The Mouse and the Snake Poem Notes: Summary, Central Idea, Poetic Devices

The Mouse and the Snake Poem was written by Vikram Seth. This poem beautifully blends a fable-like story with deep philosophical meaning. The notes here include summary in English and Hindi. Central idea and poetic devices used in the poem would help in grasping the poem “The rat and the Snake”

Summary of the Poem “The Mouse and the Snake

1. Introduction

The poem tells the story of two mice who enter a room filled with grain, despite warnings from others. Their adventure takes a tragic turn when they encounter a dangerous snake. The poem explores themes of bravery, sacrifice, and perseverance.

2. The Mice Enter the Room

Two small mice, ignoring their friends’ warnings, sneak into a room where grain has been stored for months. Other mice who had entered before never returned. Despite this, the two mice begin feasting happily.

3. The Snake Appears

A gold-colored, venomous, and strong snake suddenly approaches them. Before the mice can react, the snake swallows one of them instantly. It then turns to attack the second mouse.

4. The Brave Mouse Fights Back

Instead of running away, the surviving mouse bravely defends itself. It dodges the snake’s attacks and jumps out of its reach. As the snake retreats into its hole, leaving only its tail outside, the mouse seizes the opportunity and bites it hard.

5. The Battle Continues

Each time the snake tries to re-enter its hole, the mouse bites its tail, forcing it to come out. This battle continues until the snake, exhausted and in pain, spits out the dead mouse and retreats into its hole.

6. The Mouse’s Grief

Heartbroken over the loss of its friend, the mouse picks up the dead body and leaves, mourning deeply.

7. The Poem Within the Poem

The story of the brave mouse is witnessed by a man named Mr. Yang. Later, a poet named Chang hears about it and composes a poem called “The Faithful Mouse,” praising the mouse’s bravery. However, the mice themselves never get to read the poem.

8. Themes and Message

  • Bravery and Loyalty – The mouse risks its life to fight the snake instead of escaping.
  • Sacrifice and Friendship – The mouse mourns for its lost friend, showing deep emotional bonds.
  • The Power of Storytelling – Though the mice do not read the poem, their story is remembered through literature.

This poem teaches us that courage and love can be more powerful than physical strength, and that true heroism is never forgotten.

“The Mouse and the Snake” कविता का सारांश

दो चूहे और अनाज का भंडार
एक सुबह, दो छोटे चूहे एक कमरे में घुस जाते हैं, जहाँ महीनों से अनाज जमा था। उनके दोस्तों ने उन्हें चेतावनी दी थी कि वहाँ जाना खतरनाक है, क्योंकि जो भी चूहे वहाँ गए, वे कभी लौटकर नहीं आए। लेकिन इन दोनों ने खतरे की परवाह नहीं की और खाने में लग गए।

साँप का हमला
जैसे ही वे खुशी-खुशी भोजन कर रहे थे, एक लंबा, जहरीला और शक्तिशाली साँप उनके सामने आ गया। उसने तुरंत एक चूहे को निगल लिया और दूसरे की ओर फुंफकारते हुए बढ़ा।

छोटे चूहे की बहादुरी
दूसरा चूहा डर के बावजूद भागा नहीं, बल्कि वह साँप से लड़ने लगा। जब भी साँप हमला करता, चूहा छलांग लगाकर बच जाता। आखिरकार, थक हारकर साँप अपनी बिल में घुसने लगा। लेकिन चूहे ने तुरंत उसकी पूँछ को काट लिया, जिससे साँप दर्द से तड़प उठा और गुस्से में फिर से बाहर आया।

लड़ाई जारी रहती है
चूहा लगातार साँप की पूँछ काटता रहा, जिससे साँप को बार-बार बिल से बाहर आना पड़ा। दोनों के बीच यह लड़ाई तब तक चलती रही जब तक चूहा पूरी तरह थक नहीं गया।

साँप की हार और चूहे का दुख
अंत में, साँप ने हार मान ली और मरे हुए चूहे को उगल दिया। घायल और कमजोर होकर वह अपनी बिल में चला गया। दूसरा चूहा अपने मित्र की मौत पर बहुत दुखी हुआ और उसे अपने मुँह में दबाकर वहाँ से चला गया।

चूहे की कहानी अमर हो गई
एक व्यक्ति मिस्टर यांग ने इस घटना को देखा और अपने कवि मित्र चांग को बताया। चांग ने चूहे की बहादुरी की कहानी को कविता में लिखा, जिससे यह अमर हो गई।

कविता का मुख्य संदेश

यह कविता हमें सिखाती है कि सच्ची बहादुरी शरीर की ताकत से नहीं, बल्कि हिम्मत और दृढ़ संकल्प से आती है। यह मित्रता, बलिदान और साहस का महत्व बताती है और यह दिखाती है कि सच्चे नायक कभी नहीं भुलाए जाते

Central Idea of the Poem “The Mouse and the Snake”

The poem highlights the themes of bravery, loyalty, sacrifice, and perseverance. It tells the story of a small mouse who, despite losing its friend to a powerful snake, does not give up. Instead of running away, the mouse fights back with determination, forcing the snake to retreat.

The poem teaches that true courage is not about size or strength but about resilience and the willingness to stand up against danger. It also emphasizes the power of friendship and mourning, as the mouse deeply grieves for its lost companion.

Additionally, the poem suggests that acts of heroism live on through storytelling, as the poet Chang later writes about the brave mouse, ensuring that its actions are remembered.

The poem does not explicitly focus on disobedience as a central theme, but it can be interpreted as a cautionary tale about ignoring warnings and venturing into danger.

Moral or Message of the Poem “The Mouse and the Snake”

The poem teaches several important life lessons:

  1. Bravery and Courage (Bravery is more important than size)– True strength is not about size but about determination. The small mouse fights back against the powerful snake without fear.
  2. Loyalty and Friendship (True friends never give up) – The mouse does not abandon its friend but tries to fight for justice, showing deep love and loyalty.
  3. Never lose hope (Perseverance Leads to Victory) – Even when the situation seems hopeless, the mouse keeps fighting. In the end, its efforts force the snake to retreat.
  4. Sacrifice and Impact of Loss – The mouse mourns its friend, reminding us that courage sometimes comes with pain and sacrifice. The mouse feels the loss and faces the snake instead of trying to leave the ground.
  5. Consequences of Ignoring Advice Consciously: The poem suggests that ignoring warnings and venturing into known dangers just to follow natural instincts can lead to severe consequences, including loss and suffering. ,
  6. Heroism or Good Deeds are Remembered – The story of the brave mouse is turned into a poem, showing that acts of bravery live on through storytelling.

Moral: Bravery, loyalty, Loyalty in Friendship and perseverance can overcome even the greatest challenges. True heroism is never forgotten.

Main Points of the Poem “The Mouse and the Snake”

  1. Two Mice Enter a Room – They ignore warnings and start eating grain.
  2. The Snake Appears – A venomous, strong snake suddenly attacks and swallows one mouse.
  3. The Brave Mouse Fights Back – Instead of running away, the surviving mouse fights the snake by biting its tail.
  4. The Battle Continues – The snake tries to attack, but the mouse keeps dodging and biting until the snake retreats.
  5. The Snake Gives Up – Exhausted and in pain, the snake spits out the dead mouse and escapes.
  6. The Mouse Mourns – The mouse grieves for its friend and leaves, carrying the dead body.
  7. The Story is Remembered – A poet hears about the mouse’s bravery and writes a poem about it.

Poetic Devices in “The Mouse and the Snake”

In “The Mouse and the Snake” by Vikram Seth, several poetic devices are used to create a vivid and engaging narrative. These poetic devices help to create a dynamic and emotionally engaging narrative that explores themes of bravery, loss, and the power of storytelling 

Here are some of the key devices:

Rhyme Scheme: The poem follows a rhyming couplet pattern (AA, BB, CC).


“Much against their friend’s advice,
Visited a room where grain lay nice.”

Imagery: The poet creates vivid pictures in the reader’s mind using descriptive words.


  • “Gold and shiny, vicious, long,bVenom-fanged, hypnotic, strong” – These words create a clear mental image of the snake’s bright, attractive yet dangerous nature.
  • Another example:
    • “And their laughter fell and rose,
    • Till their blood with horror froze” – evokes a sense of sudden fear.

Alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.


“Swift as rage the little mouse..Rushed towards the killer’s house.”
The repeated “r” sound makes the action feel fast and intense.

Personification: Giving human-like qualities to animals or objects.


“Hissed obscenely”
Explanation: The snake is given human-like qualities, as it “hisses obscenely.” Normally, only humans can be described as obscene, offending or rude, but the snake is given that trait to make its actions seem more terrifying.

Metaphor: A comparison without using “like” or “as.”


  • “Hypnotic” – The snake is described as hypnotic, meaning its presence and movement have a fear-inducing, mesmerizing effect.
  • “Snake-Defeater” – The brave mouse is metaphorically called the “Snake-Defeater,” symbolizing her victory over the snake.
  • “Gleaming, overfed trunk” – The snake’s body is compared to a trunk, emphasizing its swollen and full form.
  • “With mangled slither” – The snake’s movement is described as “mangled slither,” showing its injured and weakened state.
  • “Shock and pain, Death and grief are not in vain” – These emotions are treated as meaningful forces rather than just feelings.

Contrast: The small, weak mouse is shown fighting against a large, strong snake, highlighting its bravery.

Example: The snake is strong but loses, while the mouse is small but wins the battle of endurance.

Enjambment: A sentence continues from one line to another without a pause.


“This the battle ebbed and surged
And the mouse fought on and on
Till her strength was almost gone.”

Onomatopoeia: Imitating sound or auditory effect.

Explanation: The word “hissed” imitates the actual sound that a snake makes, making the scene more realistic and adding to the tension.

Elegy: The poem ends with an elegiac tone, as the poet Chang composes “The Faithful Mouse” to honour the mouse’s heroic acts, showing how even in death, there is a celebration of life and courage.

Symbolism: Here are important examples of symbolism in the poem:

  • The Snake – Symbolizes danger, cruelty, and oppression. It represents a powerful force that preys on the weak.
  • The Mouse – Symbolizes courage, loyalty, and resilience. The surviving mouse fights against the snake despite the odds.
  • The Battle – Represents struggle against injustice and tyranny. It shows that even the weak can resist and fight back.
  • The Poet’s Elegy – Represents remembrance and honour. The mouse’s story is immortalized, showing that heroic deeds live on. It also shows the power of literature.

Irony: The irony lies in the fact that despite the mouse’s bravery, she ultimately cannot save her companion, highlighting the harsh realities of life.

The poet uses imagery, alliteration, personification, metaphor, and repetition to create a dramatic and emotional poem. The rhyme scheme and contrast add rhythm and meaning, making the story of the brave mouse even more powerful.

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