Class 6 ‘The Kites’ Poem Notes – Summary, Central Idea, Poetic Devices

The poem “The Kites” by Daphne Lister, included in the CBSE Class 6 NCERT textbook Poorvi, explores themes of freedom, imagination, and adventure. It describes the poet’s longing to fly like a kite, experiencing the world from above and enjoying the thrill of flight. The accompanying notes include a summary in both English and Hindi, the poem’s central idea, themes, poetic devices (like simile, metaphor, personification, imagery), vocabulary explanations, and its message encouraging dreaming big and embracing new perspectives. The materials aim to enhance understanding and inspire creativity in students.

CBSE Class 6 ‘The Kites’ Poem Notes – Summary, Central Idea, Themes, Message

Summary of the Poem “Kite”

In English:
The poem “Kite” by Daphne Lister beautifully describes the poet’s imagination and desire to fly like a kite. In the first stanza, the poet observes kites flying in the sky, comparing them to colourful birds moving with the strong wind. The poet wishes to be small and light like the air so they can climb on a kite and sail up high. In the third stanza, the poet imagines drifting gently on the kite’s paper wings and listening to the sounds of the wind, which seem like songs. The poet dreams of the fun they would have looking down at the parks, rooftops, and the people below. Finally, the poet imagines people on the ground staring up and wishing they could fly high in the sky, just like the poet. This poem celebrates freedom, imagination, and the joy of seeing the world from a new perspective.

In Hindi (हिंदी में सारांश):
डैफनी लिस्टर की कविता “Kite” (पतंग) कवि की कल्पना और आसमान में उड़ने की इच्छा को सुंदर ढंग से व्यक्त करती है। पहले पद में, कवि आसमान में उड़ती हुई पतंगों को देखता है और उनकी तुलना रंग-बिरंगे पक्षियों से करता है। कवि चाहता है कि वह हवा की तरह हल्का और छोटा हो, ताकि वह पतंग पर चढ़कर ऊपर उड़ सके। तीसरे पद में, कवि पतंग के कागज़ के पंखों पर तैरने और हवा की मधुर आवाज़ (गीत) सुनने की कल्पना करता है। आगे, कवि सोचता है कि ऊपर से पार्क, छतें और लोग कितने सुंदर दिखेंगे। आखिरी पद में, कवि कल्पना करता है कि नीचे खड़े लोग ऊपर देखेंगे और चाहेंगे कि वे भी कवि की तरह आसमान में ऊँचा उड़ सकें। यह कविता स्वतंत्रता, कल्पना और दुनिया को एक नए नजरिए से देखने के आनंद को दर्शाती है।

Vocabulary Notes

Here are the meanings of the important & difficult words and phrases in English and Hindi:

Word/PhraseMeaning in EnglishMeaning in Hindi
wind-whipped skyA sky where the wind blows strongly and moves things around.हवा से झकझोरता हुआ आसमान, जहां तेज़ हवा चलती है।
sail upTo move smoothly and easily upwards, like a boat on water.धीरे-धीरे ऊपर की ओर जाना, जैसे नाव पानी में।
driftTo move slowly and gently without control, like floating.धीरे-धीरे बहना या तैरना।
paper wingsThe wings of the kite made of paper, allowing it to fly.पतंग के कागज़ के पंख, जिससे वह उड़ पाती है।
wild wind singsThe sound made by the fast-moving wind, like a song.तेज़ हवा की आवाज़, जो गाने जैसी लगती है।
stareTo look at something for a long time with focus or surprise.टकटकी लगाकर देखना या ध्यान से घूरना।
wish they were meHoping to be in someone else’s position or situation.यह इच्छा करना कि वे मेरी जगह हों।

Central Idea of the Poem “The Kites”

The poem “Kite” by Daphne Lister revolves around the desire for freedom, adventure, and imagination. The poet watches kites soaring in the sky and wishes to fly like them, experiencing the joy of being weightless and free. The poem highlights the excitement of viewing the world from above, where everything looks small and beautiful. It also expresses a longing to escape the ordinary and explore the vast sky, just like a kite. Through this imagery, the poet encourages readers to dream big, embrace curiosity, and seek new perspectives in life.

कविता का केंद्रीय विचार

डैफनी लिस्टर की कविता “Kite” का केंद्रीय विचार स्वतंत्रता, कल्पना और रोमांच की इच्छा है। कवि आसमान में ऊँचाई तक उड़ती पतंगों को देखकर चाहता है कि वह भी उनके जैसा हल्का और मुक्त होकर उड़ सके। वह कल्पना करता है कि पतंग की कागज़ी पंखों पर तैरते हुए वह हवा के मधुर गीत सुने और ऊपर से दुनिया को नए नजरिए से देखे। कविता यह दर्शाती है कि हर व्यक्ति में ऊँचाइयों तक पहुँचने और अपने सपनों को साकार करने की आकांक्षा होती है। यह हमें कल्पना की शक्ति और नई संभावनाओं को तलाशने की प्रेरणा देती है।

Theme of the Poem “The Kites”

The main theme of the poem “Kite” by Daphne Lister is freedom, imagination, and adventure. The poem beautifully captures the joy of flight, dreams of adventure, and a desire to see the world from a new angle. It encourages readers to think beyond their limits and embrace imagination and freedom.

Main Highlights of the Poem

  1. Desire for Freedom:
    • The poet wishes to be light as air and fly like a kite, showing a longing for freedom and adventure.
    • The imagery of flying high represents breaking free from limitations.
  2. Power of Imagination:
    • The poet imagines sailing on a kite and listening to the wild wind sing, making the experience magical.
    • This highlights a childlike imagination and curiosity about the world.
  3. Perspective from Above:
    • The poet envisions looking down at parks, rooftops, and people, seeing the world from a different view.
    • This symbolizes gaining a new perspective on life by stepping outside usual experiences.
  4. Admiration from Others:
    • The poet imagines that people below would stare and wish to be up in the sky, showing the idea of being admired for reaching new heights.
    • This could represent dreams, achievements, or personal success.

Message/Moral of the Poem “The Kites”

The poem teaches us to dream big, explore new possibilities, and enjoy freedom. It encourages us to use our imagination and see the world from different perspectives. Just like a kite soars high, we should also aim high in life and not be afraid to follow our dreams.

कविता का संदेश / नैतिक शिक्षा

यह कविता हमें बड़े सपने देखने, नई संभावनाओं को तलाशने और स्वतंत्रता का आनंद लेने की प्रेरणा देती है। यह सिखाती है कि कल्पना की शक्ति का उपयोग करें और दुनिया को नए नजरिए से देखें। जैसे पतंग ऊँचाइयों तक उड़ती है, वैसे ही हमें भी अपने सपनों को पूरा करने के लिए ऊँचा सोचना चाहिए और कभी हार नहीं माननी चाहिए।

Key Summary Points of the Poem “The Kites”

  1. Kites fly high – The poet sees colourful kites flying in the sky like birds.
  2. Wish to fly – The poet wishes to be light like air and fly up on a kite.
  3. Drifting in the sky – The poet imagines floating on the kite’s paper wings and listening to the wind’s song.
  4. View from above – From high up, the poet dreams of looking down at parks, rooftops, and people.
  5. People watching – The poet believes that people on the ground would look up and wish they could fly too.
  6. Theme of freedom – The poem expresses the joy of flying, being free, and seeing the world from a new perspective.

कविता के मुख्य बिंदु:

  1. पतंगें ऊँचाई पर उड़ती हैं – कवि रंग-बिरंगी पतंगों को आसमान में पक्षियों की तरह उड़ते हुए देखता है।
  2. उड़ने की इच्छा – कवि चाहता है कि वह हवा की तरह हल्का हो और पतंग पर बैठकर उड़ सके।
  3. आसमान में तैरना – कवि कल्पना करता है कि वह पतंग के कागज़ी पंखों पर तैर रहा है और हवा के गीत सुन रहा है।
  4. ऊपर से दुनिया देखना – कवि सोचता है कि ऊपर से पार्क, छतें और लोग कितने छोटे और सुंदर दिखेंगे।
  5. लोग ऊपर देखते हैं – कवि मानता है कि नीचे खड़े लोग उसे देखकर चाहेंगे कि वे भी उड़ सकें।
  6. स्वतंत्रता का संदेश – यह कविता स्वतंत्रता, कल्पना और ऊँचाइयों को छूने की खुशी को दर्शाती है।

Poetic Devices in “The Kites” Poem

Here is a list of poetic devices used in the poem “Kite” by Daphne Lister with simple explanations:

‘The Kites’ has the rhyming of ABCB, which means that the last word of the second line and the fourth line rhyme.

  • Example from the poem:
    • “fly” / “sky”
    • “air” / “there”

A simile is a comparison between two things using “like” or “as”.


  • “Like coloured birds in the wind-whipped sky.”
    • Explanation: The kites are compared to colourful birds, highlighting their beauty and smooth movement in the sky.
  • “I wish I were small / And as light as air.”
    • Explanation: compare the kites (or the boy who wants to climb on a kite) with the quality of being light as air.
    • The child wishes to be as light as air. The child wishes this to be able to climb on a kite and fly.

Personification is when non-living things or nature are given human qualities.

Example: “The wild wind sings.”

Explanation: The wind is given the human quality of singing, making it sound like the wind is making music, adding to the beauty of nature.

Imagery is when the poet uses words to create vivid pictures or mental images for the reader.


  • “See the kites fly, like coloured birds in the wind-whipped sky.”
    • Explanation: The poet creates a visual image of colourful kites flying high in a sky full of wind.
  • “Over the park / And the rooftops of town.”
    • The poet paints a vivid image of the view from above, helping the reader visualize looking down at the park and rooftops from the sky.

Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound in nearby words.


  • wind-whipped sky.” – Stanza 1 (The ‘w’ sound is repeated)
  • “I wish I were small” – Stanza 2 (The ‘w’ sound is repeated)
  • “That the wild wind sings.”Stanza 3 (The ‘w’ sound is repeated)
  • wish they were me” / High, high in the air.” – Stanza 5 (The ‘w’ & ‘h’ sound is repeated)

Hyperbole is an exaggeration to emphasize something or make it sound grand.

Example: “High, high in the air.”

Explanation: The poet exaggerates the height of flying to show the thrill and excitement of being far above the ground.

Repeating words or phrases for emphasis or effect.

Example from the poem:

“high, high in the air.”

The repetition of the word “high” emphasizes the great height and the poet’s longing to be up in the sky.

Symbolism in the Poem

  • Kite: The kite symbolizes freedom, dreams, and adventure. It represents the poet’s desire to escape from the ordinary world and experience the thrill of flying.
  • Wind: The wind symbolizes nature’s power and support. Just as the wind helps the kite fly, it represents the unseen forces that help us achieve our dreams.
  • Looking down from the sky: This symbolizes a new perspective—seeing the world differently and feeling special

Metaphor in the Poem

A metaphor is when something is described as something else without using “like” or “as.”

  • “Paper wings” → The kite’s wings are not real wings, but they are compared to a bird’s wings, showing how it soars in the sky.
  • “Wild wind sings” → The wind doesn’t literally sing, but its sound is compared to a song, making nature feel alive and musical.

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