The Darkling Poem by Thomas Hary Notes are shared here. The Notes are easy and comprehensive. You would get here meanings, summary, central idea, themes, message and Poetic Devices.
Poem: The Darkling Thrush
I leant upon a coppice gate
When Frost was spectre-grey,
And Winter’s dregs made desolate
The weakening eye of day.
The tangled bine-stems scored the sky
Like strings of broken lyres,
And all mankind that haunted nigh
Had sought their household fires.The land’s sharp features seemed to be
The Century’s corpse outleant,
His crypt the cloudy canopy,
The wind his death-lament.
The ancient pulse of germ and birth
Was shrunken hard and dry,
And every spirit upon earth
Seemed fervourless as I.At once a voice arose among
The bleak twigs overhead
In a full-hearted evensong
Of joy illimited;
An aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,
In blast-beruffled plume,
Had chosen thus to fling his soul
Upon the growing gloom.So little cause for carolings
Of such ecstatic sound
Was written on terrestrial things
Afar or nigh around,
That I could think there trembled through
His happy good-night air
Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew
And I was unaware.By Thomas Hardy
Vocabulary Notes (Meanings)
Word/Phrase | Contextual Meaning (English) | Contextual Meaning (Hindi) |
Coppice | A small group of trees or shrubs near a gate. | गेट के पास छोटे पेड़ों या झाड़ियों का समूह। |
Spectre-grey | A ghostly or dull grey color, symbolizing lifelessness. | भूतिया या फीका धूसर रंग, जो निर्जीवता का प्रतीक है। |
Dregs | Leftover, undesirable parts of something (the last days of winter). | किसी चीज़ का बचा हुआ या बेकार हिस्सा (सर्दी के आखिरी दिन)। |
Desolate | Empty and lifeless, symbolizing barrenness. | खाली और निर्जीव, जो वीरानगी को दर्शाता है। |
Weakening eye of day | The fading light of the setting sun. | ढलते सूरज की मद्धम होती रोशनी। |
Tangled | Twisted and intertwined, describing the branches. | उलझे हुए और आपस में गुँथे हुए, शाखाओं का वर्णन। |
Scored | Scratched or marked the sky like lines. | आकाश पर खरोंच लगाना या निशान बनाना। |
Lyres | A musical instrument; here used metaphorically to describe branches. | एक वाद्य यंत्र; यहाँ शाखाओं का रूपकात्मक वर्णन। |
Haunted nigh | Lived nearby but now absent, suggesting emptiness. | पास में रहते थे लेकिन अब अनुपस्थित, जो खालीपन का संकेत है। |
Sought | Looked for or went to. | खोजा या गए। |
Sharp features | Distinct and clear characteristics of the land. | भूमि की स्पष्ट और सटीक विशेषताएँ। |
Corpse outleant | The century’s body stretched out like a corpse, lifeless. | सदी का शरीर शव की तरह फैला हुआ, निर्जीव। |
Crypt | A burial place or tomb, symbolizing the sky as a resting place. | दफनाने की जगह या कब्र, जो आकाश को विश्राम स्थल दर्शाता है। |
Cloudy canopy | The overcast sky acting as a covering for the earth. | बादलों से ढका आकाश जो पृथ्वी का आवरण बनाता है। |
Death-lament | A sorrowful sound, like the wind mourning the century’s end. | शोकभरा स्वर, जैसे हवा सदी के अंत का शोक कर रही हो। |
Ancient pulse | The life force of nature, now weakened. | प्रकृति की जीवन शक्ति, जो अब कमजोर हो चुकी है। |
Germ and birth | The process of growth and new life, which is now dormant. | विकास और नए जीवन की प्रक्रिया, जो अब निष्क्रिय है। |
Spirit | The energy or essence of life. | जीवन की ऊर्जा या आत्मा। |
Fervourless | Without passion or enthusiasm, lifeless. | बिना उत्साह या जोश के, निर्जीव। |
Bleak twigs | Bare, lifeless branches. | सूनी और निर्जीव शाखाएँ। |
Full-hearted evensong | A deeply emotional and joyful song in the evening. | पूरी भावना और खुशी के साथ शाम का गीत। |
Frail | Weak and delicate. | कमजोर और नाजुक। |
Gaunt | Thin and bony, showing signs of hardship. | दुबला और कमजोर, जो कठिनाइयों को दर्शाता है। |
Blast-beruffled | Ruffled or disordered by the wind. | हवा से अस्त-व्यस्त या अव्यवस्थित। |
Fling his soul | Express his innermost feelings through song. | अपने भीतर की भावनाओं को गीत के माध्यम से व्यक्त करना। |
Gloom | Darkness or sadness. | अंधकार या उदासी। |
Cause for carolings | Reason for singing joyful songs. | खुशी के गीत गाने का कारण। |
Ecstatic | Filled with intense happiness or joy. | गहन खुशी या आनंद से भरा हुआ। |
Terrestrial things | Earthly or worldly things. | पृथ्वी या सांसारिक चीजें। |
Nigh | Near or close by. | पास या निकट। |
Whereof | Of which or about which. | जिसके बारे में। |
Summary of “The Darkling Thrush”
Summary in English
Thomas Hardy’s poem “The Darkling Thrush” captures a melancholic and reflective mood as the poet observes the bleak and desolate landscape on a winter evening. The setting symbolizes the end of the 19th century, described as a “Century’s corpse,” reflecting decay, despair, and loss of vitality in nature and humanity. The poet feels that the natural world and mankind lack energy and enthusiasm.
Amid this gloom, the poet hears a frail and old thrush singing a joyful and heartfelt song. The bird’s song seems out of place, as there is no apparent reason for such happiness in the barren and lifeless surroundings. Yet, its melody inspires the poet to think that the bird might know of a hidden hope or blessing unknown to him. The poem ends on a note of mystery, suggesting that even in the darkest times, there may still be a glimmer of hope and joy, though it remains beyond human understanding.
Summary In Hindi
थॉमस हार्डी की कविता “The Darkling Thrush” एक उदास और विचारशील मूड को दर्शाती है, जहां कवि सर्दियों की शाम में ठंडी और वीरान प्रकृति को देखता है। यह वातावरण 19वीं सदी के अंत का प्रतीक है, जिसे “सदी का शव” कहा गया है, जो पतन, निराशा और जीवन की ऊर्जा के खत्म होने का संकेत देता है। कवि को लगता है कि प्रकृति और मानवता में अब उत्साह और उमंग नहीं बची है।
इस उदासी के बीच, कवि एक बूढ़े और कमजोर थ्रश पक्षी की मधुर और हृदयस्पर्शी गीत सुनता है। यह गीत बंजर और नीरस परिवेश में पूरी तरह से असंगत लगता है क्योंकि खुश होने का कोई स्पष्ट कारण नहीं दिखता। फिर भी, उस पक्षी का गीत कवि को यह सोचने पर मजबूर करता है कि शायद पक्षी को किसी छुपे हुए आशा या आशीर्वाद का ज्ञान है, जिसे कवि समझ नहीं पाता। कविता एक रहस्यमय लेकिन सकारात्मक नोट पर समाप्त होती है, यह संकेत देते हुए कि सबसे अंधकारमय समय में भी उम्मीद और खुशी की संभावना होती है, भले ही वह इंसान के लिए अदृश्य हो।
Central Idea of the Poem The Darkling Thrush
The poem The Darkling Thrush by Thomas Hardy reflects on themes of despair, change, and hope. The poet observes a bleak and lifeless winter landscape, symbolizing the end of an era and the decline of vitality in nature and human life. Amid this desolation, the joyful and passionate song of an aged thrush brings a glimmer of hope. Though the poet cannot understand the source of the bird’s happiness, its song suggests that hope and renewal might exist, even in the darkest and most hopeless times.
थॉमस हार्डी की कविता The Darkling Thrush निराशा, बदलाव, और आशा के विषयों पर आधारित है। कवि एक सूने और निर्जीव शीतकालीन परिदृश्य को देखता है, जो एक युग के अंत और प्रकृति और मानव जीवन की ऊर्जा के पतन का प्रतीक है। इस वीरानी के बीच, एक बूढ़े पक्षी (थ्रश) का आनंदित और भावपूर्ण गीत आशा की किरण लाता है। हालांकि कवि पक्षी की खुशी का कारण नहीं समझ पाता, लेकिन उसका गीत यह संकेत देता है कि सबसे अंधेरे और निराशाजनक समय में भी आशा और नवीनीकरण संभव हो सकता है।
Key Points of the Poem The Darkling Thrush
- Setting and Atmosphere(प्रकृति और वातावरण):
- The poem is set in winter, creating a bleak, lifeless, and desolate environment.
- The fading light of day and the barren landscape symbolize the end of the 19th century.
- कविता सर्दियों के मौसम में स्थित है, जो सूने, निर्जीव और उदास माहौल को दर्शाती है।
- ढलते सूरज की रोशनी और बंजर परिदृश्य 19वीं सदी के अंत का प्रतीक हैं।
- Imagery of Decay:
- Hardy uses vivid imagery to depict the world as lifeless, comparing the century to a corpse and the sky to a crypt.
- कवि जीवन को निर्जीव दिखाने के लिए शताब्दी को एक शव और आकाश को एक कब्र के रूप में चित्रित करता है।
- Symbolism (प्रतीकात्मकता):
- The winter landscape symbolizes despair, endings, and the loss of vitality.
- The thrush represents hope and resilience in the face of darkness and desolation.
- शीतकालीन परिदृश्य निराशा, समाप्ति, और ऊर्जा की कमी का प्रतीक है।
- थ्रश पक्षी आशा और अंधकार में दृढ़ता का प्रतीक है।
- Contrast Between the Poet and the Thrush (कवि और थ्रश के बीच विरोधाभास):
- The poet feels disconnected and hopeless, reflecting on the emptiness of life.
- The thrush, despite being frail and aged, sings a joyful song, suggesting the presence of an unknown hope.
- Themes (विषय-वस्तु):
- Despair and Hopelessness: The poet’s perspective reflects the grimness of life and time.
- Hope and Renewal: The thrush’s song introduces a possibility of hope and a brighter future.
- Change and Transition: The poem captures the transition from one century to another, marked by uncertainty.
- निराशा और उम्मीद की कमी: कवि के विचार जीवन और समय की उदासी को दर्शाते हैं।
- आशा और नवीनीकरण: थ्रश का गीत एक उज्जवल भविष्य की संभावना प्रस्तुत करता है।
- परिवर्तन और संक्रमण: कविता एक सदी से दूसरी सदी में बदलाव और अनिश्चितता को दर्शाती है।
- Tone (स्वर):
- Initially somber and reflective, shifting to a tone of slight optimism with the thrush’s song.
- शुरुआत में गहन और चिंतनशील, लेकिन थ्रश के गीत के साथ हल्की आशावादिता में बदल जाता है।
- Nature and Humanity (प्रकृति और मानवता):
- Nature mirrors the poet’s feelings of despair but also offers a source of hope through the thrush.
- प्रकृति कवि की निराशा को दर्शाती है, लेकिन थ्रश के माध्यम से आशा भी देती है।
- Philosophical Insight (दार्शनिक अंतर्दृष्टि):
- The poem explores the idea that hope might exist even when it is not immediately visible or understood.
- कविता इस विचार का अन्वेषण करती है कि आशा मौजूद हो सकती है, भले ही वह तुरंत दिखाई न दे या समझ में न आए।
Message of the Poem The Darkling Thrush
The poem conveys a profound message about finding hope in despair and resilience amidst adversity. Hardy shows that even in the darkest and bleakest times, like the end of a century or a harsh winter, there can be an unexpected source of joy and inspiration. Through the aged and frail thrush, the poet reminds us that hope exists even when we cannot see or understand its reason. The poem suggests that life, despite its challenges and uncertainties, carries the potential for renewal, and we should remain open to the possibility of brighter times ahead.
कविता निराशा में आशा खोजने और कठिन परिस्थितियों में धैर्य बनाए रखने का गहरा संदेश देती है। हार्डी यह दिखाते हैं कि सबसे अंधकारमय और सूने समय में भी, जैसे सदी का अंत या कठोर सर्दी, आनंद और प्रेरणा का अप्रत्याशित स्रोत मिल सकता है। बूढ़े और कमजोर थ्रश के माध्यम से कवि हमें यह याद दिलाते हैं कि आशा मौजूद है, भले ही हम इसके कारण को देख या समझ न सकें। कविता बताती है कि जीवन, अपनी चुनौतियों और अनिश्चितताओं के बावजूद, नवीनीकरण की संभावना रखता है, और हमें बेहतर समय की संभावना के लिए खुले रहना चाहिए।
Poetic Devices in Darkling Thrush
Thomas Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush” uses several poetic devices that enhance its mood and meaning. Below is a detailed explanation of the poetic devices used in the poem, along with examples:
1. Rhyme Scheme
- Definition: The pattern of rhymes at the end of each line.
- Examples:
- The poem follows an ABAB rhyme scheme, giving it a steady rhythm. For example:
- “I leant upon a coppice gate (A)
When Frost was spectre-grey (B)
And Winter’s dregs made desolate (A)
The weakening eye of day (B)”
- “I leant upon a coppice gate (A)
- The poem follows an ABAB rhyme scheme, giving it a steady rhythm. For example:
2. Imagery
- Definition: The use of vivid and descriptive language to create mental pictures and appeal to the senses.
- Examples:
- “Frost was spectre-grey”: This creates a visual image of a cold, ghostly-grey frost.
- “The tangled bine-stems scored the sky / Like strings of broken lyres”: This paints a vivid picture of twisted, leafless plants silhouetted against the sky.
- “Blast-beruffled plume”: The imagery here helps us picture the thrush with its feathers ruffled by the cold wind.
3. Symbolism
- Definition: The use of symbols to represent ideas or concepts.
- Examples:
- The thrush symbolizes hope and resilience. Despite being frail and surrounded by gloom, it sings joyfully.
- The “Century’s corpse” represents the end of the 19th century, symbolizing decay, death, and the pessimism of the era.
- The cloudy canopy symbolizes a burial crypt, reflecting the poet’s sense of loss and despair.
4. Alliteration
- Definition: The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words close to each other.
- Examples:
- “His happy good-night air”: The repetition of the “h” sound creates a soft and soothing effect.
- “Blast-beruffled plume”: The repetition of the “b” sound emphasizes the harshness of the wind.
- “The tangled bine-stems scored the sky.”: The repetition of the “s” sound
5. Personification
- Definition: Giving human qualities to non-human objects or abstract ideas.
- Examples:
- “Frost was spectre-grey”: Frost is personified as a ghostly figure.
- “Winter’s dregs made desolate / The weakening eye of day”: Winter is personified as something that makes the day (sunset) weak and desolate.
- “The wind his death-lament”: The wind is personified as mourning the death of the century.
6. Metaphor
- Definition: A direct comparison between two unrelated things without using “like” or “as.”
- Examples:
- “The Century’s corpse outleant”: The old century is metaphorically described as a dead body.
- “His crypt the cloudy canopy”: The sky is compared to a burial chamber for the century.
7. Simile
- Definition: A comparison between two things using “like” or “as.”
- Examples:
- “The tangled bine-stems scored the sky / Like strings of broken lyres”: The stems are compared to broken strings of a musical instrument to emphasize their barren and lifeless appearance.
8. Tone
- Definition: The poet’s attitude or mood expressed in the poem.
- Examples:
- The first two stanzas have a melancholic and pessimistic tone, reflecting despair and desolation: “Every spirit upon earth / Seemed fervourless as I.”
- The last two stanzas introduce a contrasting hopeful tone with the thrush’s joyful song: “In a full-hearted evensong / Of joy illimited.”
9. Contrast
- Definition: Highlighting differences to create a striking effect.
- Examples:
- The bleakness of the landscape is contrasted with the thrush’s joyful song.
- The poet’s despair contrasts with the bird’s optimism and hope.
10. Enjambment
- Definition: The continuation of a sentence or phrase beyond the end of a line without a pause.
- Examples:
- “The tangled bine-stems scored the sky / Like strings of broken lyres”: The thought continues across the two lines, creating a natural flow.
- “That I could think there trembled through / His happy good-night air”: The sentence spills over to the next line, emphasizing the flow of ideas.
11. Juxtaposition
- Definition: Placing two contrasting ideas close together to emphasize their differences.
- Examples:
- The desolation of winter is juxtaposed with the life and hope symbolized by the bird’s song.
- The poet’s hopelessness is placed against the bird’s unwavering optimism.
These poetic devices work together to create a rich, layered poem that moves from despair to hope. The use of strong imagery, symbolism, and contrast makes the reader feel the poet’s emotions and ponder the message of resilience and hope.