The poem ‘Amma’ by Tabish Khair is broken down stanza by stanza, complete with vocabulary and poetic devices. For notes on “Amma” by Tabish Khair, including the summary, themes, and central idea, please refer to the provided resources. Click for Q&A for class 8 Wind Chimes Book. Click here for Notes on ‘Amma’ poem.
Stanza Wise explanation, Vocabulary & Poetic Devices
Here, the poem “Amma” by Tabish Khair is explained stanza by stanza in English and Hindi, accompanied by vocabulary notes and poetic devices.
Stanza 1
Down the stairs of this house
where plaster flakes and falls,
Through the intimate emptiness
of its rooms and hall,
I hear your slow footsteps,
grandmother, echo or pause.
Explanation in English: In this stanza, the poet describes an old, empty house with plaster falling off the walls, showing its age. In this quiet and empty space, he hears his grandmother’s slow, echoing footsteps. These footsteps bring a feeling of warmth and familiarity, connecting him to his memories of her.
The poet reflects on how his grandmother’s presence fills the empty house with love, even though everything around seems to be falling apart. Her footsteps symbolize a comforting routine and the love that binds families.
Explanation in Hindi: इस stanza में कवि एक पुराने, खाली घर का वर्णन करता है, जिसमें दीवारों की पलस्तर गिर रही है। इस शांत और खाली स्थान में, उसे अपनी दादी के धीमे, गूंजते कदमों की आवाज सुनाई देती है। ये कदम कवि को दादी की यादों से जोड़ते हैं और एक परिचित अहसास देते हैं।
कवि सोचता है कि उसकी दादी की उपस्थिति इस टूटते घर में भी प्यार भर देती है। उनके कदम एक आरामदायक दिनचर्या और परिवार को जोड़ने वाले प्यार का प्रतीक हैं।
Vocabulary Notes:
- Plaster– A material used to cover walls, often falls off as the house ages.
- पलस्तर; एक सामग्री जो दीवारों को ढकने के लिए उपयोग होती है और समय के साथ गिरने लगती है।
- Intimate emptiness– A personal or close feeling of emptiness; the house feels empty but familiar.
- आत्मीय खालीपन; एक व्यक्तिगत या परिचित सा खालीपन, जैसे घर खाली है पर फिर भी परिचित लगता है।
- Echo– A repeated sound that bounces back, like footsteps in a quiet space.
- गूंज; एक आवाज जो वापिस लौटती है, जैसे एक शांत जगह में कदमों की आवाज़।
Poetic Devices:
- Imagery: The lines “where plaster flakes and falls” and “intimate emptiness of its rooms and hall” create vivid images of an old, quiet, and empty house, allowing readers to visualize the setting.
- Alliteration: The repetition of the consonant sound “f” in “flakes and falls” adds a soft, flowing sound that emphasizes the calm, aged nature of the house.
- Enjambment: The sentences continue onto the next lines without a pause, as in “where plaster flakes and falls, / Through the intimate emptiness…”. This device helps maintain a slow, reflective flow, matching the quiet atmosphere of the poem.
- Personification: The house is given human qualities, described as having “intimate emptiness,” which deepens the emotional tone of the setting.
Stanza 2
As they used to through long
summer afternoons spent within
The watered-down four walls of
khus and fragile drinks
Of ice, mango or lemon, the
circle of water-melon crescents.
Explanation in English: Here, the poet remembers the long summer days spent with his grandmother. They would be inside the house with khus mats (a type of grass that cools the air) and cool drinks like mango or lemon juice. He remembers the refreshing pieces of watermelon they would eat together.
This stanza represents happy, relaxed memories from the past. The small details show how even simple things like cold drinks and watermelons can bring comfort and joy, symbolizing the beauty of family moments.
Explanation in Hindi: यहां कवि गर्मियों के लंबे दिनों को याद करता है, जो उसने अपनी दादी के साथ बिताए। वे घर के अंदर खस के पर्दों और ठंडे पेय जैसे आम या नींबू के रस के साथ रहते थे। वह तरबूज के टुकड़ों की ताजगी भी याद करता है, जिसे वे साथ खाते थे।
यह stanza बीते दिनों की खुशहाल और आरामदायक यादों को दर्शाता है। छोटे-छोटे विवरण बताते हैं कि साधारण चीजें जैसे ठंडे पेय और तरबूज का स्वाद भी सुकून और खुशी दे सकते हैं। यह पारिवारिक पलों की खूबसूरती का प्रतीक है।
- Long summer afternoons– Refers to the slow, hot afternoons typical of summer, often spent indoors.
- लंबे गर्मी के दोपहर; गर्मियों के धीमे, तपते हुए दोपहर जो अक्सर घर के अंदर बिताए जाते हैं।
- Khus– A type of grass used to make cooling screens, giving a fresh smell and cool air.
- खस; एक प्रकार की घास जिससे ठंडक देने वाले परदे बनाए जाते हैं, ताजगी और ठंडक देते हैं।
- Fragile– Something delicate or easily breakable, like the drinks they would have in summer.
- नाज़ुक; कोई चीज़ जो आसानी से टूट सकती है, जैसे गर्मियों में पीने वाले ठंडे पेय।
- Crescents of watermelon– Watermelon slices shaped like half-moons, refreshing to eat.
- तरबूज के अर्धचन्द्राकार टुकड़े; खाने में ताजगी देने वाले टुकड़े।
Poetic Devices:
- Imagery: The lines “watered-down four walls of khus” and “circle of water-melon crescents” give a sensory feel of coolness, refreshing drinks, and relaxed moments, helping readers visualize the scene.
- Alliteration: There is a repetition of the “w” sound in “watered-down walls” which gives a smooth, flowing effect, adding to the feeling of ease and relaxation.
- Metaphor: The “watered-down four walls of khus” serves as a metaphor, symbolizing a cool shelter or refuge in the summer heat, suggesting a place of comfort and refreshment.
Stanza 3
Slowly you shuffle examining
each new tear in the curtains
Which will have to be mended
when the first monsoon rain
Provides a respite from Sun,
curtails the need for shade.
Explanation in English: In this stanza, the poet describes how his grandmother carefully moves around the house, noticing each tear in the curtains. She plans to fix them when the monsoon arrives, as they won’t need the curtains for shade anymore.
This scene symbolizes his grandmother’s care for the house and her dedication to maintaining it despite her old age. It reflects how she notices even small problems, showing her strong connection to the place where she has lived for so long.
Explanation in Hindi: इस stanza में कवि अपनी दादी का वर्णन करता है, जो घर में धीरे-धीरे चलती हैं और परदे में आई नई-नई दरारों को देखती हैं। वह सोचती हैं कि इन्हें मानसून के आने पर ठीक किया जाएगा, क्योंकि तब उन्हें धूप से बचने के लिए इनकी ज़रूरत नहीं होगी।
यह दृश्य कवि की दादी की घर के प्रति देखभाल और समर्पण को दर्शाता है। यह दिखाता है कि वे छोटी-छोटी समस्याओं को भी देखती हैं, जो उनके घर के प्रति उनके गहरे लगाव का प्रतीक है।
- Shuffle: To walk slowly and dragging feet, often due to age or tiredness.
- धीरे-धीरे चलना; उम्र या थकान के कारण धीमी चाल से चलना।
- Tear: A rip or hole, often in fabric or material like curtains.
- दरार; कपड़े में हुई फटी हुई जगह, जैसे परदे में।
- Curtains: Fabric hanging over windows for shade or privacy.
- परदे; खिड़कियों पर लगाई जाने वाली कपड़े की चादर जो धूप से बचाती है या गोपनीयता देती है।
- Monsoon: The rainy season, usually bringing relief from heat.
- मानसून; बारिश का मौसम जो आमतौर पर गर्मी से राहत देता है।
- Respite: A break or relief from something difficult, like heat.
- राहत; किसी मुश्किल चीज़ से छुटकारा, जैसे गर्मी से।
Poetic Devices:
- Imagery: The line “each new tear in the curtains” creates a visual of old curtains in need of repair, giving a sense of aging and wear.
- Alliteration: Repetition of the “s” sound in “Slowly you shuffle” adds a soft, slow effect, mirroring the grandmother’s careful movement.
- Symbolism: The “first monsoon rain” symbolizes change and relief from the harsh summer, a natural rhythm that brings rest and restoration.
Stanza 4
Slowly on arthritic joints you
move from room to room
Marking the damage of the years,
evaluating how soon
The past will collapse or how long
the present last.
Explanation in English: In this stanza, the grandmother moves slowly from one room to another, her joints aching with age. She observes how time has damaged the house and wonders how long it will last. She reflects on how everything ages and eventually fades away.
This stanza shows the grandmother’s acceptance of time and the inevitable decay of things, including herself. It’s a quiet acceptance that life and all things have a limited span, yet there is a dignity in caring for what remains.
Explanation in Hindi: इस stanza में दादी एक कमरे से दूसरे कमरे तक धीरे-धीरे चलती हैं, उनके जोड़ उम्र के साथ दुखते हैं। वह देखती हैं कि समय ने घर को कैसे नुकसान पहुंचाया है और सोचती हैं कि यह और कब तक चलेगा। वह महसूस करती हैं कि हर चीज़ उम्र के साथ समाप्त होती है।
यह stanza दादी के समय और चीज़ों के टूटने के स्वाभाविक होने को स्वीकार करने का प्रतीक है। यह दर्शाता है कि जीवन और हर चीज़ की एक सीमित अवधि होती है, फिर भी जो बचा है उसकी देखभाल करना अपने आप में एक गरिमा है
- Arthritic joints: Joints affected by arthritis, a condition that makes movement painful.
- गठिया वाले जोड़; गठिया से प्रभावित जोड़ों में दर्द होता है जिससे चलना मुश्किल होता है।
- Damage of the years: Wear and tear that happens over time, as seen in the house.
- समय का नुकसान; समय के साथ होने वाला टूट-फूट जो घर में दिखाई देता है।
- Collapse: To fall apart or break down completely.
- गिरना या टूट जाना; पूरी तरह से ढह जाना।
Poetic Devices:
- Imagery: The mention of “arthritic joints” and “marking the damage of the years” allows readers to vividly imagine the grandmother’s slow, painful movements, as well as the house’s gradual decay.
- Personification: The house is personified as aging and having a “damage of the years,” which makes the house feel alive and affected by time, just like the grandmother.
- Enjambment: The sentences flow into each other without pauses, as seen in “evaluating how soon / The past will collapse…” which maintains a reflective and contemplative pace in this stanza.
- Metaphor: “The past will collapse” is a metaphor representing the idea of memories or heritage fading away, just as old things tend to deteriorate over time.
Stanza 5
You never need glasses to mark
the contours of your house
Though you can’t see grandsons at
a distance, once wore a blouse
Inside out. Nothing has changed,
grandmother, no, not yet;
Explanation in English: The poet notes that his grandmother doesn’t need glasses to recognize her home’s details, though her eyesight isn’t strong. She may have even worn her clothes inside out by mistake, but her connection with the house is still sharp.
This stanza emphasizes her deep connection to the house. Although her eyesight and memory may weaken with age, her attachment to her home remains strong, symbolizing her deep bond with her surroundings.
Explanation in Hindi: कवि बताता है कि उसकी दादी को अपने घर की पहचान करने के लिए चश्मे की ज़रूरत नहीं है, हालांकि उनकी दृष्टि कमजोर है। वह गलती से कपड़े उल्टे भी पहन सकती हैं, लेकिन उनके घर से उनका जुड़ाव अभी भी मजबूत है।
यह stanza दिखाता है कि उम्र के साथ उनकी दृष्टि और याददाश्त भले ही कमजोर हो रही हो, लेकिन उनके घर से गहरा संबंध बना हुआ है। यह उनके घर से जुड़ाव का प्रतीक है।
- Contours
- The outline or shape of something, like the house’s layout.
- रूपरेखा; किसी चीज़ का बाहरी आकार, जैसे घर की बनावट।
- Once wore a blouse inside out
- Wearing a blouse with the wrong side out, showing a slight forgetfulness.
- कभी ब्लाउज उल्टा पहन लिया; हलकी सी भूल का संकेत।
- Nothing has changed
- This phrase implies that things remain the same despite changes around them.
- कुछ नहीं बदला; यह बताता है कि परिवर्तनों के बावजूद चीज़ें अभी भी वैसी ही हैं।
Poetic Devices:
- Irony: There is a gentle irony in the line “You never need glasses to mark the contours of your house,” suggesting that while the grandmother has perfect familiarity with the house, she has issues with her vision otherwise.
- Imagery: The “contours of your house” and “once wore a blouse inside out” give readers a clear image of the grandmother’s imperfect vision but strong connection with her home.
- Symbolism: The house symbolizes familiarity and comfort; despite her aging, the grandmother’s sense of home remains unchanged, showing her enduring bond with it.
- Repetition: The phrase “Nothing has changed” reinforces the theme that some things, like her connection to the house, remain constant even as time passes.
Stanza 6
Though your collected steps never
turn the corner into you
In a starched and white sari, the
fragrance of soap around you.
And all the curtains have long
been taken down.
Explanation in English: In the final stanza, the poet reflects that his grandmother will never appear as she used to—in a clean, starched white sari with the smell of soap. He realizes that her image has faded, just like the curtains which were once part of the house but are now gone.
This stanza represents the passage of time and how people we love gradually fade into memories. The image of his grandmother, so vivid in his memories, shows how memories keep loved ones alive even as everything changes or disappears.
Explanation in Hindi: अंतिम stanza में कवि सोचता है कि उसकी दादी पहले की तरह साफ और सफेद साड़ी में साबुन की खुशबू के साथ फिर से दिखाई नहीं देंगी। वह महसूस करता है कि उनकी छवि धुंधली हो गई है, जैसे घर के परदे अब नहीं रहे।
यह stanza समय के बीतने और प्रियजनों के यादों में बदल जाने का प्रतीक है। दादी की छवि, जो उसकी यादों में इतनी जीवित है, यह दिखाती है कि कैसे यादें हमारे प्रियजनों को जीवित रखती हैं, भले ही सब कुछ बदल जाए या गायब हो जाए।
- Collected steps: Calm, steady steps taken thoughtfully or carefully.
- संयमित कदम; शांति और सोच-समझ कर उठाए गए कदम।
- Turn the corner into you: This line suggests a feeling of waiting for someone to appear, but they don’t.
- आप की ओर मुड़ना; ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि कोई आएगा लेकिन वो नहीं आते।
- Starched and white sari: A clean, crisp sari that is stiff from starch, symbolizing neatness.
- कलफ लगी सफेद साड़ी; एक साफ-सुथरी और सख्त साड़ी, जो सुथरेपन का प्रतीक है।
- Fragrance of soap: A pleasant smell of soap, symbolizing cleanliness and familiarity.
- साबुन की खुशबू; स्वच्छता और परिचितपन का प्रतीक।
Poetic Devices.
- Imagery: “Starched and white sari” and “fragrance of soap” give a strong visual and sensory image of the grandmother’s neat appearance, making her memory vivid and real for the poet.
- Metaphor: The “curtains have long been taken down” is a metaphor representing the passing of time and changes that have happened, symbolizing memories and things from the past that no longer exist.
- Symbolism: The “starched and white sari” symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and perhaps her dignity or traditional values. The “fragrance of soap” symbolizes a sense of warmth and familiarity associated with the grandmother.
- Enjambment: The stanza uses enjambment with the lines flowing into each other, maintaining a soft, nostalgic rhythm that reflects the poet’s lingering memories of his grandmother.