

Father: What else did the teacher ask you?
Aarti: She asked why I wished to leave my present school. I told her that I wanted to study in a better environment.
Mother: What did she ask after that?
Aarti: She asked what I liked to do in my free time, and I told her I enjoy reading and painting.
Father: Did she ask about your studies?
Aarti: Yes, she asked how I organise my study time. I said that I prepare a schedule and stick to it.
Mother: Did she ask about us?
Aarti: Yes, she asked how my parents could help the school in any way. I told her you could support school events or help with fundraising.
Father: Did she ask anything about staying back?
Aarti: She asked how I would go home if I needed to stay back after school. I told her I would call you or take public transport.
Mother: What about pocket money?
Aarti: She asked how much pocket money I get and how I spend it. I told her I get ₹500 a month and use it for books and snacks.
Father: Did she ask what you’d do if you didn’t get admitted?
Aarti: Yes, she asked what I would do. I told her I would keep trying until I got admission to a good school.
Mother: Well done, dear! You answered everything confidently.
Aarti: Yes, and the teacher was very nice!


Answer: Attempt yourself. Here a sample answer is given.

Do Aliens Exist?

I believe aliens might exist, but they may be very different from what we imagine. Aliens could have unusual appearances, like glowing green or blue skin, long thin limbs, or even multiple eyes. Some might be small and lightweight to move easily in low gravity, while others could be large and sturdy for harsher environments. They might eat energy-rich substances like minerals or liquids instead of food like humans. Their language could involve sounds we can’t hear, like ultrasonic frequencies, or visual signals using flashes of light or colour changes on their skin. Aliens might also communicate through telepathy, directly sharing thoughts without words. If they exist, they could come from planets with extreme weather or different atmospheres, making them completely unique compared to life on Earth.

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