‘The Bell’ by Gita Krishnankutty Question & Answers Class 7 English

‘The Bell’ by Gita Krishnankutty Question & Answers: This article provides solutions and answers to itext-questions and textbook exercise questions of the lesson ‘The Bell’ written by Gita Krishnankutty.


  1. What did the little girl wish to do?
  2. What justification did the girl give for her desire to ring the bell?
  3. Why did the girl think that the elders had not heard her?
  4. What was the girl’s opinion about the adults?
  5. 6. Why did the girl accompany her grandmother to the tank?
  6. 7. Pick out words or phrases which show that the girl found the tank loathsome.
  7. 8. Why did the girl go through the ritual of hairdressing?
  8. 9. Why did she not want Kelu Nair to accompany her?
  9. 10. Describe the girl’s actions as soon as the temple door was flung open.
  10. 11. How did the girl feel after ringing the bell?
  11. 12. Do you think the girl defied the temple norms just because she studied in an English school?


  1. The little girl wished to ring the bell in front of the sanctuary at the temple.
  2. She argued that if Thangam, another girl, could ring the bell, so could she. She also stated that they were all equal in the eyes of God.
  3. The girl thought the elders hadn’t heard her statement about being equal in the eyes of God because they had turned away in disgust after she made her argument.
  4. The girl felt frustrated with the adults, especially when they assumed she would understand everything when she was older. She wanted to prove them wrong and defy their expectations.
  5. The girl accompanied her grandmother to the tank for her evening bath, although she preferred the bathroom at the back of the house. She did so without complaining.
  6. The phrases “slippery stone steps,” “dark green slime,” and “bitterly cold” indicate that the girl found the tank loathsome.
  7. The girl underwent the ritual of hairdressing as part of the cultural and traditional practices, despite finding it uncomfortable. It was a customary preparation before visiting the temple.
  8. She didn’t want Kelu Nair to accompany her because she felt embarrassed being escorted by him. She walked alone to school and the bakery, and she resented the adults’ insistence on accompanying her.
  9. As soon as the temple door was flung open, the girl elbowed her way through the crowd, went straight to the bell, and rang it before quickly leaving the scene.
  10. After ringing the bell, the girl felt wondrously light-hearted and excitingly happy. She believed that the deity in the temple had accepted her gesture with love.
  11. No, the girl’s defiance was not solely because she studied in an English school. Her actions were driven by her strong belief in equality and her desire to challenge the traditional norms and prejudices upheld by the elders. Her education might have influenced her confidence, but her defiance was rooted in her independent thinking and determination.
  1. ‘Besides,’ she added, goading them deliberately, ‘we are all equal in the eyes of God.’ She was not quite sure whether they had heard this bit, for they had already turned away in disgust…
    a. Who is ‘she’?
    b. Whom was she talking to?
    c. What did she want to prove?
    d. Who are ‘they’? Why had ‘they’ turned away in disgust?
  2. Today, she circled it hurriedly, her mind full of her secret mission, and almost ran along provoking an incomprehensible torrent of protest from Kelu Nair, who could not keep up with her.
    a. What did she circle?
    b. Why did she circle it hurriedly?
    c. Who was Kelu Nair?
    d. What was her secret mission?
  3. She was in dire disgrace. Their tight-lipped silence was more eloquent than speech, as was the conspicuous absence of her favourite tiny pappadams at dinner…
    a. Why was she in disgrace?
    b. What do you understand by ‘the tight-lipped silence was more eloquent than speech’?
    c. Why were the pappadams missing?
    d. What does the ‘tight-lipped silence’ reveal about ‘them’?


  1. a. ‘She’ refers to the little girl in the story.
    b. She was deliberately goading the adults, specifically the grown-ups who were present during the conversation.
    c. She wanted to prove that everyone is equal in the eyes of God, and she used this argument to justify her desire to ring the temple bell, just like Thangam, despite the objections of the adults
    d. ‘They’ refers to the grown-ups present during the conversation. They turned away in disgust because they disagreed with the girl’s assertion that she should be allowed to ring the bell like Thangam.
  2. a. She circled the sanctuary of Krishna, a part of the temple, in a hurried manner.
    b. She circled it hurriedly because her mind was preoccupied with her secret mission, making her eager to complete her task quickly.
    c. Kelu Nair was an older person, possibly a caretaker or attendant, who was accompanying the girl and trying to keep up with her.
    d. Her secret mission was to ring the temple bell.
  3. a. She was in disgrace because she had defied the temple norms and rung the bell despite objections from the elders.
    b. This phrase suggests that the silence of the elders spoke louder than words. Their disapproval and disappointment were evident in their silence, conveying their displeasure more effectively than verbal expressions would have.
    c. The pappadams, her favorite snacks, were missing as a form of punishment or disapproval from the adults due to her disobedient act at the temple.
    d. The tight-lipped silence indicates the elders’ strong disapproval of the girl’s actions. Their silence speaks volumes about their disappointment and anger, making it clear that they did not approve of what she had done.
  1. In what way do you think the opening sentence of the story is significant?
  2. What can you gather about the girl’s family?
  3. Why did the girl say, ‘we are all equal in the eyes of God’?
  4. 4. What did the girl’s family mean when they said, ‘that horrid English school that she goes to’?
  5. 5. Why do you think Kelu Nair was asked to accompany the girl?
  6. Explain: ‘strategic blend of authority and appeal’.
  7. Whose ‘dark looks’ and ‘subdued murmurs’ are referred to in the story? Why are the looks dark and murmurs subdued?
  8. What do you think is the difference between ‘tight-lipped silence’ of the family and the silence that the girl felt within her?
  9. Did she feel any guilt after doing what she did? Give reasons.
  10. Do you think the girl did the right thing? Give reasons for your answer.
  11. Whom do you think the author supported—the girl or her family? Give reasons for your answer.
  12. Why do you think the author did not give names to the girl and the members of her family?
  13. Do you think the author has also highlighted the contrast between the village and the city life? Give reasons from the text to support your answer.


  1. The opening sentence, “An unusual sense of excitement pervaded her visit to the temple this evening,” sets the tone for the story by highlighting the girl’s excitement and anticipation. It hints at the central theme of the story, which revolves around the girl’s determination to challenge tradition and assert her equality in the temple, despite the disapproval of her family.
  2. The girl’s family is traditional and conservative, as they adhere to the customs and norms of their culture and religion. They disapprove of her desire to ring the temple bell and are concerned about her defiance. They also seem to be deeply rooted in their religious beliefs.
  3. The girl said this to justify her desire to ring the temple bell, emphasizing that in the eyes of God, everyone is equal. She used this argument to challenge the traditional belief that only certain individuals were allowed to ring the bell due to their social status.
  4. The girl’s family likely referred to her English school as “horrid” because they might perceive it as a place where she is exposed to different ideas and beliefs that challenge their traditional values. They may be critical of the school’s influence on her behavior.
  5. Kelu Nair was asked to accompany the girl to ensure her safety and possibly to keep an eye on her, given her determination to ring the temple bell. It was a way for the family to exert control over her and prevent her from disobeying the temple norms.
  6. A “strategic blend of authority and appeal” means using a combination of power and persuasion to achieve a desired outcome. In the context of the story, it could refer to the girl’s attempts to assert her point of view while trying to convince the elders to let her ring the bell.
  7. The “dark looks” and “subdued murmurs” refer to the disapproving expressions and hushed conversations of the girl’s family and other elders in the temple. The looks are dark because they signify anger and disappointment, and the murmurs are subdued because the elders are discussing the girl’s actions in a quiet and disapproving manner.
  8. The “tight-lipped silence” of the family represents their disapproval and refusal to speak openly about their feelings. It is a form of silent protest against the girl’s actions. In contrast, the silence the girl felt within her is a sense of inner contentment and satisfaction after she rang the temple bell. It is a silence filled with a sense of accomplishment and happiness.
  9. No, the girl did not feel guilt after ringing the temple bell. She felt wondrously light-hearted and excitingly happy, believing that the deity in the temple had accepted her action with love. Her sense of happiness and conviction suggests that she did not regret her decision.
  10. Whether the girl did the right thing is a matter of perspective. From her point of view, she believed she was challenging an unjust tradition and asserting her equality in the eyes of God. However, her actions went against the established norms of the temple and her family’s beliefs. It ultimately depends on one’s perspective on tradition and equality.
  11. The author does not explicitly take sides in the story. The narrative provides insights into both the girl’s determination to challenge tradition and her family’s adherence to traditional beliefs. The author presents the situation without overtly supporting either party, allowing readers to form their own opinions.

    Another Answer: The girl because she describes the courage of the girl and the happiness she feels at the end of the story. Also, she says that God would have accepted what the girl did.
  12. The author’s decision not to provide names adds a universal quality to the story. By not assigning specific names, the author allows readers to relate to the characters as representative of broader cultural and generational conflicts. It makes the story more relatable to a wide audience and ay fit any family or girl as per the situations described in the story.

    Another Answer: The girl and the family members represent any girl who belongs to a community that is discriminated against. The family represents any such family that finds it difficult to question traditions that are unfair.
  13. There are indications in the text that suggest a contrast between traditional village life and the potential influence of city life or modern education. The mention of the girl’s “horrid English school” and her desire to challenge traditional temple norms may imply a clash between her exposure to modern ideas in the city and her family’s adherence to traditional village customs. However, this theme is not the central focus of the story, and it remains somewhat subtle.


  1. edakka 2. Ayyappa 3. Namboodiri 4. pappadams


  1. edakka – a musical instrument
  2. Ayyappa – the name of a Hindu deity
  3. Namboodiri – the name of a caste
  4. pappadams – spicy roasted or fried pancakes
  1. excitement pervaded              2. responded angrily
  2. turned away in disgust           4. loathsome habit
  3. breaking into a run                6. scandalous details
  4. frantically-whispered threats   8. conspicuous absence
  5. protested in shocked voices    10. goading them deliberately
  6. submitted with good grace     12. blended authority and appeal
  7. sun-warmed stone                  14. unimaginably beautiful
  8. lovingly caressed                   16. tight-lipped silence


  1. excitement pervaded – there was a lot of excitement all around
  2. responded angrily – reacted in an angry manner
  3. turned away in disgust – did not like what someone did/said
  4. loathsome habit – a habit that is hated
  5. breaking into a run – started running suddenly
  6. scandalous details – details that shock
  7. frantically-whispered threats – threats that are whispered in desperation
  8. conspicuous absence – obvious or visible absence
  9. protested in shocked voices – expressed disapproval loudly
  10. goading them – deliberately encouraging someone to do something
  11. submitted with good grace – gave up in a dignified manner
  12. blended authority and appeal – used both authority and appeal
  13. sun-warmed stone – stone that is warmed by the heat of the sun
  14. unimaginably beautiful – a beauty that cannot be imagined
  15. lovingly caressed – touched with love
  16. tight-lipped silence – not speaking a word


1. They smoothed her hair. ………………..
2. She edged her way towards them. ………………..
3. She climbed over the stone stile. ………………..
4. She envied and hated the grown-ups. ………………..
5. She was in dire disgrace. ………………..
6. She had announced her decision to ring the bell. ………………..
7. She did not really care. ………………..
8. She caught the adults whispering. ………………..


  1. transitive
  2. intransitive
  3. transitive
  4. transitive
  5. intransitive
  6. transitive
  7. intransitive
  8. transitive

1. Bags and shoes are made in this factory.
2. The engineers are planning to build a tall tower in the centre of the city.
3. They were having dinner when I reached.
4. Kavita is going to make a delicious meal for everyone.
5. The preparations had been finished by the time the guests arrived.
6. The policeman caught the thieves himself.
7. We are going on a holiday to the hills.
8. The circus was crowded with people.
9. Fire destroyed all the material in the shop.
10. Our new house was decorated with mango leaves and flowers


1. ☒ 2. ☑ 3. ☑ 4.☑ 5. ☒ 6. ☑ 7. ☑ 8. ☒ 9. ☑ 10. ☒

  1. This house was built by Mr Kala.
  2. We were informed about the meeting by our teacher.
  3. Gauri was given many medicines by the doctor.
  4. The roof was painted by the painters.
  5. A meeting was arranged.
  6. He will be sent to school by his parents.
  7. He was looked after by his mother.
  8. The money was earned by my sister.


  1. Mr Kala built this house.
  2. Our teacher informed us about the meeting.
  3. The doctor gave many medicines to Gauri.
  4. The painters painted the roof.
  5. They arranged a meeting.
  6. His parents will send him to school.
  7. His mother looked after him.
  8. My sister earned the money.
  1. My mother baked a cake for me.
  2. Yani told Rani about the party.
  3. We use these machines to mix the flour.
  4. The teacher informed the students that the class had been cancelled.
  5. Someone left a bag on the bench.
  6. The mason built a wall in no time.
  7. The house elected a new leader.
  8. People believe that there are many crocodiles in this river.


  1. A cake was baked for me by my mother.
  2. Rani was told about the party by Yani.
  3. The flour is mixed with these machines by us.
  4. The class had canceled was informed to the students by the teacher.
  5. A bag was left on the bench by someone.
  6. A wall was built in no time by the mason.
  7. A new leader was elected by the house.
  8. It is believed by people that there are many crocodiles in that river.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Solve blue question

  2. Laxmi kumari yadav

    The answers were right 👍 and it was helpful for me and it was easy to understand and learn it.

  3. Namrata singh

    Thank you sir

  4. Anonymous

    it was fantastic actually.

  5. Raju Mondal.

    Thank you sir, it is very helpful to me.

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