Class 6 English: ‘The Unlikely Best Friends’: Extra Questions – MCCQs & Extract Based Questions

NCERT Class 6 English Textbook ‘Poorvi’ lesson “The Unlikely best friends”: Here you would get extra questions for practice. Click here for more such resources.

MCQs for “The Unlikely Best Friends”

  1. Why did Gajaraj feel lonely despite being well taken care of in the royal stables?
    • A) He wasn’t fed properly.
    • B) He didn’t like the mahout.
    • C) He had no friends to play with.
    • D) He wanted more luxuries.
  2. What did Gajaraj do when the stray dog entered his stable?
    • A) He ignored the dog.
    • B) He chased the dog away.
    • C) He shared his food with the dog.
    • D) He called the mahout for help.
  3. What did Gajaraj and Buntee enjoy doing together?
    • A) Going on rides, bathing, and playing.
    • B) Eating together only.
    • C) Competing with other animals.
    • D) Barking and trumpeting loudly.
  4. Why did the farmer let Buntee return to Gajaraj?
    • A) The farmer didn’t want Buntee anymore.
    • B) Buntee was causing trouble at home.
    • C) The farmer saw that Buntee missed Gajaraj and was not eating.
    • D) The farmer wanted to please the king.
  5. What is the main reason Gajaraj stopped eating after Buntee left?
    • A) He didn’t like the food.
    • B) He was feeling sick.
    • C) He was upset and missed his friend Buntee.
    • D) The mahout forgot to feed him.
  6. What can we learn about friendship from the story?
    • A) Only animals of the same kind can be friends.
    • B) Friendship is about sharing, caring, and being there for each other.
    • C) Friends should always be serious.
    • D) Friendship is not important for happiness.
  7. What role did the mahout play in Gajaraj and Buntee’s friendship?
    • A) He ignored their friendship.
    • B) He disapproved of their friendship.
    • C) He supported their friendship and allowed Buntee to stay with Gajaraj.
    • D) He sent Buntee away from the stable.
  8. What is the significance of the farmer and the mahout becoming friends at the end of the story?
    • A) It shows that animals can bring people together.
    • B) It means the farmer will now work in the stables.
    • C) It shows that only animals can have true friendships.
    • D) It shows that humans don’t need friends.
  1. C) He had no friends to play with.
  2. C) He shared his food with the dog.
  3. A) Going on rides, bathing, and playing.
  4. C) The farmer saw that Buntee missed Gajaraj and was not eating.
  5. C) He was upset and missed his friend Buntee.
  6. B) Friendship is about sharing, caring, and being there for each other.
  7. C) He supported their friendship and allowed Buntee to stay with Gajaraj.
  8. A) It shows that animals can bring people together.

Extract Based Questions

Extract 1:

1. What does the mahout’s reaction to the stray dog tell us about his character?

  • A) He was strict and didn’t allow any animals near Gajaraj.
  • B) He was kind and understanding, allowing Gajaraj to have a companion.
  • C) He was indifferent and didn’t care about Gajaraj’s feelings.
  • D) He only cared about keeping the stable clean.

2. Why is Gajaraj’s reaction to the dog important in this scene?

  • A) It shows Gajaraj’s hostility toward other animals.
  • B) It reveals Gajaraj’s desire for companionship.
  • C) It demonstrates Gajaraj’s dislike for dogs.
  • D) It shows Gajaraj’s anger towards the mahout.

3. What did the mahout notice about Gajaraj?

  • A) Gajaraj was unhappy with the dog’s presence.
  • B) Gajaraj seemed to enjoy the dog’s company.
  • C) Gajaraj ignored the dog completely.
  • D) Gajaraj tried to chase the dog away.

4. What does this sentence suggest about the relationship between Gajaraj and the stray dog?

  • A) The dog was bothering Gajaraj.
  • B) Gajaraj was indifferent to the dog.
  • C) A bond was beginning to form between Gajaraj and the dog.
  • D) The dog was frightened of Gajaraj.
  1. B) He was kind and understanding, allowing Gajaraj to have a companion.
  2. B) It reveals Gajaraj’s desire for companionship.
  3. B) Gajaraj seemed to enjoy the dog’s company.
  4. C) A bond was beginning to form between Gajaraj and the dog.

Extract 2:

1. What is the significance of Buntee and Gajaraj’s reaction when they are separated?

  • A) It shows that they didn’t care about each other.
  • B) It highlights the strong emotional bond between the two.
  • C) It suggests that Gajaraj was indifferent to Buntee leaving.
  • D) It shows that the mahout and farmer understood the animals’ feelings.

2. How does this moment affect the development of the story’s theme of friendship?

  • A) It shows that friendships can be easily broken.
  • B) It emphasizes that friendships are deep and can cause pain when separated.
  • C) It shows that friendships are not important for animals.
  • D) It suggests that the animals were only pretending to be friends.

3. Why did Buntee yelp when the farmer pulled the rope?

  • A) He was in physical pain.
  • B) He didn’t want to leave his friend Gajaraj.
  • C) The farmer was being rough.
  • D) He was afraid of the farmer.

4. How did Gajaraj react when Buntee was being taken away?

  • A) He tried to pull the rope from the farmer.
  • B) He became very angry.
  • C) He winced and felt sad.
  • D) He didn’t react at all.
  1. B) It highlights the strong emotional bond between the two.
  2. B) It emphasizes that friendships are deep and can cause pain when separated.
  3. B) He didn’t want to leave his friend Gajaraj.
  4. C) He winced and felt sad.

Extract 3:

1. What does Buntee’s behaviour after being freed by the farmer suggest about his feelings for Gajaraj?

  • A) Buntee didn’t care much for Gajaraj and wanted to run away.
  • B) Buntee’s immediate return to the stable shows his deep loyalty and love for Gajaraj.
  • C) Buntee was afraid of the farmer and ran away.
  • D) Buntee wanted to explore the surroundings and get away from both the farmer and Gajaraj.

2. What does the farmer’s decision to let Buntee go tell us about his character?

  • A) The farmer was selfish and didn’t want Buntee anymore.
  • B) The farmer valued Buntee’s happiness over his own needs and showed kindness.
  • C) The farmer was indifferent to Buntee’s feelings.
  • D) The farmer didn’t understand why Buntee wanted to leave.

3. What was Buntee’s immediate reaction when the rope was removed?

  • A) He ran to the stable to find Gajaraj.
  • B) He stayed beside the farmer.
  • C) He looked for food.
  • D) He laid down to rest.

4. What does Buntee’s action of licking the farmer’s hand suggest?

  • A) Buntee was hungry.
  • B) Buntee was apologizing to the farmer.
  • C) Buntee was thankful to the farmer for letting him go.
  • D) Buntee was trying to make the farmer feel better.
  1. B) Buntee’s immediate return to the stable shows his deep loyalty and love for Gajaraj.
  2. B) The farmer valued Buntee’s happiness over his own needs and showed kindness.
  3. A) He ran to the stable to find Gajaraj.
  4. C) Buntee was thankful to the farmer for letting him go.

Extract 4:

1. What does the mahout’s statement at the end of the story reveal?

  • A) It shows that the mahout had never had friends before.
  • B) It reveals that the mahout and the farmer also developed a meaningful friendship.
  • C) It indicates that the mahout was mocking the farmer.
  • D) It shows that the mahout only cared about Gajaraj’s friendship.

2. How does the ending of the story contribute to its overall message?

  • A) It reinforces the importance of friendship not only between animals but also between people.
  • B) It suggests that friendships between animals are more important than those between people.
  • C) It implies that the farmer didn’t want to be friends with the mahout.
  • D) It highlights that friendships are temporary and easily broken.

3. What did the mahout mean by saying, “I’ve also found one”?

  • A) He had lost something and found it.
  • B) He found a new animal friend.
  • C) He became friends with the farmer.
  • D) He found a way to feed Gajaraj.

4. Why were the mahout and the farmer satisfied while watching Gajaraj and Buntee eat?

  • A) They were happy to see the animals eating together again.
  • B) They had finally trained the animals to eat.
  • C) They were planning to separate the animals.
  • D) They were preparing for a celebration.
  1. B) It reveals that the mahout and the farmer also developed a meaningful friendship
  2. A) It reinforces the importance of friendship not only between animals but also between people.
  3. C) He became friends with the farmer.
  4. A) They were happy to see the animals eating together again.

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