Get here Solutions of ‘Who Did Patrick’s Homework?’ Chapter 1 of Class 6 English Book “Honeysuckle’: The question answers given here are to help students in doing their self-studies as well as helping them in their HomeWorks.
Who Did Patrick’s Homework? Textbook Exercise Solutions
Working With The Text (Page 11)
Answer the following questions. (Refer to that part of the text whose number is given against the question. This applies to the comprehension questions throughout the book.)
- What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really? (2)
- Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish? (2)
- What was Patrick’s wish? (3)
- In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework? (5,6)
- How did Patrick help him? (7)
- Who do you think did Patrick’s homework — the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer. (9, 10)
- Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a little doll. It was, in fact, a very small-sized man, an elf.
- Patrick had saved the tiny man’s life from the cat by not handing him back to the cat. So, he promised to fulfil one wish of Patrick.
- Patrick hated doing homework. His greatest wish was that the little man should do all his homework till the end of the session.
- The little man needed Patrick’s help in maths, English and history.
- Patrick sat beside the little man and guided him. He brought books from the library and read out to him.
- It was Patrick himself who actually did all the homework. He had to help the elf again and again with guidance and books.
Another Set of Answers:
- Initially, Patrick assumed that his feline companion was playing with a small doll; however, it turned out to be an elf, a diminutive human-like creature.
- By saving the elf from his cat, Patrick earned the gratitude of the tiny man who promised to grant him one wish in return.
- Patrick’s greatest desire was to be relieved from the burden of homework, which he despised, and therefore he requested the elf to complete all his homework until the end of the term.
- The elf required assistance from Patrick in various subjects such as maths, English, and history.
- Patrick sat with the elf, providing guidance and even borrowing books from the library to assist him in completing the homework.
- In actuality, it was Patrick who completed all the homework tasks, as he had to repeatedly help the elf with his studies by offering guidance and utilizing reference materials.
Working With Language (Page 11)
A. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the words or phrases from the box. (You may not know the meaning of all the words. Look such words up in a dictionary, or ask your teacher.)

- Some people find household ———————— a bore, but I like to help at home.
- Who stole the diamond is still a ———————.
- This ————————————— we are going to have a class exhibition.
- —————————————, the elf began to help Patrick.
- Can you ————————————— this word in the dictionary?
- I started early to be on time, but I was ————. There was a traffic jam!
- She says she’s got a lot of books, but ———————————— I think most of them are borrowed.
Ans. 1. chores 2. mystery 3. semester 4. True to his word 5. look up 6. out of luck 7. between you and me
B. Use the clues given below to complete this crossword puzzle.


Speaking (Page 13)
A. In the story Patrick does difficult things he hates to do, because the elf pretends he needs help. Have you ever done something difficult or frightening, by pretending about it in some way? Tell your classmates about it.
Say what you feel about homework. (The words and phrases in the boxes may help you.) Do you think it is useful, even though you may not like it? Form pairs, and speak to each other.
For example:
You may say, “I am not fond of homework.”
Your partner may reply, “But my sister helps me with my lessons at home, and that gives a boost to my marks.”

Answer: A conversation between Ram and Shyam is given below that incorporates the above words and phrases.
Ram: Hey Shyam, how’s your study going?
Shyam: It’s going well, but I’m finding it hard to keep up with all the assignments and homework.
Ram: Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m not really fond of doing homework either.
Shyam: I’m trying to take to it, but it’s just not appealing to me.
Ram: Have you tried developing a liking for it? Sometimes, if you force yourself to do something enough times, you start to enjoy it.
Shyam: I’m not really keen on that approach, to be honest. I think I’d rather find a way to make it more interesting.
Ram: That’s a good idea. Maybe we could support each other by studying together or assisting each other with the aid of study groups or online resources.
Shyam: That would definitely help. I think having someone to talk to about the material would be a boon.
Ram: Yeah, and it would give a boost to our motivation as well. Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated when you’re just studying by yourself.
Shyam: I agree. Maybe we could also try to find ways to make the material more engaging. Like finding examples that relate to our interests or trying to apply the concepts to real-world situations.
Ram: That’s a great idea. I think finding ways to connect the material to our lives could really help us to have a taste for it.
Shyam: Yeah, and it could help us to not only do better in our classes but also to develop skills that will be useful in our future careers.
Ram: Definitely. And if we ever get stuck, we can always help each other out and be there to give each other the necessary support.
Writing (Page 13)
A. This story has a lot of rhyming words, as a poem does. Can you write out some parts of it like a poem, so that the rhymes come at the end of separate lines?
For example:
Patrick never did homework. “Too boring”, he said.
He played baseball and Hockey and Nintendo instead.
The elf of the tiniest size
was true to his word and was wise
Patrick saved the elf from the cat
The elf promised to do all that
Patrick loved sports and hated homework
He wasted his time, and studies shirk
B. Look at these sentences.
- “Too boring,” he said.
- Cleaned his room, did his chores.
When we speak we often leave out words that can easily be guessed. We do not do this when we write, unless we are trying to write as we speak (as in the story).
So, if we were to write carefully, we would say:
• Homework is too boring, he said.
• He cleaned his room and did his chores.
C. Rewrite the following incomplete sentences carefully, so that the reader does not have to guess what is left out.
- more and more books
- too difficult
- got up late, missed the bus
- solved the mystery
- Read more books, learn more.
- It’s too hard, try again later.
- Wake up early, catch the bus on time.
- Solved the mystery, case closed!
Another set of Answers:
- More and more books are being published every day, providing readers with an endless array of choices.
- The math problem was too difficult for me to solve on my own.
- I got up late this morning and missed the bus to work, so I had to take a taxi instead.
- The detective finally solved the mystery after months of investigating and piecing together clues.
Another set of Answers:
- More and more books are being published every year, making it harder to keep up with all the latest releases.
- The calculus problem set was too difficult for me to solve on my own, so I had to seek help from my professor.
- I got up late this morning and missed the bus, so I had to walk to work instead.
- With her keen investigative skills, Detective Johnson finally solved the mystery that had been baffling the police department for months.
D. Look at this cartoon by R. K. Laxman. Read the sentence given below the cartoon. Discuss the following questions with your partner.
• What is it about?
• Do you find it funny? If so, why?
• Do you think a cartoon is a serious drawing? Why or why not?

- The focus is on a father’s desire for his child’s improvement.
- Undoubtedly, the cartoon is hilarious. The father urges his child to work diligently in his studies, but simultaneously prevents him from reading laws regarding child labour.
- The primary purpose of a cartoon is to elicit laughter; however, it also serves as a profound illustration. It brings to light an issue that impacts us all.