O Captain! O Captain! Poem Competency Focussed Questions and MCQs

Competency Focussed Questions (CFQs) based on the poem “O Captain! O Captain!” by Walt Whitman are given here to help students learn and prepare for the text based on this poem “O Captain! O Captain!” CFQs are a new trend in School Exam papers.

CFQs & MCQS Based on “O Captain! My Captain!”

Set 1 of CFQs (Competency Focused Questions)

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. What does the “ship” in the poem symbolize?
    a) The American navy
    b) The Civil War
    c) The United States
    d) The journey of life
  2. What event is being celebrated in the poem?
    a) The end of the American Revolution
    b) The end of the Civil War
    c) The discovery of America
    d) The signing of the Constitution
  3. Why does the poet repeat the phrase “O Captain! My Captain!”?
    a) To show excitement
    b) To express deep respect and grief
    c) To give commands to the Captain
    d) To describe the Captain’s actions
  4. What poetic device is used in the phrase “fallen cold and dead”?
    a) Metaphor
    b) Alliteration
    c) Repetition
    d) Personification
  5. What is the tone of the poem?
    a) Joyful and energetic
    b) Sarcastic and humorous
    c) Celebratory but sorrowful
    d) Angry and rebellious
  1. c) The United States
  2. b) The end of the Civil War
  3. b) To express deep respect and grief
  4. c) Repetition
  5. c) Celebratory but sorrowful

2. Fill in the Blanks

  1. The poem “O Captain! My Captain!” is written by ________.
  2. The “fearful trip” in the poem refers to the ________.
  3. The “prize we sought is won” refers to the victory of the ________.
  4. The Captain in the poem is a metaphor for ________.
  5. The poet refers to the Captain as “Dear Father” to express ________.
  1. Walt Whitman
  2. Civil War
  3. Union/North in the Civil War
  4. Abraham Lincoln
  5. Answer: respect and admiration

3. Match the Following

Column AColumn B
The CaptainAbraham Lincoln
The ShipThe United States
The Fearful TripThe Civil War
The PortThe end of war / victory
The People CheeringThe nation celebrating

The Captain → Abraham Lincoln, The Ship → The United States, The Fearful Trip → The Civil War, The Port → The end of war / victory, The People Cheering → The nation celebrating)

4. True or False

  1. The poem celebrates Lincoln’s survival after the war.
  2. The poem is an extended metaphor comparing a ship’s journey to America’s struggle.
  3. “Exult O shores, and ring O bells!” expresses the people’s grief over Lincoln’s death.
  4. The poet refuses to accept the Captain’s death at first.
  5. The phrase “the vessel grim and daring” is an example of personification.
  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False – it is a transferred epithet

Set 2 of CFQs (Competency Focused Questions)

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. What does the “prize” in the poem refer to?
    a) A golden trophy
    b) The end of the war and victory of the Union
    c) The safe return of the Captain
    d) A reward for the crew
  2. Which poetic device is used in “O heart! heart! heart!”?
    a) Simile
    b) Metaphor
    c) Repetition
    d) Hyperbole
  3. What does the phrase “fallen cold and dead” emphasize?
    a) The exhaustion of the Captain
    b) The Captain’s serious injury
    c) The tragic and final nature of his death
    d) The Captain’s retirement
  4. What is the overall mood of the poem?
    a) Hopeful and optimistic
    b) Cheerful and exciting
    c) Mournful yet victorious
    d) Fearful and anxious
  5. What kind of poem is “O Captain! My Captain!”?
    a) A narrative poem
    b) An elegy
    c) A haiku
    d) A sonnet
  1. (b) The end of the war and victory of the Union
  2. (c) Repetition
  3. (c) The tragic and final nature of his death
  4. (c) Mournful yet victorious
  5. (b) An elegy

2. Fill in the Blanks

  1. The poem “O Captain! My Captain!” was written after the assassination of ________.
  2. The phrase “The ship has weather’d every rack” means the ship has ________.
  3. The poet refers to Lincoln as “Captain” because he was the leader of ________.
  4. The phrase “bugle trills” symbolizes ________.
  5. The poet walks with “mournful tread” because ________.
  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. survived all hardships / challenges
  3. the nation / the United States
  4. celebration and honour for Lincoln
  5. he is grieving Lincoln’s death

3. Match the Following

Column AColumn B
“O Captain! My Captain!”Elegy for Abraham Lincoln
“The port is near”The end of the Civil War
“The people all exulting”The nation’s celebration
“Fallen cold and dead”The assassination of Lincoln
“This arm beneath your head”Poet’s grief and disbelief

“O Captain! My Captain!” → Elegy for Abraham Lincoln, “The port is near” → The end of the Civil War, “The people all exulting” → The nation’s celebration, “Fallen cold and dead” → The assassination of Lincoln, “This arm beneath your head” → Poet’s grief and disbelief)

4. True or False

  1. The poem is written in the form of a speech. (False – It is an elegy)
  2. The ship represents the country, and the Captain represents Abraham Lincoln. (True)
  3. The people are sad and mourning the Captain’s death throughout the poem.
  4. The poet accepts Lincoln’s death immediately. (False – He struggles to accept it at first)
  5. The poem contains elements of both celebration and mourning. (True)
  1. False
  2. True
  3. False – (They are celebrating victory, unaware of his death at first)
  4. False – (He struggles to accept it at first)
  5. True

Set 3 of CFQs (Competency Focused Questions)

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. What does the “fearful trip” in the poem symbolize?
    a) A dangerous sea voyage
    b) The challenges of the American Civil War
    c) A personal journey of the poet
    d) A shipwreck
  2. What emotion does the speaker express in the lines “But O heart! heart! heart!”?
    a) Joy and excitement
    b) Fear and anxiety
    c) Deep sorrow and grief
    d) Anger and frustration
  3. Which literary device is used in “The ship is anchor’d safe and sound”?
    a) Simile
    b) Metaphor
    c) Alliteration
    d) Personification
  4. The phrase “Rise up—for you the flag is flung” suggests that:
    a) The Captain is being called to celebrate victory
    b) The Captain has won a competition
    c) The poet is trying to wake up a sleeping Captain
    d) The Captain is alive and leading the people
  5. What contrast does the poet present in the poem?
    a) Victory and loss
    b) Love and hatred
    c) Hope and despair
    d) Anger and forgiveness
  1. (b) The challenges of the American Civil War
  2. (c) Deep sorrow and grief
  3. (b) Metaphor
  4. (a) The Captain is being called to celebrate victory
  5. (a) Victory and loss

2. Fill in the Blanks

  1. The poet describes the ship as “grim and daring,” meaning it has _________.
  2. The people on the shore are celebrating because ________.
  3. The poet refers to Lincoln as “Dear Father” to show ________.
  4. The ringing bells in the poem symbolize ________.
  5. The poet repeats the phrase “fallen cold and dead” to emphasize ________.
  1. bravely faced challenges and dangers
  2. the Civil War is over, and the nation has won
  3. respect and emotional connection
  4. celebration and honour for Lincoln
  5. the tragic and final nature of Lincoln’s death

3. Match the Following

Column AColumn B
The fearful tripThe Civil War
The CaptainAbraham Lincoln
The prize wonVictory in the war
The ringing bellsCelebration
The poet’s sadnessLincoln’s assassination

“The fearful trip” → The Civil War, “The Captain” → Abraham Lincoln, “The prize won” → Victory in the war, “The ringing bells” → Celebration, “The poet’s sadness” → Lincoln’s assassination)

4. True or False

  1. The poem describes a real voyage that ended in disaster.
  2. The ship in the poem symbolizes the United States.
  3. The speaker in the poem is happy throughout.
  4. The repetition of “fallen cold and dead” highlights the speaker’s sorrow.
  5. The poem is both a tribute and a lament for Abraham Lincoln.
  1. False – (It is an extended metaphor for Lincoln’s leadership during the war)
  2. True
  3. False – (He is torn between victory and grief)
  4. True
  5. True

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