Notes Q&A based on the English textbook ‘Lavender’ lesson ‘New Teacher on the Block’. The notes section includes summaries, etc., while the subsequent section assists students in finding answers and the textbook’s chapter-end exercises.
Notes (New teacher on the Block)
Notes based on the lesson “New Teacher on the Block’ given in the English textbook ‘Lavender’ for class 8.
Summary of “New Teacher on the Block”
English Summary
This is the story of a group of students who are doubtful about their new History teacher, Mr. Ghosh. They initially dislike him because he is strict and gives a lot of assignments. However, their curiosity grows when they notice strange things about him—he digs in the basement at night and carries a letter with a different name. The students think he might be a criminal.
One night, they follow him to a restricted area and find him with a human skull. They decide to tell the Principal. To their surprise, the Principal reveals that Mr. Ghosh is actually an archaeologist named Ranjan Roy. He was secretly studying ancient remains found on the school grounds. The students realize that Mr. Ghosh is a good teacher who made History exciting for them. By the end, they respect and admire him.
Hindi Summary
यह कहानी कुछ छात्रों की है जिन्हें अपने नए इतिहास के शिक्षक, श्री घोष, पर शक होता है। शुरुआत में, वे उन्हें पसंद नहीं करते क्योंकि वह सख्त हैं और बहुत सारे काम देते हैं। लेकिन जब वे उन्हें रात में बेसमेंट में खुदाई करते और एक अलग नाम के पत्र के साथ देखते हैं, तो उनकी जिज्ञासा बढ़ जाती है।
एक रात, वे उनका पीछा करते हैं और एक प्रतिबंधित क्षेत्र में उन्हें मानव खोपड़ी के साथ पाते हैं। वे प्रिंसिपल को बताने का फैसला करते हैं। लेकिन उन्हें यह जानकर आश्चर्य होता है कि श्री घोष वास्तव में एक पुरातत्वविद् हैं, जिनका असली नाम रंजन रॉय है। वह स्कूल में पाए गए प्राचीन अवशेषों का अध्ययन कर रहे थे। अंत में, छात्र समझते हैं कि श्री घोष एक अच्छे शिक्षक हैं जिन्होंने इतिहास को रोचक बना दिया। वे उनका सम्मान करने लगते हैं।
Vocabulary (Meanings)
Word/Phrase | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning |
Make a face | To show dislike or annoyance using facial expression | चेहरे के भावों से नापसंदगी या चिढ़ दिखाना |
Roll eyes | To move eyes upward to show annoyance or disbelief | आँखों को घुमाकर चिढ़ या अविश्वास दिखाना |
Giggle | To laugh in a light, silly way | हल्के और मज़ाकिया तरीके से हंसना |
To their horror | To their great fear or shock | उनके बड़े डर या सदमे के लिए |
All hell broke loose | Chaos or disorder began suddenly | अचानक हंगामा या अफरा-तफरी मच गई |
A snap decision | A quick and immediate decision | तुरंत लिया गया फैसला |
Beat him at his own game | To defeat someone using their own tactics | किसी को उसी की चाल से हराना |
In appreciation | Showing approval or gratitude | स्वीकृति या आभार व्यक्त करना |
And what not | And many other things of a similar kind | और भी बहुत सी चीज़ें, ओर क्या-क्या नहीं! |
Jerked | Moved suddenly or sharply | अचानक या झटके से हिलना |
Dorm mistress | A woman in charge of a dormitory | छात्रावास की देखरेख करने वाली महिला |
Cordoned off | Blocked or restricted access to an area | किसी क्षेत्र को रोकना या प्रतिबंधित करना |
What he is up to | What he is doing or planning secretly | वह क्या कर रहा है या योजना बना रहा है |
Scraping | A harsh sound of something being rubbed or scratched | रगड़ने या खरोंचने की कर्कश आवाज |
Sidled away | Moved away slowly and secretly | धीरे-धीरे और चुपचाप हट जाना |
Be taken in | To be fooled or deceived | धोखा खाना, किसी की बातों में या जाना। |
Triggered off | Started or caused something to happen | किसी चीज़ की शुरुआत करना |
Lot | A piece of land | भूमि का एक हिस्सा |
Yell | To shout loudly | जोर से चिल्लाना |
Hold on | To wait or stay in a position | रुकना या स्थिर रहना |
Ground gave way | The ground collapsed or sank suddenly | जमीन अचानक धंस गई |
Sinister | Something that seems evil or dangerous | जो खतरनाक या डरावना लगे |
Out of bounds | An area that is restricted or off-limits | ऐसा क्षेत्र जहाँ जाना मना हो |
Intact | Undamaged or in one piece | बिना किसी नुकसान के |
Subdued trio | A group of three feeling quiet and less confident | शांत और कम आत्मविश्वास वाला समूह |
Along the line | At some point during a process or time | किसी प्रक्रिया या समय के दौरान |
Character Sketch
- Mr Ghosh aka Mr Ranjan Roy, is a mysterious-looking newly appointed history
teacher. - The Principal of the school is quite inquisitive and helpful.
- Kavita is a very enthusiastic student of class VIII.
- Dipali is a curious and faithful friend of Kavita.
- Rohan is the Junior captain and classmate of Kavita.
Character Sketch in Detail
1. Mr. Ghosh (Ranjan Roy)
Mr. Ghosh is a strict, mysterious, and knowledgeable History teacher who initially creates fear and doubt among the students. However, it is later revealed that he is an archaeologist, and his mysterious actions are related to his work. He is dedicated to his field of study and is passionate about teaching. Despite his initial strictness, he proves to be a good teacher who opens the students’ minds to history in a way they had never experienced before.
- Role: New History teacher and an archaeologist.
- Personality: Appears strict and mysterious, but is passionate about teaching and archaeology.
- Actions: Gives challenging assignments, works secretly on an archaeological dig, and ultimately earns the students’ respect.
- Moral Strengths: Dedicated to his work and inspires students to think deeply about history.
2. Kavita
Kavita is a curious and brave student. Initially, she is skeptical about her new History teacher, Mr. Ghosh, and is quick to form an opinion about him. However, as the story progresses, she shows determination in uncovering the truth, even when it seems scary. She displays courage when she confronts Mr. Ghosh, and later, when she learns the truth, she accepts her mistake and appreciates the teacher’s efforts.
- Role: A curious and brave student.
- Personality: Initially judgmental but later proves to be bold and thoughtful.
- Actions: Follows Mr. Ghosh at night, investigates his actions, and leads her friends in solving the mystery.
- Moral Strengths: Courageous, determined, and willing to admit when she is wrong.
3. Dipal
Dipali is Kavita’s close friend and plays a supportive role in the story. She shares Kavita’s initial doubts about Mr. Ghosh and joins her in trying to uncover his mysterious actions. Though not as bold as Kavita, she supports her friend’s plans and shows loyalty in the face of uncertainty.
- Role: Kavita’s supportive friend.
- Personality: Playful and slightly nervous, but loyal and helpful.
- Actions: Joins Kavita in her investigation and shares her curiosity about Mr. Ghosh’s behaviour.
- Moral Strengths: A loyal companion who values teamwork.
4. Rohan
Rohan is a responsible and brave student. As a junior captain, he takes his duties seriously and doesn’t hesitate to act when he believes something is wrong. He is the one who first notices something strange about Mr. Ghosh and tries to stop him from entering a restricted area. Rohan’s quick thinking and sense of responsibility make him an important character in the story.
- Role: A junior captain and responsible student.
- Personality: Serious about his duties and protective of school rules.
- Actions: Tries to stop Mr. Ghosh from entering the restricted area and gets involved in uncovering the mystery.
- Moral Strengths: Responsible, courageous, and proactive.
5. The Principal
The Principal is a wise and understanding figure. Initially, he keeps the secret of Mr. Ghosh’s true identity, but when the truth is revealed, he explains the situation to the students. The Principal demonstrates leadership, trust, and a commitment to providing a safe and educational environment for his students. He also shows a sense of humour when he laughs off the students’ misconceptions about Mr. Ghosh.
- Role: The head of the school.
- Personality: Wise, understanding, and strategic.
- Actions: Keeps Mr. Ghosh’s true identity and work a secret for good reasons and later explains everything to the students.
- Moral Strengths: Trusts others and handles situations calmly.
Chapter Exercise Q&A (New Teacher on the Block)
Below are the solutions and answers to the exercises provided at the end of the lesson “New Teacher on the Block” in the class 8 English Coursebook ‘Lavender’.
Time to answer
A. Choose the correct option.
- What is the main reason for the students’ initial dislike of Mr. Ghosh?
Answer: He didn’t smile or greet the students. - What decision did Class VIII make about Mr. Ghosh after the first day of class?
Answer: They formed small groups to discuss how to handle him. - What did Mr. Ghosh instruct the students to do for the next day’s lesson?
Answer: Refer to additional books in the library. - Why did Kavita follow Mr. Ghosh when she saw him in the middle of the night?
Answer: She suspected he was up to something suspicious. - What was happening in the building’s extension that Mr Ghosh was involved in?
Answer: He was conducting archaeological excavations. - Which proverb can best describe this story?
Answer: Don’t judge a book by its cover.
B. Answer these questions.
- What did Kavita and Dipali discover when they followed Mr Ghosh to the basement in the middle of the night?
- Why did Kavita and Dipali decide to follow Mr Ghosh to the basement in the first place?
- What was the secret behind Mr Ghosh’s true identity and his reason for being at the school?
- Why did Kavita, Dipali, and Rohan end up in the Principal’s office, and what was the surprising revelation during their meeting with the Principal? Answer in 50-60 words.
- How did the students’ perception of Mr Ghosh change throughout the story, and what was their initial reaction to him as a teacher? Answer in 70-80 words.
1. What did Kavita and Dipali discover in the basement?
Answer: They saw Mr. Ghosh holding a human skull.
2. Why did Kavita and Dipali follow Mr Ghosh?
Answer: They suspected him of hiding something.
3. What was Mr Ghosh’s secret identity and purpose?
Answer: He was Ranjan Roy, an archaeologist, conducting excavations after bones and pottery were found.
4. Why did they end up in the Principal’s office, and what was revealed?
Answer: They tried to stop Mr. Ghosh and were caught. The Principal revealed Mr. Ghosh’s true identity and explained the archaeological dig.
5. How did the students’ perception of Mr Ghosh change?
Answer: They disliked him at first for being strict but later respected him for being a great teacher and archaeologist.
Long Answers – Set 1
- What did Kavita and Dipali discover when they followed Mr Ghosh to the basement in the middle of the night?
Answer: Kavita and Dipali discovered Mr Ghosh digging in the basement and lifting a human skull under the light. This made them suspicious and scared that he might be hiding something sinister. - Why did Kavita and Dipali decide to follow Mr Ghosh to the basement in the first place?
Answer: They decided to follow Mr Ghosh because they thought he was acting suspiciously. They wanted to find out what he was doing and whether he was involved in any wrongdoing. - What was the secret behind Mr Ghosh’s true identity and his reason for being at the school?
Answer: Mr Ghosh’s real name was Ranjan Roy, and he was a historian and archaeologist. He had come to the school to secretly excavate ancient remains found near the building’s extension site. The Principal had invited him for this purpose. - Why did Kavita, Dipali, and Rohan end up in the Principal’s office, and what was the surprising revelation during their meeting with the Principal?
Answer: Kavita, Dipali, and Rohan ended up in the Principal’s office because they confronted Mr Ghosh, thinking he was a criminal. The Principal revealed that Mr Ghosh was actually an archaeologist working on an excavation and there was no danger to anyone. - How did the students’ perception of Mr Ghosh change throughout the story, and what was their initial reaction to him as a teacher?
Answer: Initially, the students disliked Mr Ghosh because he seemed strict, didn’t smile, and gave them difficult assignments. However, as they started following his instructions, they became more curious and involved in learning. By the end, they respected him for opening their minds to new ideas and teaching in an engaging way.
Long Answers – Set 2
1. What did Kavita and Dipali discover when they followed Mr Ghosh to the basement in the middle of the night?
Answer: Kavita and Dipali discovered that Mr. Ghosh was holding a human skull in the basement. They were shocked and frightened by what they saw.
2. Why did Kavita and Dipali decide to follow Mr Ghosh to the basement in the first place?
Answer: Kavita and Dipali were suspicious of Mr. Ghosh’s actions. They wanted to find out what he was doing late at night, as they thought he might be hiding something secretive.
3. What was the secret behind Mr Ghosh’s true identity and his reason for being at the school?
Answer: Mr. Ghosh’s real name was Ranjan Roy. He was an archaeologist and had come to the school to conduct excavations after bones and pottery were found during construction. He was teaching History under a fake name to keep the excavation secret.
4. Why did Kavita, Dipali, and Rohan end up in the Principal’s office, and what was the surprising revelation during their meeting with the Principal?
Answer: Kavita, Dipali, and Rohan ended up in the Principal’s office after they tried to stop Mr. Ghosh from entering a restricted area and were caught. The surprising revelation was that Mr. Ghosh (Ranjan Roy) was an archaeologist, and the Principal had kept his true identity secret to protect the archaeological dig. The students learned that the bones were part of a historical discovery, not a crime.
5. How did the students’ perception of Mr Ghosh change throughout the story, and what was their initial reaction to him as a teacher?
Answer: Initially, the students disliked Mr. Ghosh because he was strict, didn’t smile, and gave them extra work. They thought he was strange and mysterious. However, as the story progressed, they realized he was a dedicated teacher and archaeologist who opened their minds to history in a unique way. Eventually, they started to respect him and even appreciated his approach to teaching and learning.
Reference to the context
Read these lines from the story and answer the questions that follow.
1. In class, Kavita found her voice again. When Mr Ghosh (Ranjan Roy) entered, she said, “Sir, when the dig is over, will you please stay and carry on teaching us?”
a. What is the relationship between the speaker and the listener?
Ans: The speaker, Kavita, is a student, and the listener, Mr Ghosh, is her History teacher.
b. Who is referred to as ‘Sir’ in the above lines?
Ans: ii. Mr Ghosh, the history teacher
c. What kind of tone is the speaker using while speaking?
Ans: iii. polite and respectful
d. What is being expressed by the speaker in the above lines?
Ans: The speaker is expressing admiration and respect for Mr Ghosh. Kavita and the other students have grown fond of his teaching methods and want him to continue teaching them.
2. Somewhere along the line, while referring to books in the library and debating with their friends, the students had actually begun to appreciate the fact that the new History teacher had opened their minds to the past in a way no one had done before!
a. What was the initial reaction to the History teacher?
Ans: The students initially disliked Mr Ghosh because he seemed strict, unapproachable, and didn’t smile or greet them warmly.
b. What kind of feelings have been expressed towards the ‘History teacher’ in the above lines? What caused the change in perception?
Ans: Feelings of respect and appreciation are expressed. The change in perception was caused by Mr Ghosh’s unique teaching style, which made History interesting and engaging for the students.
c. What can you infer about the relationship between the History teacher and the students?
Ans: iii. the relationship between the History teacher and the students seemed to have evolved positively over time
d. Would you also like to study history the way the new History teacher taught the students? Why or why not?
Ans: Yes, because the teacher made History come alive by encouraging debates and asking thought-provoking questions, which made the subject interesting and engaging. This approach helps students connect with the past in a meaningful way.
Time to think and answer
- How did the initial perception of Mr Ghosh as a teacher change among the students of Class VIII, and what factors contributed to this change?
- Explain how this story reveals the importance of questioning assumptions and seeking information before forming judgements about people or situations.
1. How did the initial perception of Mr Ghosh as a teacher change among the students of Class VIII, and what factors contributed to this change?
Answer: Initially, the students of Class VIII disliked Mr Ghosh because he seemed strict, unapproachable, and didn’t greet them warmly. However, over time, their perception changed as they noticed his engaging teaching style. He encouraged them to think critically by debating, referring to books in the library, and asking thoughtful questions. This approach not only made History enjoyable but also opened their minds to new ideas about the past. The students came to respect and appreciate him as a teacher who challenged them to think beyond the textbook.
2. Explain how this story reveals the importance of questioning assumptions and seeking information before forming judgements about people or situations.
Answer: The story highlights how assumptions can lead to misunderstandings. The students assumed Mr Ghosh was unkind and unfit to teach because of his serious demeanour. Later, Kavita and Dipali suspected him of wrongdoing when they saw him in the basement and found the skull, further misjudging him. Only after the Principal revealed the truth did they realize that Mr Ghosh was an archaeologist doing valuable work. This teaches the importance of gathering facts and seeking clarity before forming opinions about people or situations. It also shows that empathy and open-mindedness help us understand others better.
Short answers:
1. How did the initial perception of Mr Ghosh as a teacher change among the students of Class VIII, and what factors contributed to this change?
Ans: At first, the students disliked Mr Ghosh because he seemed strict and unapproachable. However, his engaging teaching style, debates, and use of the library made History exciting. Over time, they began to respect and appreciate him for encouraging them to think critically and learn in new ways.
2. Explain how this story reveals the importance of questioning assumptions and seeking information before forming judgements about people or situations.
Ans: The story shows how assumptions can lead to misunderstandings. The students misjudged Mr Ghosh based on his behaviour and actions. When the truth was revealed, they realized his valuable work. It teaches us to gather facts and be open-minded before forming opinions.
Time to study language
Rewrite these sentences according to the instructions.
- Who wrote this book?
Begin: By whom ___________? - The tall man created a disturbance at the meeting.
Begin: A disturbance ___________ - The dog was hit by a naughty boy.
___________ the dog. - He will be elected monitor by the class.
Begin: The class ___________ - He was known to be a kind man.
Begin: The people ___________ to be a kind man. - He was appointed Principal.
Begin: They ___________
- Who wrote this book?
Ans: By whom was this book written? - The tall man created a disturbance at the meeting.
Ans: A disturbance was created by the tall man at the meeting. - The dog was hit by a naughty boy.
Ans: A naughty boy hit the dog. - He will be elected monitor by the class.
Ans: The class will elect him monitor. - He was known to be a kind man.
Ans: The people knew him to be a kind man. - He was appointed Principal.
Ans: They appointed him Principal.
Time to learn new words
Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrasal verbs. Choose from the ones given here.
- You really need to ____ your obsession with social media.
- I used to ____ my elder brother when I was younger.
- Don’t ____ on me yet-I have something of importance to tell you.
- Roshni and Tina need to ____ friendship to continue. their differences if they want their
- ____ ! Isn’t that my sweater that you’re wearing? Please take it off.
- The game will ____ at 3 p.m. sharp.
- Take care not to ____ any important details.
- Hey! Don’t ____ in the middle of my story. Stay awake.
- You really need to get over your obsession with social media.
- I used to look up to my elder brother when I was younger.
- Don’t hang up on me yet—I have something of importance to tell you.
- Roshni and Tina need to iron out their differences if they want their friendship to continue.
- Hold on! Isn’t that my sweater that you’re wearing? Please take it off.
- The game will kick off at 3 p.m. sharp.
- Take care not to leave out any important details.
- Hey! Don’t nod off in the middle of my story. Stay awake.
Sirjitutorials-guide (STG)
SirjiTutorials-guide (STG): See the meanings of the phrases used above: Here are the meanings of the phrasal verbs in English and Hindi:
Phrasal Verb | Meaning in English | Meaning in Hindi |
get over | To recover from something (like an illness or difficulty). | किसी चीज़ से उबरना। |
look up to | To admire or respect someone. | किसी का आदर या सम्मान करना। |
hold on | To wait or hold something tightly. | रुकना या पकड़े रहना। |
iron out | To resolve or solve a problem or issue. | किसी समस्या को हल करना। |
hang up | To end a phone call or put something on a hook. | फोन रखना या कुछ लटकाना। |
kick off | To begin or start something (like an event). | शुरू करना (किसी कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत)। |
leave out | To omit or forget to include something. | छोड़ देना या शामिल न करना। |
nod off | To fall asleep, especially unintentionally. | अनजाने में सो जाना। |
Study skills
A. Read the phrases. Each has a relationship unique to it. Match the type of relationship in each phrase. (See the textbook for the full question)
Phrase | Relationship Type |
1. arrive is to depart as cautiously is to carelessly | e) antonyms |
2. dog is to tame as tiger is to wild | b) characteristic |
3. entire is to total as glance is to look | f) synonym |
4. spade is to gardener as gun is to police | g) tool to worker |
5. waves is to sea as plants is to garden | a) part to whole |
6. pen is to write as brush is to paint | d) object to function |
7. bed is to hard as bedsheet is to soft | c) types |
B: Now, complete the analogies.
- buttercup : garden :: ______ : tree
Ans: branch/leaf - tyre : car :: ______ : branch
Ans: leaves/twig - stone : ______ :: glass : smooth
Ans: hard/rough - pen : letter :: keyboard : ______
Ans: e-mail - success : active :: ______ : lazy
Ans: failure - table : furniture :: notebook : ______
Ans: stationery
Time to listen
Listen to Billy and Kelly talk about the book The Witches by Roald Dahl. Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option.” (See the book for the full question)
- he has no one else 2. hate 3. hotel 4. adding Mouse-Maker in their chocolates 5. he has a human voice
Time to speak
What was that moment in your life when you experienced fear or doubt? Did it stop you from taking a risk or pursuing something new? Express your views.
You may begin like this…
One significant moment in my life when I experienced fear and doubt was when I was considering whether to take part in the school’s annual sports competition…
Answer: Attempt yourself. Here we are giving a sample answer.
One significant moment in my life when I experienced fear and doubt was when I was considering whether to take part in the school’s annual sports competition. I wasn’t confident about my abilities, and I feared failing in front of my classmates. The idea of competing made me anxious, and I doubted if I was good enough. However, after thinking it over, I decided to take the risk and participate. Though I didn’t win, the experience taught me that stepping out of my comfort zone and facing my fears helped me grow. It showed me that the fear of failure shouldn’t stop me from trying new things.
One significant moment in my life when I experienced fear and doubt was when I had to give a speech in front of my entire class. I was nervous about making a mistake or being judged, and I doubted if I would be able to speak clearly. At first, I thought about backing out, but then I realized that this could be a great opportunity to improve my public speaking skills. So, I decided to go ahead and give the speech. Although I was nervous, it went better than I expected. That experience showed me that facing fears can lead to personal growth and help build confidence for the future.
Time to write
As a reporter, report the archaeological findings of Ranjan Roy to be published in a daily newspaper of your city. (See the book for the full question and the associated references)
Answer: Attempt yourself. Here we are giving sample answers as examples.
NEW Paper Reporting Articles – here’s a possible newspaper article reporting the archaeological findings of Ranjan Roy:
Ancient Discoveries unearthed Beneath School
By Ajeet Sir, India, 24 January 2025
A stunning archaeological discovery was made at [School Name], where Mr. Ranjan Roy, posing as a History teacher, unearthed Stone Age artifacts beneath the school’s dorm extension. The findings include tools, pottery, and bones, offering a glimpse into ancient human life.
The excavation, conducted secretly to avoid disruptions, has amazed historians. The Principal hailed it as a proud moment for the school, while Mr. Roy called it a “window into the past.” This discovery adds immense historical value to the region.
Some examples of long Newpaper Articles:
Ancient Discoveries Beneath School Grounds Unveiled
By [Your Name]
[City Name], [Date]
A remarkable archaeological discovery has come to light at the premises of [School Name], as historian and archaeologist Ranjan Roy revealed Stone Age artifacts unearthed during excavation work under the school’s dormitory. The findings include ancient pottery and bones that provide a rare glimpse into the lives of early humans in the region.
The excavation began discreetly when the school’s construction team stumbled upon unusual items while laying the foundation for an extension. Recognizing the potential significance, the Principal sought Mr. Roy’s expertise, concealing his identity under the name Mr. Ghosh to maintain confidentiality. Working as a History teacher, Mr. Roy simultaneously led the dig with precision and care.
“This is an extraordinary find,” said Mr. Roy. “The artifacts date back to the Stone Age and are in exceptional condition. They shed light on ancient practices and daily life.” The excavation has not only enriched historical research but also brought excitement to the school’s students, who now view history as a living subject.
The Principal praised Mr. Roy’s contributions, stating, “We are proud to have played a part in preserving this piece of history. The dormitory’s integrity remains intact, and the discovery will inspire young minds for generations.”
The findings will soon be displayed at a local museum, allowing the public to appreciate the significance of this discovery. Meanwhile, Mr. Roy has expressed interest in continuing his work with the school, blending education and exploration.
This discovery underscores the importance of preserving historical sites, even in the midst of modern development, reminding us of the treasures buried just beneath our feet.
Ancient Stone Age Artifacts Unearthed Beneath School Grounds
By [Your Name]
[City Name], [Date]
A significant archaeological discovery has been made at [School Name] in [City Name], where ancient Stone Age remains have been excavated beneath the site of the school’s new dormitory extension. The findings, led by renowned archaeologist and historian Mr. Ranjan Roy, include bones, pottery, and tools believed to be thousands of years old.
The excavation began when workers digging the foundation stumbled upon unusual artifacts. To maintain confidentiality and prevent disruption, Mr. Roy assumed the role of a History teacher under the alias Mr. Ghosh while conducting the dig. Over several weeks, a team of experts uncovered evidence of early human life, sparking excitement among archaeologists and historians alike.
In a statement, the Principal of [School Name] expressed pride in the discovery, stating, “This find not only adds historical significance to our institution but also provides a unique opportunity for our students to connect with history firsthand.”
Mr. Roy shared his enthusiasm, calling the discovery a “window into the past” and highlighting the importance of preserving such sites. The excavation has since concluded, ensuring that the school premises remain intact and safe for use.
This remarkable find will likely contribute to further studies of early human civilization, marking a milestone in archaeological research in the region.
Sir I want explaination video please sir