‘The Letter Box’ Notes-Summary, Meanings, Question and Answers Class 5 Magnolia

Get here Notes based on the story “The Letter Box”. Also get here Question and Answers of the story ‘The letter Box’ as given in the Class 5 English book Magnolia.

The Letter Box: Class 5 English Textbook Magnolia

Notes on ‘The Letter Box’ Story

Summary: The Letter Box

In a quiet village in Spain called Santa, there lived an old priest. His cottage was surrounded by a beautiful orchard where fruit trees grew. The village children loved to eat the delicious fruits, but the birds enjoyed them even more. They made nests in the trees and walls, especially sparrows.

One day, Maria, the priest’s helper, rushed in to tell him that birds were building a nest in his letter box. The priest was amused and decided to let the birds be. He locked the letter box and asked everyone not to send him letters for three weeks so the sparrows could raise their chicks in peace.

As the days passed, the priest listened to the little birds. He felt happy knowing the eggs had hatched and the baby sparrows were growing. Meanwhile, an important meeting took place in the city where the Archbishop decided to test the old priest. He wanted to see if he was still fit to serve.

The Archbishop wrote a letter asking the priest to visit him in three days. However, since the letter fell into the box and nobody opened it, the priest didn’t know about it. He continued to care for the sparrows. After three weeks, the baby sparrows flew out, and the priest found the letter in the box. Sadly, he realized he had failed the Archbishop’s test and would be sent away from Santa. However, he felt a bit of joy knowing he had helped the sparrows raise their young.

Vocabulary Notes:

Sleepy – Quiet and peaceful, not lively. शांत और सुकून भरा, ज्यादा रौनक या हाल-चल नहीं थी ।Orchard – A piece of land where fruit trees grow. बाग। Currants – Small, dried fruits that come from certain types of grapes, often used in baking. विशेष प्रकार के अंगूरों या बैर से छोटे फल, जो अक्सर बेकिंग में प्रयोग होते हैं। Helped themselves – To take something for oneself without asking. बिना पूछे खुद से कुछ लेना। Sang in return – To sing as a way of giving something back or showing thanks. आभार या बदले में गाना। Orioles – Brightly coloured birds, usually yellow and black, found in warm climates. पीले और काले रंग के सुंदर पक्षी। Warblers – Small birds known for their constant singing or warbling. छोटे पक्षी जो लगातार गाते रहते हैं या मीठी धुन में गाते हैं। Rafters of roof – The beams that support the roof of a building. छत को सहारा देने वाली लकड़ी की लंबी बीम। Pranks – Playful or mischievous tricks. शरारती मज़ाक या चाल। Hatch – When eggs break open and the baby birds come out. जब अंडे फूटते हैं और उनके अंदर से बच्चे-पक्षी बाहर आते हैं। Bring up – To care for and raise young birds or children. बच्चों या पक्षियों को पालना और बड़ा करना। Instructions – Directions or orders given to someone. निर्देश या आदेश जो किसी को दिए जाते हैं। Heart of a child that had never grown old – Someone who is innocent and joyful, like a child, even though they are old. कोई व्यक्ति जो बूढ़ा हो चुका है, लेकिन अब भी मासूम और बच्चे जैसा खुशमिजाज ओर सीधा-सादा है। Thought hard – To think deeply or with great concentration. बहुत गहराई से या ध्यानपूर्वक सोचना। Staggered-To Walk unsteadily, as if about to fall. लड़खड़ाते हुए चलना, जैसे गिरने वाले हों। Tumbled – To fall down quickly or suddenly. तेजी से या अचानक या लुढ़क कर गिर पड़ना।

Theme of the story ‘The Letter Box’

The theme of the story “The Letter Box” revolves around kindness, selflessness, and the bond between humans and nature. The old priest shows deep compassion by prioritizing the welfare of the sparrows over his own needs. His act of kindness—protecting the birds’ nest in his letter box—illustrates how small, selfless acts can bring joy and fulfillment. Even though his own situation becomes difficult due to missing the letter, he finds comfort in having helped the sparrows.

The story also highlights the innocence and simplicity of the priest, who retains the heart of a child. It contrasts this gentle approach to life with the seriousness of his duties, showing how love and care for even the smallest creatures can give life meaning.

In short, the story suggests that true happiness comes from helping others, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem.

Message of the Story ‘The Letter Box’

The message of the story “The Letter Box” is about the beauty of compassion and the importance of valuing kindness over personal gain. The old priest’s love for the sparrows demonstrates how acts of selflessness can create joy, even when they come with personal sacrifice. His caring heart reflects the power of gentleness and empathy towards all living beings, big or small.

The moral of the story is that kindness and selflessness bring inner peace and fulfilment. The priest’s decision to protect the birds, despite the consequences it might have on his own life, teaches us that helping others—whether humans or animals—can lead to a sense of satisfaction and happiness. Additionally, it suggests that doing good for others is rewarding in itself, even if it results in personal challenges.

Character Sketch of the Priest in ‘The Letter Box’

The priest in the story “The Letter Box” is portrayed as a kind-hearted, gentle, and compassionate old man. He lives a simple life in a small village, surrounded by nature, and has a deep love for all living creatures. His actions show that he is selfless, as he prioritizes the well-being of the sparrows over his own responsibilities. The priest is also very innocent and childlike in his joy, particularly when he hears the baby birds cheeping in the nest.

Even when he realizes that he may lose his position due to missing the Archbishop’s letter, the priest remains peaceful, feeling content that he helped the sparrows raise their young. This shows his humble nature and acceptance of life’s challenges with grace and kindness. Overall, he is a figure of warmth, innocence, and selflessness.

Chapter-Exercise Question and Answers


  1. Why did the birds come to the orchard in spring?
    Ans: The birds came to the orchard in spring because there was plenty of fruit and good places to build their nests.
  2. Where did the birds like to build their nests?
    Ans: The birds liked to build their nests in the trees, in the holes in the walls, and even between the rafters of the roof.
  3. Why did the priest lock up the letter box for three weeks?
    Ans: The priest locked the letter box for three weeks to protect the sparrows that were building a nest inside it, so no one would disturb them.
  4. Why did the Archbishop want to send the priest away from Santa?
    Ans: The Archbishop wanted to send the priest away because he thought the priest was too old to continue working in Santa.
  5. What happened to the letter that was sent to the priest?
    Ans: The letter fell into the letter box and was not opened because the priest had locked the box to protect the sparrows’ nest.
  1. “You will not believe what they are doing!” she cried. Who is the speaker talking about? What were they doing?
    Ans: The speaker is talking about the birds. They were building a nest in the priest’s letter box.
  2. “All right, I will make sure that no one disturbs you.” Who said these words to whom? Why did he say these words?
    Ans: The priest said these words to the sparrows. He said this because he wanted to protect them and their nest from being disturbed.
  3. “He had the heart of a child that had never grown old.” Who is the writer talking about? What does the writer mean by this?
    Ans: The writer is talking about the priest. It means that he is innocent, joyful, and full of love, like a child, even though he is old.
  4. “I will set him a test to find out if he is too old.” Who said these words? What was the test?
    Ans: The Archbishop said these words. The test was to ask the priest to come and see him in three days. If he came, he could stay; if not, a young priest would replace him.
  5. “A tear came to his eye.” Who is the writer talking about? Why did a tear come to his eye?
    Ans: The writer is talking about the priest. A tear came to his eye because he realized he might have to leave Santa after missing the Archbishop’s letter, even though he felt happy about helping the sparrows.
  1. Why do you think the villagers loved the priest?
    Ans: The villagers loved the priest because he was kind and caring. He looked after everyone in the village, showed compassion for animals, and always made them feel welcome and happy.
  2. Did the priest do the right thing by allowing the sparrows to build their nest in the letter box? Why do you think so?
    Ans: Yes, the priest did the right thing. By allowing the sparrows to build their nest, he showed kindness and selflessness. He put the needs of the birds before his own, and this act of care made him feel happy, even though it meant he might miss important letters. Helping the sparrows brought joy to both him and the birds.

Another Set of Answers:

  1. Why do you think the villagers loved the priest?
    Ans: The villagers loved the priest because he was kind and caring. He took care of them and showed compassion for all living things, like the birds. His gentle nature made everyone feel happy and safe in the village.
  2. Did the priest do the right thing by allowing the sparrows to build their nest in the letter box? Why do you think so?
    Ans: Yes, the priest did the right thing. By allowing the sparrows to build their nest, he showed kindness and compassion. Helping the birds meant he prioritized their needs over his own, which shows his loving heart. It also brought him joy, knowing he was helping a family of sparrows.


  1. Bring a notebook and a pen to class.
  2. I want a pink or a blue saree.
  3. Once you finish reading the book, give it to Raj.
  4. They took him to the club because he loves the food there.
  5. Before you come in, please wipe your shoes on the mat.


  1. Bring a notebook and a pen to class.
  2. I want a pink or a blue saree.
  3. Once you finish reading the book, give it to Raj.
  4. They took him to the club because he loves the food there.
  5. Before you come in, please wipe your shoes on the mat.

If, yet rather…than, but, because, and

  1. Is your mother home yet?
  2. We won’t be going to school tomorrow …….. it is a holiday.
  3. I would…….. study history ……. science.
  4. He wanted to walk further,……… was stopped by the guards.
  5. ……… you make a mistake, then own up to it …….. Apologise.


  1. Is your mother home yet?
  2. We won’t be going to school tomorrow because it is a holiday.
  3. I would rather study history than science.
  4. He wanted to walk further, but was stopped by the guards.
  5. If you make a mistake, then own up to it and apologize.



  1. The thundering clouds were a sure sign of a storm.
  2. Neeta had a strong feeling that something was about to go wrong.
  3. Despite the heavy traffic, we made it on time.
  4. I was in such deep sleep that I didn’t hear him come in.
  5. Although she joined the class mid-term, she made rapid progress and caught up with the others.
  6. The people of India held APJ Abdul Kalam in high esteem because of his humility and intelligence.


Answer: Here a sample answer is given below. Youb may try your own answers.

Here’s a different ending for “The Letter Box”:

As the priest opened the letter box, he found the long white envelope that had been waiting for him. He took a deep breath and read the letter from the Archbishop. To his surprise, the letter said, “Dear Father, I appreciate all your hard work in Santa. Please come and see me, but if you cannot make it, I understand.”

Just then, the mother sparrow flew in, and the priest smiled. He thought, “I can visit the Archbishop later, but for now, my little friends need me.” He decided to spend the day watching the baby sparrows learn to fly, feeling a sense of joy and purpose.

The next day, the priest received a visit from the Archbishop himself, who had come to see the beautiful orchard and the happy sparrows. Impressed by the priest’s dedication, the Archbishop said, “You are doing wonderful work here. Stay as long as you wish.”

With a joyful heart, the priest continued his life in Santa, knowing that both the village and the birds needed him. He realized that sometimes, what seems like an ending can lead to new beginnings, filled with love and laughter.

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