The questions and answers (Q&A) for ‘Before the Examination’ R. K. Nar are provided, along with notes include summaries in both English and Hindi. The vocabulary are thorough, designed to assist students effectively. further assistance, please click here.
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Summary of the Chapter “Before the Examination”
In English:
The story “Before the Examination” by R. K. Narayan humorously depicts the emotional and psychological struggles of a young boy before his exams. The protagonist is filled with anxiety as he feels unprepared, despite his family’s constant support and encouragement. His parents, especially his mother, try their best to comfort him by ensuring he is fed, rested, and motivated. However, the boy’s nerves get the better of him.
He becomes distracted easily, moving between tasks like sharpening pencils and reading prayers, believing these activities will improve his focus. The pressure of expectations and his own fear of failure lead him to question the purpose of exams altogether. In the end, the story leaves readers smiling at the relatability of the boy’s situation, while also pointing to the universal human tendency to overthink and worry during challenging times.
In Hindi:
आर. के. नारायण की कहानी “Before the Examination” परीक्षा से पहले एक लड़के की मानसिक और भावनात्मक स्थिति को हास्यपूर्ण ढंग से प्रस्तुत करती है। कहानी का मुख्य पात्र अपनी परीक्षा से पहले बहुत बेचैन है और उसे लगता है कि वह पूरी तरह से तैयार नहीं है, भले ही उसका परिवार उसका पूरा समर्थन करता है। खासकर उसकी माँ उसे आराम, भोजन और प्रोत्साहन देकर शांत रखने की कोशिश करती हैं।
लेकिन लड़के की घबराहट उस पर हावी हो जाती है। वह जल्दी विचलित हो जाता है और बार-बार पेंसिल तेज करने या प्रार्थना पढ़ने जैसे कामों में उलझ जाता है, यह सोचकर कि इससे उसका ध्यान बेहतर होगा। परिवार की अपेक्षाओं और असफलता के डर से वह परीक्षा के उद्देश्य पर ही सवाल उठाने लगता है। अंत में, कहानी पाठकों को लड़के की स्थिति से जुड़ाव का एहसास कराते हुए मुस्कान देती है और यह दर्शाती है कि चुनौतियों का सामना करते समय हर इंसान चिंताओं और विचारों में उलझ जाता है।
Vocabulary Notes:
Word/Phrase | Contextual Meaning (English) | Contextual Meaning (Hindi) |
for the worse | Becoming more unpleasant or challenging than before | पहले से अधिक खराब स्थिति की ओर जाना |
fussy | Overly worried or difficult to please about small things, like preparations | छोटी-छोटी बातों को लेकर अधिक चिंता करना या परेशान होना |
make up mind | To decide firmly on what to do | पक्का निर्णय लेना |
harass | To repeatedly trouble or disturb | बार-बार परेशान करना |
sourly | In an unpleasant or bad-tempered way | नाराज़ या रूखे अंदाज़ में |
hunted down | Forced to search or pursue until found | ढूंढकर पकड़ लेना |
gong | A large metal disc that produces sound, often used to signal something | धातु की तश्तरी जिसे मारकर संकेत दिया जाता है |
a bit | Slightly or a little, often indicating hesitation | थोड़ा सा, अक्सर झिझक दिखाने के लिए |
brisk | Quick and active, usually indicating eagerness | तेज़ और फुर्तीला, जो उत्साह दिखाता है |
brisk and businesslike | Efficient and focused, without unnecessary emotions | कुशल और कार्य पर केंद्रित |
grasp | To understand clearly, often referring to a new idea | अच्छे से समझ लेना |
give out | To distribute or hand over something | कुछ बांटना या देना |
plodded | Walked or worked slowly but steadily, often when tired | थकावट के बावजूद धीरे-धीरे काम करना |
omniscient | All-knowing or having complete knowledge | सर्वज्ञानी, जिसे सब कुछ पता हो |
laid | Positioned something carefully | ध्यान से कुछ रखना |
amiable | Friendly and kind in behavior | मित्रवत और नम्र |
lank | Thin and weak, often describing appearance | दुबला-पतला |
nestling | Settling comfortably into a space, like resting on something | आराम से किसी जगह पर टिक जाना |
feverishly | In an excited or highly emotional way, often out of worry | अत्यधिक उत्साह या चिंता के साथ |
eyesore | Something unpleasant to look at, disrupting beauty | देखने में असुविधाजनक या भद्दा |
butted in | Interrupted someone’s conversation or actions rudely | बिना सोचे-समझे बीच में बोल पड़ना |
look pathetic | Appear pitiful or deserving of sympathy | दया या सहानुभूति के योग्य दिखना |
oracle | Someone who is considered wise and reliable | ज्ञानी और समझदार व्यक्ति |
meandered | Spoke or moved aimlessly, without clear focus | बिना उद्देश्य के इधर-उधर घूमना या बात करना |
driving | Motivating or compelling force | प्रेरित करने वाली शक्ति |
not his line | Not his area of interest or expertise | उसकी रुचि या क्षमता का क्षेत्र नहीं |
diplomacy | The skill of handling situations tactfully without offending others | शालीनता और समझदारी से स्थितियों को संभालने की कला |
flattered | Praised excessively, often to gain favor | झूठी प्रशंसा करना, अक्सर अपना काम निकलवाने के लिए |
judicious | Showing careful and sensible judgment | विवेकपूर्ण और समझदारी भरा |
judicious flattery | Clever and calculated praise to win favor or advantage | चतुराई से प्रशंसा करना |
ventured | Took a risk or dared to do something | हिम्मत करना या जोखिम उठाना |
make it a point | Make a deliberate effort to do something | किसी काम को ध्यानपूर्वक करने की आदत बनाना |
conviction | A strong belief or certainty | दृढ़ विश्वास |
ample | More than enough | पर्याप्त से अधिक |
divulging | Revealing sensitive or private information | गुप्त जानकारी उजागर करना |
parting ways | Going separate directions or ending an association | अलग होना |
remark | A statement or comment | टिप्पणी |
taken in | Fooled into believing something | धोखा खा जाना |
inferred moral | The lesson or principle understood from an experience | अनुभव से निकला हुआ नैतिक पाठ |
related | Narrated or shared a story | सुनाना या वर्णन करना |
mechanically | Done without feeling or thought, like a habit | बिना भावना या सोच के, स्वचालित रूप से |
fall flat | Fail to create the desired effect or impression | प्रभाव डालने में असफल रहना |
Third Form | A specific grade level in school | स्कूल का तीसरा स्तर |
perceived | Became aware or realized | महसूस करना |
intense | Very strong or extreme | तीव्र या गहन |
disgust | A feeling of dislike or disapproval | गहरी नापसंदगी |
skeptical | Doubtful or uncertain | शंका करने वाला |
attainments | Achievements or skills | उपलब्धियाँ |
damped | Weakened or reduced | कमज़ोर या कम करना |
vigorously | Energetically or forcefully | ज़ोरदार तरीके से |
loved every inch of him | Loved someone completely and wholeheartedly | पूरी तरह से किसी से गहरा प्यार करना |
futile | Pointless or not effective | बेकार या व्यर्थ |
peered in | Looked carefully or curiously | ध्यान से देखना |
knack | A natural skill or ability | स्वाभाविक प्रतिभा |
turmoil | A state of confusion or disorder | अव्यवस्था या उथल-पुथल |
irksome | Annoying or irritating | परेशान करने वाला |
forbidden | Not allowed | मना किया गया |
travails | Hardship or struggles | कठिनाइयाँ |
crooked | Bent or not straight | टेढ़ा-मेढ़ा |
strangled | Choked or restricted | गला घोंटना |
contour | The outline or shape of something | रूपरेखा या बाहरी आकार |
incredulous | Unwilling to believe something | अविश्वासी |
persistently | Continuing firmly or stubbornly | लगातार और अडिग रहना |
decoyed | Tricked or lured into a trap | धोखे से फँसाना |
that moment was worth all his suffering | The happiness or relief of that moment made all the previous struggles seem worthwhile | वह क्षण सारी परेशानियों के बाद सुखद लगा |
Textbook Q&A (Before the Examination)
A. Answer these questions in brief.
Q.1. Why did Swaminathan think that his father was changing for the worse?
Ans: Swaminathan thought his father was changing for the worse because he became strict and kept reminding him to study. He stopped him from talking to his grandmother or wandering around the house.
Q.2. What belief did the boys have about the school clerk?
Ans: The boys believed that the school clerk knew all the question papers for the exams and could give them important hints.
Q.3. What did Mani take for the clerk and why?
Ans: Mani took fresh brinjals for the clerk to please him and get information about the questions that might come in the examination.
Q.4. Swaminthan’s friends underwent change due to the impending examination. Match the name of the child with the change in behaviour shown by him.
Name | Behaviour |
Sankar | Did not smile |
Somu | Became businesslike |
Rajam | Came to school and went home without talking to anyone |
Pea | Stopped joking |
Mani | Took Sankar’s help to clear doubts |
5. In ancient Greece, there were temple priests and priestesses called Oracles through whom gods were supposed to give their messages. Who does the author humorously refer to as ‘the Oracle,’ and why?
Ans: The author humorously refers to the school clerk as “the Oracle” because the boys believed he had secret knowledge about the examination questions, just like an Oracle in ancient times.
Short Answer: The school clerk, because the boys thought he knew the exam questions.
6. Why did Mani feel that his four annas did not go to waste?
Ans: Mani felt his four annas were well spent because the clerk gave him advice about the examination, which he thought were important hints.
Short Answer: The clerk gave him advice about the exams, which Mani thought were helpful hints.
7. Which of the following actions were not performed by Swami’s little brother?
Ans: b. cry out loudly
8. What did Swami find interesting about his little brother?
Ans: Swami found his little brother interesting because he made noises when he saw someone, put his fists into his mouth, kicked the air, and smiled showing his red gums.
Short Answer: His funny actions like making noises, smiling, and putting his fists in his mouth.
9. What did tailor Ranga tell Swami about the Town Hall?
Ans: Tailor Ranga told Swami that the Town Hall had a torture chamber on the top floor, where Pathans lured young people.
Short Answer: That it had a torture chamber where Pathans trapped young people.
10. Who was the most studious and who was the laziest among Swaminathan’s friends?
Ans: Rajam was the most studious, and Somu was the laziest among Swaminathan’s friends.
Short Answer: Who was the most studious and who was the laziest among Swaminathan’s friends?
Rajam was the most studious, and Somu was the laziest.
B. Answer these questions with reference to the context.
1. ‘Suppose all your juniors in the Fifth Standard become your classmates?’ Swaminathan sat at Decimals for half an hour.
a. Swaminathan’s father said this.
b. It was said when Swaminathan complained about his father being nervous about his exams. His father warned him about the consequences of failing.
c. Swami started working on decimals because he felt scared by his father’s words and wanted to avoid failing the exam.
2. The clerk was slightly puzzled: ‘Yes, indeed, a week more…. You must take care to choose only the juicy variety, the large juicy variety, not the small onion….’
a. The clerk was puzzled because Mani interrupted his unrelated talk about onions with exam concerns.
b. In a week’s time, the school examinations were going to begin.
c. ‘Juicy variety’ here refers to the type of onions the clerk was talking about before Mani brought up the exam topic.
3. And then another favourite problem began to tease him.
a. ‘Him’ refers to Swaminathan.
b. The problem that teased him was how mapmakers discovered the shapes of countries like Europe.
c. Swami thought the mapmakers might have stood on high towers to see and copy the shape of countries below.
C. Answer these questions.
1. What restrictions did Swaminathan’s father impose on him before the exams?
Ans : Swaminathan’s father did not allow him to waste time. He stopped Swami from talking to his granny, wandering around, or staying up late. He insisted Swami get up early to study.
2. Describe the efforts made by Mani to get some questions out of the clerk.
Ans : Mani brought a gift of fresh brinjals for the clerk to please him. He sat patiently while the clerk talked about random topics like onions and eye-flies. Finally, Mani asked for important hints, but the clerk only gave general advice about studying geography, arithmetic, and English.
3. How did Swaminathan know that his granny was in a sleepy mood?
Ans : Swaminathan knew his granny was in a sleepy mood because she responded mechanically to his stories without much interest or excitement.
4. Why was Swaminathan disappointed on seeing his brother asleep?
Ans : Swaminathan was disappointed because he wanted to play with his baby brother, who was one of his few sources of enjoyment during the exam period.
5. Why did Swaminathan tiptoe out of his baby brother’s room?
Ans : Swaminathan tiptoed out of the room because he knew that waking his brother would cause chaos in the house, as the baby would cry and disturb everyone for a long time.
6. Describe the thoughts that came to Swaminathan’s mind when he sat with the Atlas.
Ans : Swaminathan wondered how people could live in crooked-shaped countries like Europe. He also thought about how mapmakers discovered the shapes of countries and imagined they stood on tall towers to copy what they saw.
7. Do you think the change in Swaminathan’s father’s behaviour was justified? Give reasons.
Ans : Yes, the change in Swaminathan’s father’s behavior was justified because he wanted Swami to focus on his studies and perform well in his exams. However, his strictness made Swami feel frustrated and anxious.
8. If you were Swaminathan, what would be your thoughts and feelings about examinations?
Ans : If I were Swaminathan, I would feel nervous and irritated about the pressure of exams. I would also wish for some time to play and relax instead of studying all the time.
9. Imagine that you are the school clerk and describe your meeting with Mani. Remember to include your thoughts and feelings.
Ans : As the clerk, I was surprised when Mani visited me and offered fresh brinjals. I felt flattered by his respect but confused when he started asking about exam questions. I tried to advise him to study all his lessons instead of worrying about shortcuts. I felt amused but also slightly sorry for Mani when he believed my general advice about geography and arithmetic to be ‘valuable hints.’
Shorter Answers Set 1
1. What restrictions did Swaminathan’s father impose on him before the exams?
Ans : Swaminathan’s father restricted him from talking to his granny, wandering around, or wasting time. He made Swami study regularly, wake up early, and focus completely on his preparation for the exams.
2. Describe the efforts made by Mani to get some questions out of the clerk.
Ans : Mani brought fresh brinjals as a gift for the clerk. He patiently listened to the clerk’s random talk before asking for exam hints. However, the clerk only gave him vague advice about studying geography, arithmetic, and English.
3. How did Swaminathan know that his granny was in a sleepy mood?
Ans : Swaminathan noticed that his granny answered him without much interest. Her responses were mechanical and lacked excitement, which showed that she was feeling sleepy.
4. Why was Swaminathan disappointed on seeing his brother asleep?
Ans : Swaminathan was disappointed because he wanted to play with his baby brother but seeing him asleep meant there was nothing to entertain him during the dull exam preparation time.
5. Why did Swaminathan tiptoe out of his baby brother’s room?
Ans : Swaminathan tiptoed out to avoid waking his baby brother. He knew that if the baby woke up, it would cry loudly and create chaos in the house.
6. Describe the thoughts that came to Swaminathan’s mind when he sat with the Atlas.
Ans : Swaminathan wondered how people lived in oddly shaped countries like Europe. He also imagined how mapmakers saw and drew the countries, thinking they might have climbed tall towers to copy the shapes.
7. Do you think the change in Swaminathan’s father’s behaviour was justified? Give reasons.
Ans : Yes, the change was justified because his father wanted Swaminathan to focus on studies and do well in exams. However, his strictness made Swami feel frustrated and unhappy, which was not ideal.
8. If you were Swaminathan, what would be your thoughts and feelings about examinations?
Ans : I would feel nervous and pressured by the exams. I would also wish for some time to play and relax instead of constantly studying, as exams feel stressful and boring.
9. Imagine that you are the school clerk and describe your meeting with Mani. Remember to include your thoughts and feelings.
Ans : When Mani brought me brinjals, I was surprised and amused. I felt flattered by his gift but puzzled when he asked for exam hints. I tried to give him general advice, feeling slightly sorry for his desperation.
Shorter Answers Set 2
1. What restrictions did Swaminathan’s father impose on him before the exams?
Ans : Swami’s father stopped him from talking to his granny, wandering around, and wasting time.
2. Describe the efforts made by Mani to get some questions out of the clerk.
Ans : Mani gifted the clerk brinjals and asked for hints, but the clerk gave vague advice.
3. How did Swaminathan know that his granny was in a sleepy mood?
Ans : Her responses were dull and mechanical.
4. Why was Swaminathan disappointed on seeing his brother asleep?
Ans : He couldn’t play with him for entertainment.
5. Why did Swaminathan tiptoe out of his baby brother’s room?
Ans : To avoid waking him and causing chaos.
6. Describe the thoughts that came to Swaminathan’s mind when he sat with the Atlas.
Ans : He wondered how maps were drawn and how people lived in strange-shaped countries.
7. Do you think the change in Swaminathan’s father’s behaviour was justified? Give reasons.
Ans : Yes, he wanted Swami to focus, but it made Swami unhappy.
8. If you were Swaminathan, what would be your thoughts and feelings about examinations?
Ans : I would feel stressed and bored, wanting time to play.
9. Imagine that you are the school clerk and describe your meeting with Mani.
Ans : Mani’s gift amused me, but I gave general advice, feeling puzzled and sympathetic.
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