‘Idgah’ Chapter Notes, Question and Answers Class 8 English Book Lavender

Notes and Questions and answers based on the chapter ‘Idgah’ as given in the class 8 English textbook ‘Lavender’. You would get Summary in Hindi and English, Vocabulary Notes, Character sketch etc. Click here to reach Q&A section directly.

Idgah Chapter Notes

Summary of Idgah:

English Summary

The story Idgah, written by the renowned Hindi author Munshi Premchand, is a touching tale about a young boy named Hamid and his deep bond with his grandmother, Amina. The story is set in a small village, where Hamid, a poor, orphaned boy, lives with Amina. His parents passed away when he was very young, leaving Amina as his only family. Despite their poverty, Hamid remains optimistic and cheerful, bringing joy to his grandmother’s life.

The story begins on the morning of Eid, a day of great celebration. Hamid is excited but doesn’t fully understand the religious significance of the festival. All he knows is that people wear new clothes, go to the mosque for prayers, and afterward, children go to the fair to buy toys and sweets. Though he doesn’t have any fancy clothes or shoes, he is filled with excitement about the fair. His grandmother worries that he may feel sad when he sees other children with money, but Hamid reassures her and leaves with just a few coins in his pocket.

At the fair, Hamid’s friends buy all sorts of tempting items – colorful toys, sweets, and clay figures. Each purchase makes them happy, and they tease Hamid for not spending his money. However, Hamid has something else in mind. He notices a blacksmith selling simple household items, and his attention is caught by a pair of iron tongs (chimta). He remembers how his grandmother often burns her fingers while making chapatis over an open flame. With this thought, Hamid chooses to buy the tongs with his money instead of spending it on toys or treats like his friends.

When Hamid returns home, his friends mock him for choosing something so uninteresting, but he doesn’t mind. For him, this tongs represents his love and care for his grandmother. He proudly gives the tongs to Amina, who is overwhelmed with emotion. She hadn’t expected such a thoughtful gift and is moved by his selflessness. Tears fill her eyes, and she realizes that Hamid’s small act of kindness is far more valuable than any costly gift.

Idgah is not just a story about a child at a fair; it explores deep themes of empathy, sacrifice, and love. Hamid’s choice to buy something useful for his grandmother, rather than indulge himself, makes him a true hero of the story, reflecting the purity and innocence of a child’s love.

Hindi Summary:

ईदगाह, मुंशी प्रेमचंद द्वारा लिखी गई एक भावपूर्ण कहानी है, जो एक छोटे लड़के हामिद और उसकी दादी अमीना के बीच के गहरे स्नेह और लगाव को दर्शाती है। कहानी एक छोटे से गाँव की है, जहाँ हामिद अपनी दादी के साथ रहता है। उसके माता-पिता का निधन हो चुका है और उसकी देखभाल का सारा जिम्मा उसकी दादी पर है। भले ही वे गरीब हैं, हामिद अपनी दादी का जीवन खुशियों से भर देता है और हमेशा उत्साहित रहता है।

कहानी की शुरुआत ईद के दिन से होती है। ईद एक खुशी का त्योहार है और हामिद भी उत्साहित है, हालांकि वह त्योहार का धार्मिक महत्व पूरी तरह से नहीं समझता। उसे बस इतना पता है कि इस दिन लोग नए कपड़े पहनते हैं, मस्जिद में नमाज अदा करते हैं, और बच्चे मेले में जाकर खिलौने और मिठाइयाँ खरीदते हैं। हामिद के पास नए कपड़े और जूते नहीं हैं, और उसकी जेब में भी केवल कुछ सिक्के हैं, पर फिर भी वह खुशी-खुशी मेला देखने निकल पड़ता है। उसकी दादी चिंता करती हैं कि हामिद वहाँ उदास हो जाएगा, पर वह उन्हें दिलासा देता है।

मेले में पहुँचकर, हामिद के दोस्त तरह-तरह की चीज़ें खरीदते हैं – रंगीन खिलौने, मिठाइयाँ, और मिट्टी की मूर्तियाँ। हर नई चीज उन्हें खुश करती है, और वे हामिद का मजाक उड़ाते हैं कि उसने अब तक कुछ नहीं खरीदा। लेकिन हामिद के मन में कुछ और ही चल रहा है। वह एक लोहार की दुकान पर जाता है, जहाँ उसे एक साधारण चिमटा दिखाई देता है। उसे याद आता है कि उसकी दादी अक्सर रोटी बनाते समय अपने हाथ जला लेती हैं। हामिद का दिल भर आता है, और वह खिलौनों और मिठाइयों के बजाय चिमटा खरीदने का फैसला करता है।

जब हामिद घर लौटता है, तो उसके दोस्त उस पर हँसते हैं कि वह मेला से सिर्फ एक साधारण चिमटा लेकर लौटा है। पर हामिद को इन बातों की परवाह नहीं। उसके लिए यह चिमटा उसकी दादी के प्रति उसके स्नेह का प्रतीक है। जब वह दादी को यह चिमटा भेंट करता है, तो उनकी आँखें भर आती हैं। उन्हें उम्मीद नहीं थी कि हामिद इतनी छोटी उम्र में इतना संवेदनशील हो सकता है। वह समझ जाती हैं कि हामिद का यह छोटा-सा उपहार उसकी अपनी इच्छाओं को त्याग कर खरीदा गया है, और इससे उनकी दादी के प्रति उसका प्रेम स्पष्ट हो जाता है।

ईदगाह न सिर्फ एक मेले में बच्चे के जाने की कहानी है, बल्कि यह प्रेम, त्याग और सच्चे भावनात्मक रिश्तों की गहराई को भी उजागर करती है। हामिद का यह निर्णय कि वह अपने लिए कुछ नहीं बल्कि अपनी दादी के लिए कुछ उपयोगी खरीदे, उसे इस कहानी का असली नायक बनाता है।

Vocabulary Notes:

  • Ramadan – A holy month in Islam, observed by fasting from dawn to sunset. (इस्लाम में एक पवित्र महीना, जिसमें सूर्योदय से सूर्यास्त तक उपवास रखा जाता है।)
  • Eid – A major festival in Islam celebrated after Ramadan, marked by prayers, feasts, and joy. (रमजान के बाद मनाया जाने वाला इस्लाम का प्रमुख त्योहार, जिसमें प्रार्थना, भोजन और खुशियाँ होती हैं।)
  • Wonderful – Amazing or delightful. (अद्भुत, मनमोहक या सुखद।)
  • Festive – Having a joyful or celebratory atmosphere. (खुशी या उत्सव का माहौल।)
  • Dazzling – Very bright and impressive. (बहुत चमकीला और प्रभावशाली।)
  • Agog – Excited or very interested. (बहुत उत्सुक या उत्तेजित।)
  • Greet – To welcome someone, often with words or gestures. (किसी का स्वागत अक्सर शब्दों या इशारों से।)
  • Deny – To refuse or reject. (इंकार करना या अस्वीकार करना।)
  • At long last – Finally, after a long time. (आखिरकार, लंबे इंतजार के बाद अंततः।)
  • Impatient – Unable to wait calmly. (धैर्य न रख पाने वाला, उतावला।)
  • Concern – Worry or interest about something. (चिंता या परवाह।)
  • Famished – Extremely hungry. (बहुत भूखा।)
  • Wasted away – Gradually became weak or thin, often due to illness or sadness. (धीरे-धीरे कमज़ोर या पतला हो जाना, अक्सर बीमारी या दुख के कारण।)
  • Ailed – Suffered from an illness or problem. (किसी बीमारी या समस्या से पीड़ित होना।)
  • As happy as a lark – Extremely cheerful and joyful. (बहुत खुश और प्रसन्न।)
  • Tattered – Torn or worn out. (फटा हुआ या घिसा हुआ।)
  • Hovel – A small, poorly built, and shabby house. (छोटा, गरीबों का और जीर्ण-शीर्ण घर।)
  • Shed – To let fall, usually refers to tears or blood in this context. (गिराना, आमतौर पर आँसू या खून।)
  • Fret – To worry or become anxious. (चिंतित ओर बेचैन होना, चिढ़ जाना।)
  • Previous – Happening or existing before something else. (पहले से मौजूद या घटित होना।)
  • Blisters – Small bubbles on the skin caused by burns or friction. (त्वचा पर छोटे बुलबुले, फफोले।)
  • Vermicelli – A type of thin pasta. (सेवइयाँ।)
  • Ingredients – Items used make a dish or recipe. (किसी पकवान या नुस्खे में इस्तेमाल होने वाली सामग्री।)
  • Pudding – A type of sweet dish or dessert. (एक प्रकार की मिठाई या पकवान।)
  • Way out – An exit or escape or solution. (बाहर निकलने का या बचने क रास्ता।)
  • Ahead – In front of or further forward. (सामने या आगे।)
  • Suburbs – Residential areas on the outskirts of a city. (शहर के बाहरी इलाकों के आवासीय क्षेत्र।)
  • Mansions – Large, grand houses. (बड़े, शानदार घर, अक्सर अमीरों के लिए।।)
  • Enclosed – Surrounded or contained within something. (किसी चीज़ से घिरा या बंद।)
  • Landmark – A recognizable or important place. (एक प्रसिद्ध या महत्वपूर्ण स्थान।)
  • Rush – To hurry or move quickly. (जल्दी करना, जल्दी या हड़बड़ी में आगे बढ़ना।)
  • Hurl – To throw forcefully. (जोर से फेंकना।)
  • Furlong – A unit of distance equal to 220 yards. (220 गज के बराबर की दूरी का एक माप।)
  • Proceed – To continue or go forward. (जारी रखना या आगे बढ़ना।)
  • Gaily – In a joyful or cheerful manner. (खुशी या आनंद से।)
  • Delicacies – Special, often expensive foods. (विशेष, आमतौर पर महंगे भोजन।)
  • Gape – To stare with an open mouth in wonder or surprise. (आश्चर्य या हैरानी से मुँह खोलकर देखना।)
  • Wonder – Amazement or admiration. (आश्चर्य या प्रशंसा।)
  • Hoot – To honk or make a loud sound, as cars do. (ज़ोर से आवाज़ करना, जैसे गाड़ियाँ करती हैं।)
  • Frantically – In a panicked or hurried manner. (हड़बड़ी या घबराहट में या जल्दी में।)
  • Nearly – Almost or close to. (लगभग या करीब-करीब।)
  • Massive – Very large or heavy. (बहुत बड़ा या भारी।)
  • Casting – Throwing or projecting something. (फेंकना या प्रक्षेपित करना।)
  • Spilling – Flowing out of a container, often accidentally. (बर्तन से बाहर या छिटक कर बाहर आना।)
  • Heart-moving – Something that touches the emotions deeply. (जो दिल को गहराई से छू ले।)
  • Coordination – The act of working together smoothly. (साथ मिलकर और सुचारू रूप से काम करना।)
  • Bow – To bend forward as a sign of respect or greeting. (सम्मान या अभिवादन के लिए आगे झुकना।)
  • Erect – Upright or standing tall. (सीधा खड़ा।)
  • Spectacle – An impressive or grand sight or event. (प्रभावशाली या भव्य दृश्य या घटना।)
  • Embrace – To hug or hold someone closely. (गले लगाना या पास पकड़ना।)
  • Descend – To go down or move from a higher place to a lower one. (ऊपर से नीचे जाना।)
  • Assault – A violent attack. (एक हिंसक हमला।)
  • Rustic – Simple, rural, or typical of the countryside. (ग्रामीण या साधारण।)
  • Plummeting – Falling quickly and suddenly. (अचानक और तेज़ी से गिरना।)
  • Miserable – Very unhappy or in poor condition. (बहुत दुखी, लाचार, या खराब स्थिति में।)
  • Splendid – Very impressive or beautiful. (बहुत शानदार या सुंदर।)
  • Display – A show or arrangement for viewing. (दिखाने के लिए प्रदर्शित करना।)
  • Smashed to bits – Completely broken into small pieces. (छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में टूट जाना।)
  • Expression of learning – Showing knowledge or understanding. (ज्ञान या समझ को प्रकट करना।)
  • Arguing – Disagreeing or debating with words. (बहस या वाद-विवाद करना।)
  • Afford to buy – Having enough money to purchase something. (कुछ खरीदने के लिए पर्याप्त पैसे होना।)
  • Smack – A sharp hit, often with the palm of the hand. (एक तेज़ मार, अक्सर हाथ की हथेली से।)
  • Leaf wrap – Food wrapped in leaves, often for cooking or serving. (पत्तों में लपेटा हुआ भोजन।)
  • Glee – Joy or delight. (खुशी या आनंद।)
  • Crestfallen – Disappointed or sad. (निराश या उदास।)
  • Up to – Capable of doing something; ready for something. (कुछ करने के योग्य या तैयार होना।)
  • Pile – A stack or heap of items. (सामान का ढेर।)
  • Bother – To worry or annoy. (परेशान या तंग करना।)
  • On the contrary – Opposite to what was expected. (अपेक्षित के विपरीत।)
  • Strut – To walk in a proud or showy way. (गर्व से या दिखावे के साथ चलना।)
  • Fling – To throw forcefully or casually. (ज़ोर से या अनायास फेंकना।)
  • Retort – To reply sharply or in an angry manner. (गुस्से या तीखे अंदाज में जवाब देना।)
  • Wield – To hold or use, usually a tool or weapon. (किसी औजार या हथियार को पकड़ना या इस्तेमाल करना।)
  • Mendicant – A beggar. (भिखारी।)
  • Bowels – Intestines, or in an emotional sense, the depths of feeling. (आंतें या भावनात्मक रूप से गहरे भाव।)
  • Budge – To move slightly or change position. (थोड़ा हिलना या स्थान बदलना।)
  • Fairground – An area where a fair or festival is held. (मेला या उत्सव का स्थान।)
  • Rascal – A mischievous or playful person. (दुष्ट, शरारती या चंचल व्यक्ति।)
  • Carried the day – Won or succeeded in a challenge. (किसी चुनौती में जीतना या सफल होना।)
  • Pull leg – To tease or joke with someone. (मजाक करना, टांग खिचाई करना।)
  • Thrashing – A severe beating or scolding. (कठोर मार या डांट, पिटाई।)
  • Bound to say – Obliged or likely to say something. (कहने के लिए बाध्य होना।)
  • Concede – To admit or acknowledge something, often reluctantly. (अनिच्छा से कुछ स्वीकार करना।)
  • Temper – Mood, especially one that is easily angered. (स्वभाव, जो आसानी से गुस्सा हो जाए।)
  • Calculated love – Love shown with a purpose or intent, not spontaneous. (उद्देश्य या इरादे के साथ दिखाया गया प्यार।)
  • Seeped with tenderness – Filled with gentle care and affection. (कोमलता और स्नेह से भरा हुआ।)
  • Beseech – To beg or plead earnestly. (विनती करना या गिड़गिड़ाना।)

Message of “Idgah” Story

The story Idgah by Munshi Premchand carries a powerful message about love, empathy, and selflessness. Through Hamid’s simple but thoughtful choice to buy a pair of tongs for his grandmother instead of indulging himself at the fair, the story highlights how true love is shown through caring actions and small sacrifices.

One of the main themes is that genuine happiness often comes from thinking about others, especially those we love, rather than focusing on our own desires. Hamid’s concern for his grandmother’s well-being is what leads him to buy the tongs, showing that even a small child can express deep compassion and responsibility.

Additionally, Idgah emphasizes the value of contentment and humility. Despite his poverty, Hamid remains happy and optimistic, finding joy in his ability to help his grandmother. His maturity and sensitivity teach us that kindness doesn’t depend on wealth but rather on a big heart.

In essence, the story encourages readers to appreciate selflessness and consider the needs of others, showing that true love is expressed not just in words but in actions.

Character Sketch of Hamid:

Hamid, the young protagonist of Idgah, is a remarkable character known for his innocence, kindness, and maturity beyond his years. Despite being a four-year-old orphan who lives with his poor grandmother, he displays optimism and cheerfulness. Hamid’s spirit is undimmed by his hardships; he looks forward to Eid with excitement, not for personal gain but for the joy of the festival and the opportunity to make his grandmother happy.

He is wise and empathetic, particularly evident when he chooses to buy a pair of tongs for his grandmother instead of toys or sweets. This small act of thoughtfulness shows his deep love and care for her, as he prioritizes her comfort over his own enjoyment. Hamid’s actions reflect his unselfish nature and maturity, standing in contrast to his friends who focus only on their own desires.

In summary, Hamid is a symbol of selfless love, compassion, and resilience. His character teaches us that true wealth lies in generosity and thoughtfulness toward others.

Idgah Chapter Exercise Q&A

Time to answer

Questions and Answers:

  1. Why was the village agog with excitement?
    • Answer: because the boys were going to the fair.
  2. Why was Ameena sad?
    • Answer: because Hamid did not have a father and she did not want to send him to the fair all by himself.
  3. Why do the village children stand and gape at the things that they see in the town?
    • Answer: because everything in the village is simple and the fair is held in the town.
  4. Why did Hamid not regret buying a pair of tongs from the fair?
    • Answer: because the pair of tongs would help his grandmother make chapattis without burning her fingers.


  1. What visual imagery does the writer create in the first paragraph? Describe it in your own words.
  2. Why were the boys of the village more excited than others?
  3. What fears did Ameena have about Hamid going to the Eidgah?
  4. How did the boys enjoy at the fair? How did Hamid feel on seeing his friends enjoy at the fair?
  5. 5. Bring out the contrast in the characters of Hamid and his friends. Quote examples from the text to justify your answer. Answer in 60-80 words.
  6. How does Hamid manage to impress his friends with his tongs?
  7. What was Ameena’s initial reaction when she saw the tongs in Hamid’s hand? Why did her temper suddenly change to love?


  1. What visual imagery does the writer create in the first paragraph? Describe it in your own words.
    • Ans: The writer describes the village as full of excitement on Eid morning. The boys are eager, the sun is shining brightly, and the day feels special and festive. The scene has a happy, lively feeling, and everyone is looking forward to the Eid fair.
  2. Why were the boys of the village more excited than others?
    • Ans: The boys were more excited because they were going to the fair. They looked forward to seeing new things, buying treats, and playing games at the Eidgah, which was a rare and special experience for them.
  3. What fears did Ameena have about Hamid going to the Eidgah?
    • Ans: Ameena was worried because Hamid was young, only four years old, and he had no one to look after him. She feared he might get lost, feel hungry, or be sad seeing other children enjoying more treats than he could buy.
  4. How did the boys enjoy at the fair? How did Hamid feel on seeing his friends enjoy at the fair?
    • Ans: At the fair, the boys enjoyed looking at and buying toys, sweets, and other fun things. Hamid watched his friends having fun, but he didn’t feel bad. He kept thinking of his grandmother and wanted to buy something useful for her, so he chose to buy a pair of tongs.
  5. Bring out the contrast in the characters of Hamid and his friends. Quote examples from the text to justify your answer. Answer in 60-80 words.
    • Ans: Hamid is thoughtful and caring, while his friends are more interested in toys and sweets. While the other boys buy clay toys that might break, Hamid chooses a pair of tongs to help his grandmother with cooking, showing his selflessness and maturity. His friends laugh at him at first, but later they admire his thoughtful gift.
  6. How does Hamid manage to impress his friends with his tongs?
    • Ans: Hamid impresses his friends by showing them how useful the tongs are. Unlike their clay toys, which can break easily, his tongs are strong and can last a long time. He even shows how the tongs could act like a weapon, a musical instrument, or a king of toys, making his friends see it as something special.
  7. What was Ameena’s initial reaction when she saw the tongs in Hamid’s hand? Why did her temper suddenly change to love?
    • Ans: At first, Ameena was upset when she saw the tongs because she felt Hamid had wasted his money on something so simple. But when she realized he bought them so she wouldn’t burn her fingers while cooking, her anger turned to deep love and pride. She felt moved by Hamid’s selflessness and caring heart.

Shorter Answers:

  1. The writer describes a happy village on Eid morning, with bright sunlight and eager boys, creating a lively and festive scene.
  2. The boys were thrilled to go to the Eid fair, where they could see new things and enjoy treats.
  3. Ameena worried because Hamid was very young, and she feared he might feel hungry, get lost, or become sad seeing other children buy things.
  4. The boys enjoyed toys and sweets, while Hamid watched them but chose to buy something useful for his grandmother instead.
  5. Hamid is thoughtful and buys tongs for his grandmother, while his friends are more interested in toys and sweets. This shows Hamid’s maturity and selflessness.
  6. Hamid shows his friends that the tongs are strong, won’t break like their toys, and can be used in different ways, making them admire his choice.
  7. At first, Ameena was upset, but her anger turned to love when she realized Hamid bought the tongs to protect her from burning her fingers.

Reference to the context

Questions & Answers:

a. Who was living in hope?

  • Ans: i. Hamid

b. Who had given hope to the child?

  • Ans: His grandmother, Ameena

c. What was the advantage of giving hope to the child?

  • Ans: Giving hope to Hamid made him feel happy and motivated, even though he was poor and did not have any money for luxuries. It kept his spirits high and made him feel positive.

d. Do you think it was right to give hope to the child? Give reasons for your answer.

  • Ans: Yes, it was right to give hope to the child. This hope helped Hamid remain cheerful and optimistic. It made him focus on something positive, despite his difficult life and the loss of his parents. Hope is especially important for children as it encourages them to dream and feel secure.

a. Who is being referred to in this extract?

  • Ans: i. Mohsin

b. What are his eyes hungry for?

  • Ans: iii. toys

c. Where is he at this point in time?

  • Ans: i. at the fairground where the toys are being sold

d. Is his wish fulfilled later on?

  • Ans: Yes, his wish is fulfilled later when he manages to get the pair of tongs and the toys are exchanged between him and his friends (Option iv).

Time to think and answer

Questions & Answers:

1. Hamid fell prey to temptation two or three times at the fair. But each time he succeeded in controlling himself. How did he do so and what does this tell the reader about his character?

Answer: Hamid was tempted by the toys, sweets, and rides at the fair, just like any other child. But each time he thought of his grandmother and how buying anything unnecessary would use up his precious few coins. He controlled himself by remembering that his grandmother needed a pair of tongs to protect her fingers while making chapatis. This shows that Hamid is mature, caring, and selfless. Despite his young age, he puts his grandmother’s needs above his own desires. Hamid’s ability to manage his emotions and control his wishes tells us that he is responsible and loving. He has a big heart and is wise beyond his years.

2. The shopkeeper had a change of heart and agreed to give Hamid the tongs for three pice. Why do you think he did so?

Answer: The shopkeeper noticed that Hamid was very young and didn’t have much money. When Hamid offered three pice for the tongs, the shopkeeper probably felt sympathy for him. He realized that Hamid was buying the tongs for a noble reason—to help his grandmother. The shopkeeper likely admired Hamid’s thoughtfulness and generosity. So, even though the tongs cost more, he lowered the price out of kindness. This shows that sometimes people feel compassion when they see a child’s love and selflessness.

3. If you were the eldest of the group of boys who went to the fair, how would you have ensured that Hamid was looked after well?

Answer: If I were the oldest in the group, I would make sure Hamid didn’t feel left out. I’d help him stay close to us so he wouldn’t feel alone. If he didn’t have enough money to buy toys or sweets, I’d share mine with him and make him feel part of the fun. I would also explain to the other boys that it’s important to look out for each other, especially for Hamid, who doesn’t have parents. As a leader, I’d encourage kindness, making sure everyone in the group enjoys the fair together.

Time to study language


  1. The explosion of bombs …… loud. (is/are)
  2. None of the players …… hit a century. (has/have)
  3. Much pains …… already been taken. (has/have)
  4. The crowd …… waving hands. (is/are)
  5. The police …… arrested the thief. (has/have)
  6. Neither Shyam nor his friends …… me. (support/supports)
  7. My team and I …… going to camp in a village. (am/are)
  8. The statement as well as the report …… the importance of yoga. (highlight/highlights)
  9. People …… at the mercy of the weather. (is/are)
  10. The team …… good players. (need/needs)


  1. The explosion of bombs is loud.
  2. None of the players has hit a century.
  3. Much pains has already been taken.
  4. The crowd is waving hands.
  5. The police have arrested the thief.
  6. Neither Shyam nor his friends support me.
  7. My team and I are going to camp in a village.
  8. The statement as well as the report highlights the importance of yoga.
  9. People are at the mercy of the weather.
  10. The team needs good players.

Time to speak

You could talk about

Answer: Attempt yourself:

Here’s a sample answer for the Time to Speak section:

Toy: Kite

  • Physical Qualities: The kite I chose is big and brightly colored, with a design of a dragon on it. It’s made of strong, lightweight paper, so it can fly high, and it has a sturdy wooden frame to keep it from breaking in the wind. It also has a long tail with ribbons that make it look beautiful in the sky.
  • Usefulness: Flying a kite is not only fun, but it also helps you learn patience and concentration. It’s a great activity to do outdoors, and it’s something you can enjoy by yourself or with friends. It’s exciting to see how high you can get it to fly and control it in different wind conditions.
  • Cost: The kite is affordable, so you don’t have to spend a lot to have a great time. Compared to other toys that might break easily, this kite gives you more fun for less money.
  • Durability: As long as you handle it with care, this kite can last for many flying sessions. It’s a toy that can be reused, unlike some that break or get boring after just one day.

In my opinion, this kite is a wonderful choice because it’s not only entertaining but also teaches you to be patient and focused. It’s affordable, durable, and gives you a chance to enjoy the outdoors. I think it’s a better choice than some other toys that cost more or may break easily. This kite would bring a lot of joy and excitement without costing too much.

This example shows clear reasoning and persuasive arguments, focusing on the kite’s practical qualities, cost-effectiveness, and long-lasting enjoyment—all qualities that might make it an appealing choice for Hamid if he were considering something fun yet valuable.

Time to write

A character study essay is a written character analysis that helps us to explore the traits, personality and characteristics of a character within a story. It also helps us to understand the conflicts faced by the character and his/her role in the story and analyse the interconnectedness of the characters in the story.
This is how you write a character study essay.

First paragraph
Physical description-tall/short, young/old
Social standing-rich/poor
Role in the story-major/minor, protagonist/antagonist
Second paragraph
Character traits-loyal/innocent/honest/greedy/wise/curious
Character’s key relationships with other characters in the story
Character’s motivation-happiness, power, fame, friendship
Third paragraph
Conflict and challenges in the character’s life
Fourth paragraph
How the character overcomes the conflict and challenges
Final paragraph
The message the character gives us/final impression of the character
Now, write a character study essay of Hamid.

Answer: Attempt yourself:

Here’s a sample structured character study essay of Hamid based on the guidelines:

Character Study Essay of Hamid

This structured character sketch provides a glimpse into Hamid’s personality, relationships, and the values he represents.

First Paragraph
Hamid is a young boy, just four years old, described as thin, poorly dressed, and famished. He belongs to a poor family and has lost both of his parents. He lives with his grandmother, Ameena, and is the main character in the story, representing innocence and compassion.

Second Paragraph
Hamid is innocent, selfless, and mature beyond his years. Unlike his friends, he is not easily tempted by the toys and sweets at the fair. His loyalty to his grandmother and his thoughtful nature are evident when he decides to buy a pair of tongs for her instead of getting a toy for himself. His main motivation is to make his grandmother’s life easier, showing his deep sense of responsibility and love.

Third Paragraph
The main challenge Hamid faces is his poverty, which prevents him from enjoying the fair like the other boys. He has only a few coins and must carefully decide how to spend them. While his friends buy toys and sweets, Hamid experiences the struggle of choosing practicality over personal pleasure.

Fourth Paragraph
Hamid overcomes his challenge by focusing on his love for his grandmother. He sacrifices his desire for toys, thinking of Ameena’s comfort instead. This choice showcases his maturity and strong emotional intelligence, despite his young age.

Final Paragraph
Through Hamid’s actions, the story highlights values like selflessness, empathy, and love for family. His decision to buy tongs instead of a toy reveals his generous spirit and sense of duty. Hamid’s character leaves a lasting impression of kindness and the importance of thinking about others.

Fun Time

Answer: You should attempt yourself. Here we are giving a sample answer as autobiography of pair of tongs.

Autobiography of a Pair of Tongs

I was born in a small blacksmith’s workshop, deep in the busy lanes of the city. My creator was a hardworking man who hammered and shaped me from strong iron, giving me two arms and a sturdy grip. I was an ordinary pair of tongs, used to handle hot coals and heavy pots. I believed I would spend my life quietly working in a kitchen, but fate had something special in store for me.

One bright, festive morning, I was placed in a stall at the Eid fair, among many other simple tools. I didn’t expect much from life—after all, I was just a pair of tongs. Then, a small, eager boy named Hamid walked up to the stall and bought me with his three precious pice. At first, I didn’t understand why he chose me over all the bright, colorful toys at the fair.

As Hamid proudly showed me off to his friends, my purpose became clear. I was more than just a tool—I was a symbol of love and care. Hamid had bought me not for himself but for his grandmother, so she wouldn’t burn her fingers making chapattis. That moment was the highlight of my existence. His friends laughed at first, but soon they realized how useful I was.

From that day on, I felt special. I wasn’t just a pair of tongs; I was a reminder of Hamid’s selflessness and love for his family. I had found my true purpose—not just in the kitchen, but in Hamid’s heart.

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