This is Jody’s Fawn: Question Answers Summary and Meanings Class 8 NCERT English

‘This is Jody’s Fawn’ is a lesson published in class 8 NCERT English textbook. To help students, we are giving here a summary, word meanings and answers to textbook intext questions and final exercise answers.

Word Meanings: Jody’s fawn

Drift backto turn or go back
fawnyoung one of a deer
heldgripped, caught in hand
lay at restlay peacefully without making movements
close savea narrow escape from any harm
kept your headstayed calm in a difficult situation
recollectrecall and remember what had happened in the past
doefemale or she- deer
scaredfrightened, afraid
raisebring up
acornssmall brown nuts
tookhere it means killed
it wasn’t to blameit was not his fault or mistake
live to see another daysurvive
sidled backwalked back very quietly
draw outextract
gaspedbreathed suddenly and loudly as happens after running
set downput down
anxiouslywith anxiety and concerns
mountedgot on
every which wayin different directions
abandoneddeserted, left unattended
disappointmentfrustration, hopelessness
enduretolerate, forebear
unwillingreluctant, not wanting to do or follow
right hereat this very place, just here
take it easydon’t worry or bother
so longgood bye
obligedgrateful or feeling obliged
hoovesthe feet of an animal
cracklingbreaking with sound
twigssmall branched of a tree
buzzarda type of hawk
flappedfluttered the wing
bougha big branch of a tree
carriondead and putrefying flesh
partedpushed aside
circledwent around
clackedmade a short loud sound
tumbledrolled over
shook him throughstirred him completely
whisperedspeak in a low voice
deliriousvery excited
sleeksmooth and shiny
bobbedmoved up and down
thumpedbeat fast
trailnarrow path as in a forest
waveredwas unsteady
wobblingrocking side by side
piteouslycausing pity
fumbledwas unsuccessful
latchfastening for a door
balkedwas unwilling
clutched hardhold a tight grip
risen oncome over
skimmedremoved from the surface
held it out toput before
buttedhit with the head
precariouslywith difficulty
spilling overfalling on the ground
dippedput in
withdrewtook back
gourda container for liquids
snortedmade a sound from the mouth or nostrils
ecstasygreat pleasure and enjoyement
gurglingthe sound coming from the throat


Jody’s Request to Raise the Fawn

Jody’s father Penny was bitten by a rattlesnake, and to draw out the poison, he used the heart and liver of a doe that he quickly killed. Jody saw that the doe had a little fawn that was left alone, and the thought of the fawn kept haunting Jody’s mind. He asked his father for permission to bring the fawn home and raise it. At first, Penny was in a dilemma, but Jody convinced him that raising the fawn would not be a burden. Penny agreed that it would be ungrateful to leave the fawn to starve and gave Jody his permission.

Jody’s Journey to Find the Fawn

Jody went to the forest with Mill-wheel, who offered to take him on his horse. Once in the forest, Jody asked Mill-wheel to go back, as he wanted to be alone with the fawn if he found it. Jody searched for the fawn and eventually found it, but it was shaky and did not try to rise or run. Jody carried the fawn in his arms and avoided the clearing with the doe’s carcass. It was a long and difficult walk back home, and Jody had to rest several times.

Jody Introduces the Fawn to His Father

Jody finally reached home with the fawn, and he had an idea to walk into his father’s room with the fawn after him. However, at the steps, the fawn would not come up, so Jody carried it to his father’s bed. Jody showed his father the fawn, and Penny was glad that Jody had found what he wanted. Jody offered milk to the fawn, but it could not drink from the gourd. So, Jody dipped his fingers in the milk and thrust them into the fawn’s soft mouth. The fawn drank the milk greedily, and then Jody lowered his fingers into the gourd, and the fawn drank from it.

Textbook Question Answers

Comprehension Check (Page-90)

Q. 1. What had happened to Jody’s father?
Ans. Jody’s father had been bitten by a rattle snake.

Q. 2. How did the doe save Penny’s life?
Ans. Jody’s father killed a doe and used its liver to draw out the poison.

Q. 3. Why does Jody want to bring the Fawn home?
Ans. Jody wants to bring the Fawn home because his father had killed the doe and it seemed ungrateful to leave its young one to starve.

Q. 4. How does Jody know that the Fawn is a male?
Ans. Jody knows that the Fawn is a male by its spots.

Comprehension Check (Page-91)

Q. 1. Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?
Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. If he did not find the fawn then he would be disappointed, and if the fawn would be there then he did not want to share his happiest expression with anyone.

Q. 2. Why was Mill-wheel afraid to leave Jody alone?
Mill-wheel was afraid to leave Jody alone because he thought he might get lost or get bitten by a snake too.

Comprehension Check (Page-94)

Q. 1. How did Jody bring the fawn back home?
Ans. Jody brought the fawn back home by picking it up and carrying it in his arms.

Q. 2. Jody was filled with emotion after he found the fawn. Can you find at least three words or phrases which show how he felt?
Ans. Ecstasy, happiness and relief.

Q. 3. How did the deer drink milk from the gourd?
Jody poured milk into a small gourd, dipped his fingers in the milk and thrust-them into Fawn’s soft mouth. Then it sucked milk greedily.

Q. 4. Why didn’t the fawn follow Jody up the steps as he had thought it would ?
The fawn did not follow Jody up the steps because fawn was too young to walk up the steps.

Working with the Text (Page-93)

Q. 1. Why did Penny Baxter allow Jody to go find the fawn and raise it?
Ans. Penny Baxter allowed Jody to go and find the fawn and raise it because he had killed its mother to save his life. The fawn was orphaned and it was ungrateful to leave it to starve.

Q. 2. What did Doctor Wilson mean when he said, “Nothing in the world ever comes quite free”?
Ans. When Doctor Wilson said, “Nothing in the world ever comes quite free,” he implied that actions and events often involve consequences or obligations. It means that we all are dependent on one another just to support our lives. We had to pay a price for everything.

Q. 3. How did Jody look after the fawn after he accepted the responsibility for doing this?
Ans. Jody took the fawn into his arms and brought it back home. He provided nourishment, offering milk and ensuring the fawn’s feeding needs were met. Jody also displayed patience and affection, comforting the fawn and creating a bond through gentle interactions.

Q. 4. How does Jody’s mother react when she hears that he is going to bring the fawn home? Why does she react in this way?
She gasped and set down the pot helplessly because there was not enough food in the family to feed the fawn. She reacted in this way because she cared and loved her child more than anyone else.

Working with Language (Pages 93-94)

Q. 1. Here are some questions in direct speech. Put them into reported speech.
(i) Penny said “Do you really want it son?”
(ii) Mill-wheel said, “Will he ride back with me?”
(iii) He said to Mill-wheel,” Do you think the Fawn is still there ?”
(iv) He asked Mill-wheel, “Will you help me find him?”
(v) He said, “Was it up here when Pa got bitten by the snake?”

(i) Penny asked his son if he really wanted that.
(ii) Mill- wheel asked if he would ride back with him.
(iii) He asked Mill-wheel if he thought the Fawn was still there.
(iv) He asked Mill-wheel if he would help him to find him.
(v) He asked if it had been there when Pa had got bitten by the snake.

Q. 2. Look at these two sentences. He tumbled backward. It turned its head. The first sentence has an intransitive verb, a verb without an object. The second sentence has a transitive verb. It has a direct object. We can ask : “What did it turn ?” You can answer; “Its head. It turned its head.” Say whether the verb in each sentence below transitive or intransitive. Ask yourself a ‘what’ question about the verb, as in the example above. (For some verbs, the object is a person, so ask the question ‘who’ instead of ‘what’).
(i) Jody then went to the kitchen.
(ii) The fawn wobbled after him.
(iii) You found him.
(iv) He picked it up.
(v) He dipped his fingers in the milk.
(vi) It bleated frantically and butted him.
(vii) The fawn sucked his fingers.
(viii) He lowered his fingers slowly into the milk.
(ix) It stamped its small hoofs impatiently.
(x) He held his fingers below the level of the milk.
(xi) The fawn followed him.
(xii) He walked all day.
(xiii) He stroked its sides.
(xiv) The fawn lifted its nose.
(xv) Its legs hung limply.

(i) Intransitive
(ii) Intransitive
(iii) Transitive
(iv) Transitive
(v) Transitive
(vi) (a) Intransitive (b) Transitive
(vii) Transitive
(viii) Transitive
(ix) Transitive
(x) Transitive
(xi) Transitive
(xii) Intransitive
(xiii) Transitive
(xiv) Transitive
(xv) Transitive

Q. 3. Here are some words from the lesson. Working in groups, arrange them in the order in which they would appear in the dictionary. Write down some idioms and phrasal verbs connected to these words. Use the dictionary for more idioms and phrasal verbs.
close    draw    make    wonder    scrawny    parted    clearing    sweet    light    pick

Ans. close by, clearing, draw, light, make, parted, pick, scrawny, sweet, wonder.

Phrasal verbs
Close by – near
Clear out – tidy up thoroughly
draw on – slowly pass time.
light up – to become or make something bright
make up for – compensate for
part with – get separated from
pick up – to lift
scrawny – very thin
sweet as – great
wonder at – to be surprised or puzzled by.

Speaking (Page -95)

Q. 1. Do you think it is right to kill an animal to save a human life? Give reason for you answer?
The ethical stance on killing an animal to save a human life is subjective. In some situations, it may be viewed as a justifiable act of self-preservation, especially when human life is at immediate risk. However, ethical considerations depend on cultural, moral, and individual perspectives. Advocates argue for the sanctity of human life, while others emphasize compassion and ethical treatment of animals. Balancing these perspectives is essential in making ethically informed decisions in such situations.

Writing (Page – 95)

Q. 1. Imagine you have a new pet that keeps you busy. Write a paragraph describing your pet, the things it does, and the way it makes you feel. Here are some words and phrases that you could use.
frisky, smart, disobedient, loyal, happy, enthusiastic, companion, sharing friend, rolls in mud, dirties the bed, naughty, lively, playful, eats up food, hides the newspaper, drinks up milk, runs away when called, floats on the water as if dead.

Ans. I’ve acquired a spirited and lively canine companion as my new pet. Although intelligent, it occasionally exhibits disobedience, leading to moments of frustration. Nevertheless, its unwavering loyalty brings me immense happiness and enthusiasm. As a playful and sharing friend, it engages in enjoyable activities. Despite mischievous tendencies like rolling in mud or hiding newspapers, these traits are inherent and endearing. While training presents challenges, its quirky behaviors, such as floating in water on hot days, add both amusement and surprise. Overall, having this new pet has proven to be a delightful experience, infusing my life with joy and vitality for which I’m grateful.

Q. 2. Human life is dependent on nature (that’s why we call her Mother Nature). We take everything from nature to live our lives. Do we give back anything to nature?
(i) Write down some examples of the natural resources that we use.
(ii) Write a paragraph expressing you point of view regarding our relationship with nature.

(i) Examples: So many natural resources such as paper, wood, fuel, fruits,soil etc.
(ii) Human existence is undeniably reliant on nature, which is why we often refer to it as our mother. However, we must ask ourselves, what are we doing to show our gratitude towards nature? Unfortunately, we humans tend to be driven by greed and often disregard our responsibilities towards mother nature. We recklessly cut down trees, leading to natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides. Therefore, it is our responsibility to cultivate a harmonious relationship with nature.

Q. 3. In This is Jody’s Fawn, Jody’s father uses a ‘home remedy’ for a snake bite. What should a person now do if he or she is bitten by a snake? Are all snakes poisonous? With the help of your teacher and others, find out answers to such questions. Then write a short paragraph on—What to do if a snake chooses to bite you.

Ans. In the event of a snake bite, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Rather than relying on home remedies, which may not be effective and could be dangerous, professional medical care is essential. Not all snakes are poisonous, but it’s challenging to distinguish between venomous and non-venomous ones, so treating any snake bite seriously is necessary. If bitten, one should remain as calm and still as possible to slow down the spread of venom. It’s crucial to remove tight clothing or accessories near the bite site and keep the affected limb immobilized. Avoid using a tourniquet or attempting to suck out the venom, as these methods can worsen the situation. Instead, call for emergency medical assistance and try to remember the snake’s appearance to assist healthcare professionals in providing appropriate treatment.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    This is helpful to answer any question.
    The summary is very helpful thanks to this i got good marks in exam <3

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