Industries Chapter Notes Class 8 NCERT Geography

Get here Notes based on the chapter “Industries” in Class 8 NCERT Geography textbook. These Notes cover the whole chapter with important note points. Click here for more study materials.

1. What is an Industry?

  • Industry refers to the economic activity involving the production of goods, extraction of minerals, or provision of services.
  • Examples: Iron and Steel industry (goods), coal mining industry (mineral extraction), tourism (services).

2. Classification of Industries

  • Based on Raw Materials:
    • Agro-based: Use plant and animal products (e.g., food processing, dairy).
    • Mineral-based: Use mineral ores (e.g., iron, coal).
    • Marine-based: Use sea products (e.g., seafood processing).
    • Forest-based: Use forest products (e.g., paper, furniture).
  • Based on Size:
    • Small-scale: Less capital, fewer workers (e.g., cottage industries).
    • Large-scale: More capital and technology, large production (e.g., automobile manufacturing).
  • Based on Ownership:
    • Private Sector: Owned by individuals or groups (e.g., Maruti Udyog).
    • Public Sector: Owned by the government (e.g., Steel Authority of India).
    • Joint Sector: Owned by both the state and private individuals (e.g., Maruti Udyog).
    • Cooperative Sector: Owned by producers or workers (e.g., Anand Milk Union Limited).

3. Factors Affecting Industrial Location

  • Availability of raw materials, land, water, labour, power, capital, transport, and market.
  • Government incentives for industries in backward areas.

4. Industrial System

  • Inputs: Raw materials, labour, and infrastructure.
  • Processes: Activities that convert raw materials into finished products.
  • Outputs: Final product and income earned.

5. Industrial Regions

Industrial Regions are areas where several industries are located close to each other for mutual benefit.

  • World: Eastern North America, Europe, Eastern Asia.
  • India: Mumbai-Pune cluster, Bangalore-Tamil Nadu, Kolkata region.

6. Industrial Disasters

  • Examples: Bhopal Gas Tragedy (1984) due to a chemical leak, and Gao Qiao Gas Blowout (2005) in China.
  • Risk Reduction Measures:
    • Separate industries from residential areas,
    • improve fire safety,
    • limit toxic storage.

7. Major Industries in the World

  • Iron and Steel Industry: Backbone of modern industry, located in countries like Germany, USA, China.
    • Inputs: Iron ore, coal, limestone.
    • Process: Smelting and refining.
    • Outputs: Steel used in machinery, buildings, and vehicles.
  • Textile Industry: Converts raw cotton into fabric. Concentrated in India, Hong Kong, and Japan.
  • Information Technology: Emerging industry in Silicon Valley (USA) and Bangalore (India).

8. Iron and Steel Industry

  • Raw materials: Iron ore, coal, and limestone.
  • Process: Iron ore is smelted in a blast furnace to produce steel.
  • Steel is used in construction, machinery, and transportation (ships, cars, etc.).
  • In India, key steel centers include Bhilai, Durgapur, and Jamshedpur.

9. Case Study: Jamshedpur

  • The Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO) was set up in 1907 at Sakchi (now Jamshedpur) for easy access to resources like coal and iron ore.

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  1. Anonymous

    Thank you 🙏

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