Analytical paragraph writing is a part of creative writing skill syllabus for class 10th Session 2223. Here are given some questions from the previous year’s CBSE exams questions as well as the Sample Paper questions starting from session 2020 to 2022 23. New questions are added good time so keep visiting the post here.
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Questions from CBSE Sample Paper 2022-23
Q.1. Gurmeet Kaur is an aspiring candidate for a public-funded engineering college in the suburbs. She belongs to a nearby village, has minimal technological skills and exposure, has the required cut-off percentage and is looking for a complete or partial scholarship.

Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words, analysing her SWOT notes to support your stand on whether
she should join/not join the college. (5 Marks)
In favour: The given information illustrates the options Gurmeet would weigh in order to take the right decision about her admission in a public-funded engineering college. With availability of strong curriculum, quality faculty and vibrant Activity Clubs, she will be assured of an enriching educational journey. Though hostel facility is unavailable, she may take up accommodation in the suburbs or choose to travel daily from her village. Good opportunities of practice-based research, partnership with professional companies and international students exchange program will enhance her professional and interpersonal skills. Hard work, responsible behaviour and prudent decision-making could help Gurmeet thrive in the college even though it has a rigid and conventional culture. The strengths and opportunities work in favour of Gurmeet. Taking this opportunity will allow her to mend the incorrect public perception towards public-funded colleges and students’ outlook towards technical subjects.
In against: The given information indicates Gurmeet’s dilemma about seeking admission in a public- funded college. Though equipped with a strong curriculum, engaging activity clubs and an able faculty, the college lacks diversity and good conduct among the students, giving rise to concerns of safe environment for a novice like Gurmeet. Underutilization of IT services will be further detrimental to the progress of Gurmeet’s educational journey and add to extra costs related to research work. If she does not qualify for a complete or partial scholarship, arrangement of own accommodation and additional expense of students exchange programme will increase her expenditure, too. Such a college environment may dampen her endeavouring spirit. The weakness and threats outweigh the strengths, in case of Gurmeet. So, it is recommended that Gurmeet does not apply for admission to the said college.
Q.2. Read the following excerpt from an online post of a website on educational practices.
Kids who appreciate how much effort, time and care goes into growing food will understand how important farmers are, and why it’s important to take care of our Earth. In the world of today, gardening needs to be given more importance than sports, music and dance in all schools because it creates environmental stewards and outdoor learning laboratories that help the child and community for years to come.
Write a paragraph in 100-120 words to analyse the given argument.
You could think about what alternative explanations might weaken the given conclusion and include rationale / evidence that would strengthen / counter the given argument. (5 Marks)
Argument FOR the subject of the statement: In the world of today, gardening needs to be given more importance than sports, music and dance in all schools. While sports, music and dance contribute towards personal growth, the current times mandate attention towards an issue that is global —nature and natural processes. With growing food wastage in many homes today and the urban young believing that vegetables are grown, harvested at the super markets, the efforts of the farmers are discredited. Gardening at school will open a world of first-hand learning experiences of sowing, watering and harvesting processes. Waiting for the saplings to grow will inculcate sensitivity, patience, empathy, gratitude and value for one’s hard work. They will feel accountable for their piece of Mother Earth, resulting in making them efficient and enterprising environmental stewards. Unlike sports, music or dance, gardening goes beyond just enjoyment to create aware and responsible citizens of the future.
Argument AGAINST the subject of the statement: Gardening, certainly, should not be given precedence over sports, music and dance in all schools. Gardening at school requires good planning with hands-on guidance and continued supervision by the teachers. Students tend to lose interest due to the slow and natural growth progress of plants as well as the investment of continuous hard work. Small targets or goals would be missing whereas the danger of destruction of their work due to rains, intrusion of grazing animals or a pest attack is like to set in a feeling of defeat. It may be noted that sports, music and dance are uplifting activities which display faster results, are enjoyable and inculcate team spirit, collaboration and confidence. Unlike gardening, setbacks in these activities can be addressed with some sense of personal control. These activities help students express and de-stress successfully. So, maintaining their due importance in the school’s co-curriculum is imperative.
CBSE Questions from Session 2021-22
Q. 1. Study the concept chart from the self-help magazine section of a monthly publication. (5 marks)

Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words, analysing the listed responses to the situation when one faces setbacks.
A Possible Answer drafted for students
Everybody experiences setbacks at some point in their lives. If understood in the right way, setbacks become great opportunities for learning and self-awareness. The chart discusses a healthy versus an unhealthy course of response to setbacks. A healthy processing involves analysing the setback and accessing healing resources to deal with our negative
emotions. It offers an opportunity to analyse our belief system and let go of limiting thought patterns. On the contrary, an incomplete processing of setback can create feelings of self-criticism, doubt and demotivation, which may prevent one from learning or moving on. Overtime, these reactions can take on critical form of persistent anger, anxiety or depression. Hence, it is important, to accept a setback and then work with it to convert it into a fertile ground for learning and new possibilities.
Q.1. A group of enterprising young adults conducted a survey on reopening of educational institutions in the National Capital.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words analysing the listed responses.
In light of current education crises due to COVID-19, a survey on reopening of educational institutions in the National Capital was conducted by a group of enterprising young adults. 28% people opined that the educational institutions should allow the students and other staff only after complete vaccination, i.e. they should be allowed to enter the campus only after they are vaccinated. As many as 24% people believed that schools should reopen only for exams/practical work; whereas 20% people were of view that it would be wise to open these institutions only after the cases are less than 0.3%. A few people (15%) seemed to be in support of the reopening of schools, coachings etc., only for class 9th to 12th whereas 8% people were in favour of reopening the same for all classes. Only 5% of persons couldn’t say anything in this matter. Hence, we see that approx. 75% people wanted that it’s time for educational institutions to move on with full precautions whereas 20% are still waiting for the situations to become better and 5% of them are perhaps on ‘wait and watch’ stand.
Q.3. A survey was conducted in the National Capital in over twenty schools about the different activities that interest the children in the age group of 13 years to 15 years. Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words, analyzing the following information.

A survey was conducted in more than twenty schools of New Delhi about the different activities that interest the children in the age group of 13 year to 15 years. It was amazing to know that it was not playing cricket in which maximum students showed their interest. Rather music interests the maximum number of school children. Then, with a great margin, cricket becomes their second choice. It may be due to the reason that during corona period, children had to shift their preference to solo and indoor activities. Again, just with a little difference children seem to be interested in theatre. Unexpectedly, dance as well as art has been placed as their last but not the least choice of these budding artists. Above all, the survey brought out this ‘healthy’ fact in notice that growing students prefer real activities to virtual games/activities.
Session 2020-21
Q. The chart below displays data about the number of digital devices purchased in Rishu nagar across the years
2015-2019. Write a paragraph analyzing the given data.

Technology governs every facet of our life and the given data shows how the staggering figures of digital device sales. The given data clearly shows how from being a luxury computers and smartphones have become a necessity. In 2015, about 3500 computers and 42000 smartphones were purchased. However, the sales of digital devices have shown a gradual increase over the past four years. There is a very clear indication that people prefer buying smartphones over computers. The sales of smartphones have always been more than computers barring the year 2017 when in contrast to 81000 computers 78000 smartphones were sold. Preference of smartphones also indicates that people find it easier to work with smartphones and since they offer much of the same features as computers and are easy to carry. The year 2019 shows a sharp spike crossing the 100,000 mark in a year which is a clear indicator of our dependence on this digital device. It can be easily calculated from the given the present situation the sales are bound to continue with this
upward trend and it is sure to impact more in future.
More questions will be added soon