The Triantiwontigongolope: Solutions Summary Meanings

‘The Triantiwontigongolope’ Questions answers, summary, word-meanings etc. The poem is written by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis (C.J. Dennis).


The poet, C J Dennis talks about an insect which is primarily nothing but his imagination. He begins by talking and mentioning it as ‘funny insect’ that one doesn’t spy. He says that it isn’t like a spider and certainly not like a fly, but something more like a beetle and also a little like a bee. However, it doesn’t have a woolly grub that climbs upon a tree. He is aware that the name of the insect is quite a hard one but is hopeful that one would learn to spell it eventually. He even facilitates it for his learners by breaking the name into sup-parts and then naming them together so that they can read it. He goes on further and informs that this insect of his lives on weeds and leaves and has a funny face. Its appetite is hearty though its manners are a disgrace. He says that when you come upon it first, it can give you quite a scare but when you look for it again, you may find it is not there. If you don’t call it softly it will stay away. But it trembles if you tickle it or walk upon its toes. This insect of his is not an early riser, but it does have a snobbish nose. It scuffles off in shame if you sneer at it or scold it. However, it purrs and purrs quiet proudly if you call it by its name. It’s fond of sandwiches of wax and soap. After giving his readers so much description about the insect, he confesses that he hasn’t seen this insect either. He makes it funny by telling his readers that he doesn’t even know its address and there isn’t even such an insect! Though he thinks there really might have been. Then he tosses a statement at the readers saying if the trees and grass were purple, and the sky was bottle green, all along is a joke and the entire poem was a joke of his. He even asks forgiveness from his readers for this joke

Word Meanings

spyto keep close and secret watch, catch sight ofनजर रखना या चुपके से देखना
grublarva of an insectकीड़े के अपने पूर्ण रूप में आने के पहले की अवस्था
funny faceunusual, strange and awkward lookingअजीब सा चेहरा
appetitea desire for food or drinkभूख
softlyin a caring mannerआराम से ओर हल्के से
heartygood, requiring plenty of foodजिंदादिल एवं खुल कर खाने-पीने वाला
disgraceshowing bad behaviour that people don’t likeशर्म ओर अपमान, बेइज्जती
come uponto meet or find by chanceअचानक मुलाकात हो जाना
scare (n)feeling of fearडर
look fortry to locate or discoverढूँढना या तलाश करना
mopeto move around slowly and aimlessly, feeling sad and depressedउदास ओर निरुत्साह
tread uponto put your foot down while stepping or walkingकिसी पर पैर पड़ जाना या रख उठना
snobbishfeeling superior than others, one who does not lie people of low social ranksनकचढ़ा ओर अभिमानी , अपने से नीचे वालों को पसंद न करने वाला
sneermock, to show scorn or disliking, to laugh at in an unkind or rude way to show your scorn and disapprovalनाक – भौंह सिकोड़ते हुए मजाक या उपहास उड़ाना
purrsound of catबिल्ली की आवाज़
scuttlerun or move away quickly with short stepsछोटे – छोटे कदमों से दौड़ना
confessto say that you accept your mistakes, lies, guilts etc.अपने गुनाह ओर गलतियों को स्वीकार करना, कबूल करना

Textbook Solutions


A. Read the poem again and complete this chart by looking for details related to the Triantiwontigongolope.


what it looks likewhat drives it awaywhat it likes
not quite like a spider or a fly; It looks a bit like a beetle, and a little like a bee, It doesn’t look like a woolly grub that climbs upon a tree.Sneering and scolding drive it awayIt likes to be called by its name. It likes sandwiches of wax and soap.

B. Read the words given below and draw circles around the ones that would describe the Triantiwontigongolope.



2. lovable 3. shy 5. affectionate 7. greedy 8. sensitive 11. nervous 13. lazy 14. gentle 15. sloppy

C. Answer these questions with reference to the context.

  1. When first you come upon it, it will give you quite a scare.
    a. What does ‘it’ refer to?
    b. Why will it give you ‘quite a scare’?
    c. What will happen when you look for it again?
  2. But of course you have not seen it; and I truthfully confess…
    a. What have you not seen?
    b. Why have you not seen it?
    c. What does the poet confess?
  3. For there isn’t such an insect, though there really might have been…
    a. Which insect is being referred to here?
    b. When do you think it ‘might have been’?
    c. Where do you think this insect exists?


  1. a. It refers to the insect Triantiwontigongolope.
    b. It will give you a scare because it looks very odd and unusual.
    c. You will find it gone.
  2. a. The Triantiwontigongolope.
    b. That is because it does not exist.
    c. He confesses that he made up the creature as a joke.
  3. a. The Triantiwontigongolope
    b. A creature like the Triantiwontigongolope might have existed if trees were purple.
    c. It exists in the poet’s imagination.

D. Answer these questions.

  1. How does the poet describe the insect’s appearance?
  2. What does the poet say about the insect’s nature and behaviour?
  3. What would happen if one scolded the insect?
  4. What shows you that the insect loves itself?
  5. How do you know that this is an imaginary creature?
  6. What does the speaker apologise for?


  1. The poet says that the insect is not quite like a spider or a fly or like a woolly grub that climbs upon
    a tree. It is something like a beetle, and a little like a bee.
  2. The poet says that the insect is very shy. If you touch it, it disappears. If you scold it, it goes away
    feeling quite hurt. It likes to be called by its name and it enjoys eating sandwiches of wax and soap.
  3. The insect would go off in shame.
  4. The fact that it loves to be called by its name shows that it loves itself. It begins to purr when it is
    called out lovingly.
  5. The poet tells us so at the end of the poem.
  6. The poet apologises for making us believe that such an insect exists and for joking with the readers.

Poetry Appreciation

A. The poet says that this creature ‘is not quite a spider, and it is not quite a fly; it is something like a beetle, and a little like a bee.’ Obviously, the creature he describes is odd, unusual and imaginary. Read the poem once again to look for
clues that will help you to draw a picture of this creature in your notebook. Also try to visualise the colours you would expect to see on its body.

B. Imagine another creature and make a list of adjectives that describe how it looks. Use this list to draw your very own make-believe creature. What would you like to call it?

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