‘Fog’ Poem Notes: Summary, Themes, Central idea, Vocabulary

The Notes on “Fog” Poem include a summary, central idea, Themes, message etc including the important vocabulary. Enjoy learning here. You can also see its Q&A and Explanation of ‘Fog” poem. Explanation and Analysis of “Fog” Poem | Notes on “Fog” Poem

Notes on Fog Poem

Poem “Fog”

Vocabulary from the poem “Fog” by Carl Sandburg:

  1. Fog: A thick mist consisting of tiny water droplets that makes it hard to see.
  2. Cat feet: This refers to the quiet and soft way a cat moves. In the poem, it’s a metaphor for the fog’s gentle and silent arrival.
  3. Haunches: The back legs of an animal, particularly the hindquarters. In the poem, it suggests a sitting posture.
  4. Harbour: A place where ships dock, protected from rough waters.

Summary of the Poem “Fog”

The poem “Fog” by Carl Sandburg describes the arrival and departure of fog in a city. The poet compares the fog to a cat, noting how it moves in quietly and sits silently, observing the surroundings like a cat on its haunches. After a short time, the fog leaves just as quietly as it came. The poem uses this imagery to convey the idea that some changes or moments in life happen subtly and without notice, coming and going with little disturbance.

Central Idea of “Fog” Poem:

The central idea of Carl Sandburg’s “Fog” is the mysterious and ever-present nature of the natural world.

The central idea of the poem “Fog” by Carl Sandburg is the transient and quiet nature of certain experiences in life. The poet uses the metaphor of fog to convey how some events, emotions, or changes can arrive softly and silently, much like a cat, without causing a disturbance. These moments come, linger for a while, and then move on, reminding us of the impermanent and ever-changing nature of life. The poem captures the essence of subtlety and quiet transitions, suggesting that not all impactful things in life come with noise or drama.

Theme of the Poem ‘Fog’

The theme of the poem “Fog” by Carl Sandburg is the fleeting and mysterious nature of change. The poem explores how some events or moments in life appear and disappear quietly, much like fog rolling in and out of a city. It emphasizes the subtlety with which change can occur, often without warning or disturbance, and how it is a natural and inevitable part of life. The comparison of fog to a cat reinforces the idea of these changes being quiet, gentle, and somewhat unpredictable.

Tone of the Poem ‘Fog’

The tone of the poem “Fog” by Carl Sandburg is calm, peaceful, and reflective. The poet uses gentle and quiet imagery, like the fog moving in silently and sitting like a cat, to create a tranquil mood. There is no urgency or intensity in the poem; instead, it has a contemplative tone, inviting the reader to quietly observe the natural phenomenon of fog and reflect on the subtle changes it represents.

Some SFAQs (Student-Frequestly Asked Questions)

Answer: The similarity between a cat and fog in the poem “Fog” by Carl Sandburg lies in their quiet, subtle, and graceful movements:

  1. Quiet Movement: Just as a cat moves quietly and softly, the fog also arrives and spreads without making any noise. Both the cat and the fog are described as being unobtrusive and gentle in their approach.
  2. Gracefulness: Cats are known for their smooth, graceful movements, and the fog is similarly portrayed as moving in a smooth, effortless manner. The fog settles over the city and harbor in a way that mirrors the elegance of a cat.
  3. Observation: The poem describes the fog as “sitting looking” over the city and harbor, similar to how a cat might sit and observe its surroundings. This personification suggests that both the fog and the cat take a calm, watchful stance.
  4. Ephemeral Presence: Just as a cat might appear and disappear with little notice, the fog arrives briefly, covers the area, and then moves on. This transient nature links both the fog and the cat in their fleeting presence.

Overall, the comparison underscores the subtle, tranquil, and impermanent qualities shared by both the fog and the cat.

Answer: The comparison of fog to a cat highlights the fog’s silent, stealthy, and gentle nature. Just as a cat moves quietly and gracefully, the fog arrives and moves away in a subtle, unobtrusive manner. This metaphor emphasizes the quiet and delicate presence of the fog.

Answer: The poem conveys the theme of change through its description of the fog’s arrival and departure. The fog appears suddenly, covers the city, and then leaves just as quietly. This reflects how some changes in life can come and go subtly, without making a big impact or drawing attention.

Answer: The tone of the poem is considered peaceful because of the calm and gentle imagery used to describe the fog. Words like “little cat feet” and “silent haunches” create a serene and contemplative mood, reflecting the quiet and unobtrusive nature of the fog.

Answer: The poem suggests that natural phenomena, like fog, can be both mysterious and transient. It highlights how such phenomena can enter our lives quietly, have a temporary presence, and then disappear without causing disruption. This mirrors the idea that natural events are part of the natural flow of life.

Answer: The poet’s use of imagery, such as the fog moving “on little cat feet” and sitting “on silent haunches,” enhances the poem’s meaning by vividly depicting the fog’s subtle and soft presence. This imagery helps readers visualize the fog and understand its quiet, fleeting nature, reinforcing the poem’s themes of change and tranquillity.

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  1. Anonymous

    Soooo helpful…nice explanation

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