Clas 6 English ‘Spices that Heal Us’ Question and Answers NCERT Book Poorvi

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Spices that Heal Us Class 6 NCERT Textbook Poorvi

Intext-Questions and Answers

Intext-questions are those questions that are given before the start of the main text of the lesson or the chapter.

Let us do these activities before we read.

Page 93

Answer: Here are three examples of spices:

(a) Turmeric
(b) Cumin
(c) Ginger

Q.2. Given below are pictures of some spices. Work in pairs and write what you call them in your language. Their names in English are given in the last column. Share your answers with your teacher.


S.No.SpiceName in HindiName in English
3CuminJeeraCumin seeds
8Black pepperKali MirchBlack pepper
9Fennel seedsSaunfFennel seeds
Spices that Heal Us

Let us think and reflect

Page 95


  • (a) Daadi found cures for common illnesses in the kitchen using spices.
  • (b) One example of a weather-related common illness is a cold.
  • (c) The speaker had a close, loving, and respectful relationship with her grandmother.

Answer: sugar level and body weight

Daadi soaked methi seeds overnight and drank the water in the morning to manage sugar level and body weight.

Answer: (c) Fennel seeds

Answer: Daadi wanted them to share the natural cures so others could benefit from these traditional remedies

Answer: Daadi’s final advice was to consult an elder before using these spices for medicinal purposes.

Answer: Daadi learned the natural cures from her grandmother, showing that these remedies are passed down through generations.

Answer: Knowing the healing properties of spices helps us use them for health benefits and understand natural remedies for common illnesses.

Textbook Q&A – Chapter End Exercises

These exercises are those that are given at the ed of the lesson “Spices that Heal Us” given in the NCERT Textbook ‘Poorvi’ under Unit Three ‘Nurturing Nature’.

Let us learn


SpiceNamePart of the PlantColourTextureTaste
CloveCloveFlower budsBrownRoughSpicy
Black PepperBlack pepperFruitBlackRoughSpicy

Answer: Matching Helping Verbs with Their Functions:

Helping VerbFunction
1. mayd. advice
2. shouldb. suggestion
3. cane. ability
4. mustc. compulsion
5. need tof. necessity
6. used toa. past habit


Ajay: Anand had fever last week. He (i) should take good rest.
Suman: Yes, he (ii) must or he will fall ill again.
Ajay: He (iii) can take grandmother’s natural cures.
Suman: Yes, we (iv) need to remember how effective they are.

Let us listen

You will listen to the benefits of Tulsi (Holy Basil), a common herb. As you listen, complete the factsheet given below. (refer to page 102 for transcript)


Family(i) Basil
First found in(ii) North central India
Now foundEverywhere in India
Known as(iii) The Queen of Herbs
Can decrease levels of(iv) Glucose and cholesterol
Used to treat disorders ofBreathing and (v) Digestion
Is used to makeMouth wash and (vi) Toothpaste
We can have Tulsi leaves byEating them (vii) Raw or adding them while making (viii) Tea

Let us speak

Answer: Attempt yourself. Here’s an example introduction from the perspective of Turmeric:

Hello everyone!

My name is Turmeric, but you can also call me Haldi. I am a bright yellow spice made from the root of a plant. I am not just used to add colour and flavour to food—I have many healing powers too! I can help improve digestion, reduce body pain, and boost energy levels. People even use me to treat wounds because of my anti-bacterial properties. I am an important part of many Indian dishes and even herbal remedies. Do you want to add a little health and colour to your life? Just sprinkle me in your food!

Thank you!

Use the headband while introducing yourself as the spice.

Answer: Attempt yourself.

Answer: Attempt yourself; Here’s an example of how to use the headband and structure your introduction:

Introduction Example (Clove):

Put on your spicy headband with a picture of cloves.

Hello everyone!
I am Clove, known as Laung in Hindi.

  • I come from the flower bud of my plant.
  • My color is dark brown and my texture is rough and woody.
  • My taste is spicy with a hint of sweetness.

I am not just a cooking ingredient; I can help with toothaches, improve digestion, and even fight coughs and colds.

I hope you enjoyed learning about me. Thank you!

Let us write

Answers: Here is the completed text for Natural Cures for Cough, using the provided phrases:

(a) To prepare this home remedy, you just need ginger and honey. First, take a piece of fresh ginger, grate it, and take the juice from it. Take about two teaspoons of this juice and add about two and a half teaspoons of honey to it. Mix it properly. Warm the mixture slightly on very low heat for a minute. Then you can have it about three to four times a day to get relief from a cough. Have patience to see the effect, as natural cures for cough with ginger and honey might take some time to show results.

(b) To prepare the second home remedy for a cough, take about 10 grams of each long pepper, dried ginger, and basil leaves. Add four to six small cardamoms and grind to get a fine powder. If you take this powder with an equal amount of honey, it will give you relief from a cough.

Answer: Do yourself; Here a sample answer is given here.

Tulsi: The Wonder Herb

Tulsi, also known as the Queen of Herbs, is a plant belonging to the basil family. It was first found in north-central India and is now grown everywhere in the country. Tulsi is widely recognized for its medicinal properties. It helps reduce glucose and cholesterol levels and improves blood pressure. This herb is commonly used to treat breathing and digestion disorders. Due to its anti-bacterial properties, Tulsi is used to make herbal hand sanitizers, mouthwash, and toothpaste for treating gum diseases and mouth ulcers. Tulsi leaves can be eaten raw or added while preparing tea. Tulsi tea is known for its calming effect, which helps in reducing stress. It also protects the body from harmful pollutants. Tulsi truly lives up to its name as a wonder herb.

Let us explore

Answer: Here are the answers based on the riddles:

(a) Ajwain (carom seeds)

(b) Ginger


Brownish- yellow in colour,
and bitter to taste,
I help everyone
to manage their weight.
Who am I?
Ans: Fenugreek (methi)

Red, fiery, and bold,
I make your food tasty to hold.
Sprinkle me for some spice delight,
But use me less, or you’ll feel the bite!
Who am I?
Red chili

Answer: To be attempted by students themselves.

This activity encourages sensory learning! Here’s how you can organize it effectively:

  1. Gather Spices: Collect common spices like cinnamon, clove, cardamom, turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cumin, and coriander. Ensure they are clean and safe to touch, smell, and, if appropriate, taste.
  2. Close Eyes: Ask students to close their eyes to enhance focus on their sense of smell and touch.
  3. Introduce One Spice at a Time: Pass each spice around. Students can touch, feel, and smell the spice, guessing its name and properties (e.g., texture, aroma, flavor).
  4. Discuss Each Spice: After everyone guesses, reveal the spice’s name and share a few facts about it, such as:
    • Its origin.
    • Common uses in food or medicine.
    • Unique characteristics like aroma, texture, or color.
  5. Optional Tasting: For edible spices like turmeric in milk, cardamom, or cinnamon, provide a small, safe sample to taste.
  6. Reflect: After the activity, discuss:
    • Which spices were easy or hard to identify?
    • How did each spice make them feel (e.g., calming, invigorating)?

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