One World Poem Question Answers Summary Meanings Class 6 English

The question and answers, summary, meanings of the poem ‘One World’ by Safdar Hashmi, are given together with the difficult word meanings and summary. Students can in this English Book Wind Chimes Class 6. Click here for stanza wise explanation of ‘One World’ poem.

One World Poem by Sadar Hashmi

Word Meanings: Poem One World

WordsContextual MeaningHindi Meanings
Cross his pathEncounter or meet टकरा जाना, सामने पड़ना
Torrent of wordsA rapid, continuous flow of wordsशब्दों की बारिश, बोलना शुरू कर देना तो रुकने का नाम न लेना
Wildexciting, whole or entire पूरा
GleamShine or shimmerचमकना
Give meExpression of command or desire for somethingमुझे पसंद है या अच्छा लगता है,
Wheels of politicsProcesses and changes in political situationsराजनीति की प्रक्रियाएँ, राज-पाठ का बदलना
SinnerA person who commits sins or violates moral rulesपापी
As far asUp to the extent ofजहां तक
Play the gameBe skilled at navigating situations or challengesखेलना, चाल चलना
SharpClever and intelligentतेज़
StrollA leisurely walkसैर, चहलकदमी
RamblingExtensive and sprawlingफैला हुआ
TripTo stumble or encounter unexpectedlyअटक कर लड़खड़ाना
UnleashRelease with forceशुरू ही जाना, छोड़ना
MightyPowerful or strongशक्तिशाली
JabA sudden, forceful poke or hitघूसा या लात जमाना
GabTalk or chatterबकबक, बकवाद
Blade of grassIndividual leaves of grassघास की पत्ती, तिनका
TwitchSudden, quick movementझटकना, खींचना
Cracked knucklesTo flex one’s knuckles so that they make a cracking soundअंगुलियों की गांठ फोड़ना
DeludedMisguided or deceivedभ्रमित
Make soreCause annoyance or irritationचिढ़ाना, नाराज करना
Grit and grimeDirt and filthधूल के कण ओर कीचड़
StrokeTo gently move a hand over somethingहाथ से सहलाना
PartedSeparated or moved asideअलग करना
PursedClosed tightly, often in disapproval or thoughtहोंठ सिकोड़ना
Trumpet soundedAnnounced with great fanfare or celebrationतुरही बाजे का बजना
DumbSilent or speechlessमूक, मूर्ख , भोला-भाला
DumbfoundedAstonished or speechless due to surpriseमूकदर्शक, डर या आश्चर्य से मुह से बोल न निकालना
Key of lifeFundamental understanding or knowledge of life जीवन की चाबी यानि ज्ञान
DisguiseConcealment of one’s true identityबदल हुआ भेष
ShedTo remove or cast off, like a disguiseछोड़ दिया, गिर दिया
Take for a rideDeceive or trick someoneछल करना
One World Poem – Word Meanings


In an imagined conversation between Akbar and Birbal, Safdar Hashmi shares his perspective on the follies of vanity and the fleeting nature of material possessions and accomplishments. Akbar, the great Mughal emperor, had grown conceited and haughty, surrounded by immense power and luxury, believing himself wiser than all. He boasted of having experienced and achieved everything there was to offer. However, Birbal, his wise confidante, grew concerned and devised a plan to cure Akbar of his arrogance.

While strolling through the Fatehpur Sikri palace grounds, Akbar stumbled upon a dishevelled sadhu resting. Enraged, he launched into a boastful tirade, demeaning the sadhu and ordering him to leave. The sadhu, unfazed by Akbar’s tantrum, requested permission to ask a single question. In their ensuing conversation, the sadhu reminded Akbar that the imperial power and glory he possessed were once held by his father and grandfather. None of them could maintain it forever, and nor could he. He compared mortal life to a traveller’s inn, where one stays briefly before moving on, emphasizing the foolishness of pride in temporary worldly achievements.

As realization dawned on Akbar, he was left speechless. The sadhu then revealed himself to be Birbal, earning Akbar’s gratitude for imparting another crucial life lesson.

Textbook Exercise Solutions

A. Answer these questions with reference to the context.

1. He saw the bug his king had caught,
He was sharp, not one to miss,
Pride it was he knew for sure
That made the badshah speak like this.

a. Who is ‘he’ in these lines?
b. What ‘bug’ is he talking about?
c. What reason does he give for the king speaking like this?

2. Akbar growled and growled some more
‘Get up, you—! You make me sore!’

a. What made Akbar growl?
b. Why does Akbar say, ‘Get up, you—’?
c. Explain what Akbar means by ‘you make me sore’.

3. ‘You took me for a ride,
The sadhu has my grateful thanks
For puncturing my pride.

a. Whom do ‘you’ and ‘my’ refer to?
b. Are ‘you’ and ‘the sadhu’ the same?
c. What does ‘puncturing my pride’ mean?


  1. a. ‘He’ is Birbal.
    b. The ‘bug’ is Akbar’s vanity.
    c. Birbal reasons that Akbar has been afflicted by pride and arrogance.
  2. a. The casual manner of the sadhu made Akbar growl.
    b. Akbar exclaimed because the sadhu continued to lie down and not pay his respects to the king.
    c. Akbar meant that the sadhu made him angry.
  3. a. ‘You’ refers to Birbal and ‘my’ refers to Akbar.
    b. ‘You’ and ‘the sadhu’ both refer to Birbal.
    c. By ‘puncturing my pride’, Akbar means that Birbal has made him aware of his human fallibility. Akbar has realised the foolishness of his past conceit.

B. Answer these questions.

  1. What happened one day when Akbar was walking in the palace grounds?
  2. How did the sadhu show that he did not fear anyone? Give examples from
  3. the text.
  4. Why do you think that the sadhu called the king ‘Akbarbhai’?
  5. What did the sadhu mean when he said, ‘your fortress is an inn, my friend’?
  6. Why does the sadhu ask Akbar questions about his father and grandfather?
  7. What was the ‘key of life’ that Akbar discovered?


  1. While walking in the palace grounds, Akbar stumbled over a sleeping sadhu.
  2. Despite Akbar’s status as king, the sadhu remained composed and did not offer him formal salutations, instead addressing him as “Akbarbhai” and even daring to question him.
  3. The sadhu’s use of “Akbarbhai” demonstrates his belief in the equality of all human beings.
  4. Like an inn, which provides temporary rest for its guests, the world is a temporary home for every individual, including the greatest of kings. The sadhu’s words serve as a reminder of this inevitable reality.
  5. By acknowledging that Akbar’s forefathers once held the same positions of power that he currently holds, the sadhu emphasizes the temporary nature of worldly possessions, including dominion and wealth.
  6. Akbar’s “key of life” was the realization that the blessings of human existence are meant to be shared among all individuals, rather than being owned by any one person.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    Thanks 👍
    So helpful it is to everyone and useful 🙏

  3. wetsuidtonmh

    thanks 🙏🙏🙏
    it helped me a lot

  4. Vikaas

    Thanka u AI for helping me in the difficult time

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