‘A Sea of Foliage’ summary, meanings, explanations, poetic devices and answers to exercise questions are given here. This study material is based on the textbook Wind Chimes Class 7 English Textbook. Watch the video tutorials given below. If any queries please contact us.
A Sea of Foliage Poem Explanation in Hindi
A Sea of Foliage Poetic Devices Video
Poem: A Sea of Foliage (Baugmaree)
A sea of foliage girds our garden round,
But not a sea of dull unvaried green,
Sharp contrasts of all colours here are seen;
The light-green graceful tamarinds abound
Amid the mango clumps of green profound,
And palms arise, like pillars grey, between;
And o’er the quiet pools the seemuls lean,
Red-red, and startling like a trumpet’s sound.But nothing can be lovelier than the ranges
Of bamboos to the eastward, when the moon
Looks through their gaps, and the white lotus changes
Into a cup of silver. One might swoon
Drunken with beauty then, or gaze and gaze
On a primeval Eden, in amaze.Toru Dutt
Meanings: ‘A Sea of Foliage’
foliage | vegetation or greenery | पेड़ – पत्तों से हरा-भरा इलाका जैसे की बाग- बगीचे |
girds | surrounds, enclose or encircle to bind | चारों तरफ से घेरना या बांधना |
dull | uninteresting, boring, lacking enthusiasm | फीका, बेजान ओर बेमजा सा |
sharp contrast | clearly noticeable, a visible difference | बिल्कुल साफ अंतर दिखाई देना वाला |
unvaried | monotonous or always appearing of same | न बदलने वाला, एक जैसा दिखने वाला |
graceful | looking great, classy and beautiful | सुंदर ओर शानदार |
abound | exist in large numbers | काफी मात्रा या संख्या में |
amid | in the midst of | के बीच में |
clumps | group of trees | पेड़ों का झुंड ओर झुरमुट |
O’er | over | के ऊपर |
startling | very bright in colour, creating sudden alarm or surprise or wonder (here it means – as appealing as the sound of a trumpet from a far distant) | अचानक से चौंका या भौचक्का कर देना वाला |
ranges | extent, varieties of | विस्तार, फैलाव |
profound | dark and deep | गहरा ओर असरदार |
lean | tending to one side, to bend down toward one side | झुकना |
swoon | feel dizzy | बेहोश हो जाना |
Seemuls | silk cotton trees with red flowers | सेमल का पेड़ |
in amaze | in amazement or wonder because of the wonderful scenic beauty | अद्भुत नजारों को देख के आश्चर्यचकित या भौचक्का |
gaze | see or look continuously | घूरना या टकटकी लगा के देखना |
Primeval Eden | the garden where Adam and Eaves lived as told in the Bible. | आदम ओर हव्वा का स्वर्ग सरीखा बाग |
A Sea of Foliage Poem Explanation in Hindi
The poem “A Sea of Foliage” by Toru Dutt is indeed a beautiful nature-based poem that depicts the beauty of nature and its surroundings. The poet’s appreciation of her garden is evident in the way she describes the different shades of greenery that surround her.
The use of imagery in the poem is also noteworthy. For instance, the poet compares the palms to grey pillars between the silk-cotton trees. This comparison creates a vivid image in the reader’s mind and emphasizes the majestic beauty of the trees. The poet also uses sound imagery to describe the beauty of the garden, where the trumpets sound is heard when looking at the palms.
The poet’s fascination with the bamboo trees in the east of the garden is also significant. The imagery used to describe the bamboo trees and the white lotus creates a dreamy and surreal atmosphere. The moonlight falling amid the branches of the bamboo trees and the white lotus looking like a silver cup all contribute to the enchanting beauty of the garden.
The last line of the poem is also noteworthy as it suggests that the beauty of the garden is reminiscent of the primeval Eden, a grade for Adams and Eaves. This reference to the biblical story of the Garden of Eden suggests that the beauty of nature is divine and eternal.
Overall, “A Sea of Foliage” is a beautiful poem that celebrates the beauty of nature and its surroundings. The use of vivid imagery and sound creates a surreal and dreamy atmosphere, emphasizing the divine and eternal beauty of nature.
A. Answer these questions with reference to the context.
- A sea of foliage girds our garden round, But not a sea of dull unvaried green,
Sharp contrasts of all colours here are seen;
a. Why does the poet use the word ‘sea’?
b. What does the ‘contrasts of all colours’ mean here?
c. What does the poet call ‘green’? - And palms arise, like pillars grey, between; And o’er the quiet pools the seemuls lean, Red-red, and startling like a trumpet’s sound.
a. What are the palms compared to?
b. Why has the word ‘pillars’ been used?
c. Why does the poet repeat the word ‘red’? - One might swoon
Drunken with beauty then, or gaze and gaze On a primeval Eden, in amaze.
a. Which beauty is the poet referring to?
b. Why does the poet use the word ‘drunken’?
c. What has been compared to the Garden of Eden?
- a. Just as the colour of the sea is a mixture of colours, so is her garden.
b. ‘Contrasts of all colours’ mean that the garden is filled with different colours. Colours of different trees and foliage lend a distinct charm to the poet’s garden.
c. ‘Green’ refers to the garden with different colours. - a. The palms are compared to the grey pillars in colour.
b. The word ‘pillars’ has been used for palms because they are tall and erect and look more like pillars than trees.
c. The poet repeats the word ‘red’ to bring out the sharp contrast of colours of the seemuls flower. The fiery red colour of the flower from the seemuls look like trumpet’s sound. - a. The poet talks about the beauty of the garden at night when the moon looks through the gaps of bamboo trees and the white lotus looks like a cup of silver.
b. The poet uses the word ‘drunken’ because the beauty of the garden is captivating and the poet is immersed in the beauty of the garden.
c. It has been compared to the Garden of Eden because of its extraordinary beauty and charm. Her garden looks like heaven to her.
B. Answer these questions.
- Where does the foliage grow in the garden?
- Where do the tamarinds grow?
- Where are the palms to be found? How are they different from fruit trees?
- Which colours are mentioned by the poet? Where are they to be found in the garden?
- What fascinates the poet the most and why?
- What is ‘startling’ about the seemuls? How is it similar to a trumpet’s sound?
- What does the poet mean by ‘…the white lotus changes/Into a cup of silver’?
- Explain the lines: ‘…when the moon/Looks through their gaps’.
- The garden’s foliage grows around it, creating a lush and natural environment.
- Amidst the mango trees, tamarinds grow in abundance, adding to the garden’s vibrant atmosphere.
- Palms are situated in the garden’s center, standing tall like grey pillars, distinguishing themselves from other trees.
- The poet describes the garden’s array of colors, including green, light-green, gray, red, white, and silver. The green color dominates the garden, but the poet emphasizes that it is far from dull. The tamarinds are adorned in light-green, while the seemul flowers bloom in a striking shade of red. When the moonlight illuminates the white lotus, it appears like a gleaming silver cup.
- While the poet appreciates the garden’s beauty as a whole, the bamboo ranges capture their fascination. The poet is captivated by the way the moon’s light filters through the gaps in the bamboo, transforming the white lotus into a glimmering silver cup.
- The poet finds the red seemul flowers particularly striking, as their appearance pierces the garden’s calmness, like a sudden trumpet blast. The flowers enhance the garden’s beauty, adding to its vibrancy.
- The moon’s light falling on the white lotus makes it appear more than a mere flower; it looks like a radiant silver cup to the poet.
- The bamboo ranges create an extraordinary scene when the moonlight filters through the gaps, creating a shimmering effect that further elevates the garden’s beauty.
A. Identify and explain the sentences where the poet has used personification.
Ans. Examples of personifications: graceful tamarinds; palms arise; quiet pools; the moon looks through their gaps
B. Comment about the use of metaphors and similes in the poem.
Ans. Toru was very much influence by the rich literary tradition of France especially the romantic strain of
French Literature.
The poem is marked by various metaphors and similes. The beginning is remarkable metaphor: ‘A sea of foliage’. It is followed by antithesis ‘but not a sea of dull unvaried green.’ ‘Garden girds around’ is a beautiful image. Tamarind trees are called graceful. Palm trees are compared with pillars. The pools are quiet.
Example of Similes and personifications can be stated in the following lines:
- ‘Palms arise like pillars gray’
- ‘Red, red and starling like a trumpet’s sound’.
- ‘Moon looks through gaps.’
- ‘Lotus changes into cup of silver.’
- ‘One becomes beauty drunken as there is primeval Eden Garden.’
C. Comment on the rhyme scheme of the poem.
Ans. abba abba cd cd ee
I did not get what I wanted so please improve
not bad but can be improved by giving a specific topic as ‘Poetic Devices’ so that the children can understand more rather than giving it a question and answer.
Not the same poem as given in my book.
good but can improve