Notes based on the poem “The Winner” by Georgia Heard, NCERT Class 6 English textbook “Poorvi”. The Notes given here include Summary in English and Hindi, Central Idea, themes, Keywords etc. The standard 6 students would benefit a lot from these notes. Enjoy free learning here. Click here for More Resources.
Poem “The Winner’
we play ball
next to the creek
in our neighbour’s field.
We run so fast
When blue dark turns to black,
cold grass aches our feet,
trees creep close—
game’s over.
Night wins!– Georgia Heard
Key Words in the Poem ‘The Winner‘
- Evenings – Represents the time of play and transition to night.
- Ball – Symbolizes the joyful activity of the children.
- Creek – Adds a natural and serene setting to the poem.
- Field – Suggests an open, free space for play.
- Run – Reflects the energy and excitement of the children.
- Breath – Highlights the intensity and liveliness of their play.
- Blue dark – Indicates the transition phase from day to night.
- Black – Symbolizes the night and the end of playtime.
- Cold grass – Suggests the sensory experience and the change in time.
- Trees creep close – Creates a mysterious and calming atmosphere.
- Game’s over – Marks the end of their activity.
- Night wins – Represents nature’s power and the inevitability of night.
Summary of ‘The Winner‘ Poem
English Summary
The poem captures the joyful moments of children playing ball in the evening. They run and play with so much excitement that they lose track of time. As night falls, the sky turns from blue to black, and the cold grass under their feet reminds them it’s time to stop. The trees seem to move closer in the dark, creating a mysterious atmosphere. In the end, the game ends, and the night “wins,” symbolizing how nature signals the end of their fun. The poem beautifully depicts the transition from playful energy to calm stillness.
Hindi Summary
यह कविता बच्चों के शाम के समय गेंद खेलते हुए खुशी भरे पलों को दिखाती है। वे इतनी मस्ती और जोश में खेलते हैं कि समय का ध्यान ही नहीं रहता। जैसे-जैसे रात होने लगती है, आसमान का रंग नीले से काले में बदल जाता है, और ठंडी घास उनके पैरों को चुभने लगती है। अंधेरे में पेड़ पास आते हुए से लगते हैं, जो एक रहस्यमयी माहौल बनाते हैं। अंत में, खेल रुक जाता है और “रात जीत जाती है,” जो यह दर्शाता है कि प्रकृति बच्चों की मस्ती को शांत करने का संकेत देती है। यह कविता ऊर्जा से भरे खेल और शांति की ओर बदलाव को सुंदरता से दिखाती है।
Central Idea of ‘The Winner‘ Poem
The central idea of the poem is the transition from the lively energy of play to the stillness of night. It shows how nature, with its quiet power, brings an end to human activities and signals the time to rest. The poem emphasizes the harmony between human life and nature, highlighting how we must respect and adapt to its rhythm.
इस कविता का मुख्य विचार खेल की चहल-पहल से रात की शांति की ओर बदलाव को दर्शाना है। यह दिखाता है कि प्रकृति अपनी शांत शक्ति से मानव गतिविधियों को रोककर आराम का संकेत देती है। कविता मानव जीवन और प्रकृति के बीच तालमेल पर जोर देती है और यह बताती है कि हमें प्रकृति की लय का सम्मान करना चाहिए और उसके अनुसार ढलना चाहिए।
Key Points of ‘The Winner‘ Poem
- Setting: The poem is set in the evening, as children play ball near a creek in their neighbor’s field.
- Energy and Joy: The children are full of excitement, running so fast they can hardly catch their breath.
- Transition of Time: The sky changes from blue to black, signaling the arrival of night.
- Nature’s Presence: The cold grass aches their feet, and the trees seem to creep closer in the darkness, creating a quiet, mysterious atmosphere.
- Night’s Victory: The game ends as night takes over, symbolizing the power of nature in bringing a close to human activities.
- Theme: The poem reflects the connection between human life and nature, showing how nature gently but firmly asserts its presence.
- स्थल: कविता का दृश्य शाम का है, जब बच्चे पड़ोसी के खेत में नाले के पास गेंद खेलते हैं।
- ऊर्जा और खुशी: बच्चे उत्साह से भरपूर होते हैं और इतनी तेज दौड़ते हैं कि सांस लेना मुश्किल हो जाता है।
- समय का परिवर्तन: आसमान का रंग नीले से काले में बदलता है, जो रात के आने का संकेत देता है।
- प्रकृति की उपस्थिति: ठंडी घास उनके पैरों को चुभने लगती है, और पेड़ अंधेरे में पास आते हुए से लगते हैं, जो एक शांत और रहस्यमय माहौल बनाते हैं।
- रात की जीत: खेल खत्म हो जाता है क्योंकि रात अपना अधिकार जमा लेती है, जो यह दिखाता है कि प्रकृति मानव गतिविधियों को रोकने की शक्ति रखती है।
- विषय: कविता मानव जीवन और प्रकृति के बीच संबंध को दर्शाती है, यह दिखाते हुए कि प्रकृति कैसे धीरे-धीरे अपना प्रभाव डालती है।
Moral of the Poem “The Winner“
The poem teaches us to respect nature and its rhythm. It shows that no matter how much energy and excitement we bring, nature has the ultimate power to pause and guide us toward rest and reflection. It also reminds us to cherish the joyful moments in life while being mindful of the natural world around us.
यह कविता हमें प्रकृति और उसकी लय का सम्मान करना सिखाती है। यह दर्शाती है कि चाहे हमारी ऊर्जा और उत्साह कितना भी हो, अंत में प्रकृति हमें आराम और चिंतन की ओर ले जाती है। यह हमें जीवन के आनंदमय क्षणों को संजोने और हमारे आसपास की प्राकृतिक दुनिया का ध्यान रखने की भी याद दिलाती है।
Poetic Devices in ‘The Winner‘ Poem
1. Imagery: Use of vivid descriptions to create mental pictures.
- “We run so fast I can’t even catch my breath” – Creates a visual of children running with excitement.
- “Cold grass aches our feet” – Evokes a sensory experience ( (sight, touch).
2. Personification: Giving human qualities to non-human things.
- “Trees creep close” – Makes the trees seem alive and moving closer. This adds to the mysterious, eerie feeling of night approaching.
- “Night wins” – Night is given the human ability to “win.”
3. Alliteration: Repetition of the same consonant sounds at the beginning of nearby words.
“When blue dark turns to black.” (The repetition of the “b” sound in “blue” and “black”)
4. Symbolism: Use of symbols to represent deeper meanings.
“Night wins” – Symbolizes the dominance of nature over human activity.
Effect: Adds depth to the poem, connecting the literal ending of the game to the larger idea of nature’s rhythm.
5. Enjambment: The continuation of a sentence or phrase beyond the end of a line.
The whole poem is full of enjambment.
“We run so fast / I / can’t / even / catch / my / breath.”
Effect: Mimics the breathlessness and excitement of the children, enhancing the poem’s rhythm.
6. Contrast: Highlighting differences to create impact.
The contrast between the lively activity of the children running and the quiet, stillness of night is highlighted throughout the poem. The transition from day to night creates a shift from energy to calmness.
Effect: Emphasizes the shift from human activity to nature’s stillness.
7. Onomatopoeia: Words imitating sounds.
Example: The word “creep” imitates the soft, slow movement of trees in the darkness. While not a strong sound, it evokes a quiet, slow motion, adding to the mood.
8. Metaphor: Comparing things without the use of “like”, “as”, & “such” etc.
Example: “Night wins!”
Explanation: The phrase “Night wins” compares the arrival of night to a victory in a game, suggesting that the night has taken control and ended the children’s play.