Dreams Poem by Langston Hughes: Question & Answers (Magnolia Class 5)

Here get the answers to textbook questions for the poem ‘Dreams’ by Langston Hughes as given in the class 5 English book Magnolia. You can also see notes and explanations of ‘Dreams’ Poem.


The poem “Dreams” encourages readers to hold on to their dreams, as it emphasizes the importance of dreams in making life meaningful and fulfilling. It compares a life without dreams to a broken-winged bird and a barren field, suggesting that dreams provide hope, purpose, and joy. The poem’s message is conveyed through repetition, vivid imagery, and strong comparisons.

Textbook Question and Answers


1. What does the speaker ask the reader to do?

Answer: The speaker asks the reader to hold fast to dreams.

2. What does the speaker want to say when he compares a life without dreams to:

  • a. ‘a broken-winged bird that cannot fly’?
  • b. ‘a barren field frozen with snow’?

Answer: The speaker’s intentions are given below:

  • a. The speaker wants to say that a life without dreams is like a bird that can’t fly because it is broken.
  • b. The speaker wants to say that a life without dreams is like a field that is empty and cold.

We are giving here more than one set of answers to help students in their understanding as well as complete assigned tasks.

1. What kind of dreams do you think the speaker is referring to? Why is it important to keep those dreams alive?

Answer: The speaker is probably referring to hopes, wishes, and goals. It’s important to keep these dreams alive because they give us something to work towards and make life more exciting.

2. In the first stanza, the speaker says ‘dreams die’ and in the second stanza says dreams go. What do you think is the difference between the two?

Answer: “Dreams die” might mean that you stop believing in them or that they are no longer possible. “Dreams go” might mean that they simply fade away or are forgotten.

3. Do you find the poem inspirational? Give reasons.

Answer: Yes, I find the poem inspirational. It reminds us that dreams are important and that we should never give up on them.

  1. The speaker is probably referring to hopes and wishes. It’s important to keep those dreams alive because they give us something to work towards and hope for.
  2. “Dreams die” might mean that you stop believing in them or that they are lost. “Dreams go” might mean that you forget about them or that they change.
  3. Yes, I find the poem inspirational. It reminds us that dreams are important and that we should never give up on them.
  1. The speaker is probably referring to big dreams, like becoming a famous scientist or a great artist. It’s important to keep those dreams alive because they give us hope and something to work towards.
  2. “Dreams die” means that they are lost forever. “Dreams go” means that they are just not happening right now.
  3. Yes, I find the poem inspirational because it tells us to never give up on our dreams. It shows us that life can be very sad without dreams.

Appreciating the Poem

  1. Repetition: The repetition of the phrase “Hold fast to dreams” makes the message stronger and easier to remember. It is like a reminder to always keep your dreams close.
  2. Comparison and vivid images: The speaker compares a life without dreams to a broken-winged bird and a barren field. These images help us understand how important dreams are. They make us think about how sad and empty life can be without them.
  1. Repetition: Repeating the phrase “Hold fast to dreams” makes the message stronger and easier to remember. It emphasizes the importance of dreams.
  2. Comparison and vivid images: Comparing life without dreams to a broken-winged bird and a barren field creates a clear picture in our minds. It helps us understand how important dreams are for a happy and fulfilling life.
  1. Repetition: Repeating the phrase “Hold fast to dreams” makes the message stronger and easier to remember. It is like a reminder to always keep your dreams alive.
  2. Comparison and vivid images: Comparing a life without dreams to a broken-winged bird and a barren field creates clear pictures in our minds. These images help us understand how important dreams are and how sad life can be without them.


  1. how difficult life is without dreams. Life is…
  2. how inspiring life is as one works towards fulfilling their dreams.
  3. how happy life is when dreams come true.


  1. How difficult life is without dreams: Life is a dark tunnel, a lonely island, a ship without a sail.
  2. How inspiring life is as one works towards fulfilling their dreams: Life is a colorful adventure, a mountain to climb, a river to swim.
  3. How happy life is when dreams come true: Life is a rainbow after the storm, a sweet victory, a beautiful garden.

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