What is article writing? An article is a piece of non-fiction prose writing that evaluates students’ skills in expressing ideas, planning and organising, presenting ideas with supportive examples, comprehending ideas and arriving at a conclusion. It is written to express personal opinions, present information on a variety of themes and to inform, persuade, entertain or convince people.
Steps to Write an article
To be able to write an effective article, one must follow the correct format and the following steps given below.
- To begin with writing an article, one should be very clear of the ideology that needs to be followed throughout. It is also important to given an apt TITLE/HEADING to the article. The title can be given after completing the body of the article, to deliver justice to the content.
- Next comes the name of the writer (you, in this case). It should be mentioned just below the heading.
- The most complex part of the article is the establishment of the context. It should be descriptive of the viewpoints of the writer. The direction of the article needs to be maintained throughout.
- While creating the body of the article, the writer should include the required information covering the aspects such as cause, effect, solution and steps to be taken.
- It is very important for an article to consist of a conclusion. An open-ended article is often confusing and incomplete.
- The conclusion should be a point of balance reached after comparison of contrasting ideas and views. It should convince/ persuade the readers in some way.
Points to Keep in Mind While Writing Article
- An article is a single idea explained in detail.
- The title of the article should be supportive of the content.
- The ideas presented should be planned in a chronological order.
- Contrasting views related to the topic must be mentioned.
- Points should not be repeated.
- Simple language and short sentences should be used to avoid grammatical mistakes.
- Stick to the word limit of 100-150 words.
- Conclusion should be short and clear.
- Always go through the article again to ensure qualitative content.
Marking Scheme for Article Writing
Title: 1 Mark
Content: 4 Marks
Accuracy: 1.5 Marks
Fluency: 1.5 Marks
Total: 8 Marks
Format of an Article
You are Ashima/Ankit of class X, the Head of the Innovative Science Club. Write an article in about 100-150 words to the topic, ‘Recycle Your Trash’. You can use the following inputs.
- Don’t push
- Recycle electronics
- Save planet

Questions Based on Article Writing
Q.1. You are Ronika/Ronika. Head of a Health Club. Write an article in about 100-500 words, highlighting the benefits of a balanced diet and regular exercise.
- Nutritionally rich diet
- Better performance
- Stimulates brain
- Good health
- Healthy lifestyle
- Strong immune system
A Balanced Lifestyle
By Ronika
A combination of balanced diet and regular exercises offer numerous benefits. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential to maintain good health and longevity.
A balanced diet accompanied by regular exercise leads to a host of benefits. Exercise stimulates brain chemicals that not only enhance our performance but also instil a feeling of contentment. A healthy lifestyle boosts our physical appearance, protects our brain and ward off mental disorders by keeping our immune system strong. It also has the potential to alter and enhance our cognitive abilities.
Therefore, regular exercise and balanced diet are pivotal for determining a person’s overall health, and making them a part of your lifestyle may reap countless benefits in your life.
Q.2. You are Parul/Rahul of Class X. Write an article in 100-150 words on ‘Ill effects on students of too much of television.’ You can use the following clues:
- Increased addiction
- Easy availability
- Drop in academic performance
- A great variety of programmes
- Neglect of studies
- Result – poor physical and mental health
Ill Effects on Students of Too Much of Television
by Rahul
Due to a great variety of programmes easily available currently on the various television channels, students are getting increasingly addicted to viewing too much television. As a result, they neglect their studies, resulting in a drop in academic performance.
Many students have been known to fail their final examinations by watching every episode of their favourite serials even during exam time. Further, due to this sedentary activity which does not involve any exercise, their physical health is affected adversely. It can cause obesity and inadequate development of the muscles in the body. In addition, their mental development gets limited, as it is well said, “A healthy mind resides in a healthy body”.
So, students should limit their viewing of television programmes to only one or two hours in a day. The balance time should be devoted to games and sports outside the home to ensure proper physical development. Any spare time may be spent in intellectual activities like reading books, playing chess or Scrabble etc.
Q.3. The English language has acquired a privileged position in India. It has caused the neglect of other Indian languages, including Hindi. Is there a need to pause and reflect on the situation? Write an article, in about 100-150 words, expressing your views on the same. Sign yourself as Priyanka.
- Official languages
- Multi-linguistic nation
- Prominence of English
- Helped in country’s development
Is English Surpassing Indian languages?
by Priyanka
English and Hindi, are two official languages in India. North Indians are fluent in English, Hindi and other regional languages, whereas South Indians do not speak Hindi language at all but are good in English. The fact that India is a multi-linguistic nation, supports the prominence of English. More than half the country, by virtue of their education, is proficient in English. English language is surpassing Hindi and other languages also because of an inferiority complex influenced by our colonial past.
English has acquired this privileged position because of its contribution in shaping India’s development and changing its fortunes radically.
To calm the nerves of the nation, we should promote the use of our mother tongue rather than putting an end to the primacy of English language in India.
Q.4. You’re Rekha. Look at the picture given below. Taking hints from the visual and adding some of your own ideas, write an article 100-150 words on the theme ‘We Are What We Eat’.

We Are What We Eat
by Rekha
It is rightly said that “We Are What We Eat”. Our health is the reflection of our diet and it is believed that a healthy mind exists in a healthy body.
We should take extra care about the food we eat. To stay healthy, we should take extra care about the food we eat. To stay healthy, we should include green vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh milk and home-cooked food in our diet. A glass of warm water with honey and lemon should be consumed early in the morning.
But all this is useless if we continue to eat outside. Fast food should be avoided at every cost as it is the root cause of various health problems and offers no nutritional value. Eating healthy food will make us healthy not only on the inside of our body, but also on the outside.
Q.5. You are Sugandha. Your school has an efficient system of rainwater harvesting. Write an article for your school magazine in about 100-150 words highlighting the advantages of the system using the inputs given below.
- Water conservation
- Eco-friendly system
- Negligible cost
- Efficient and cheap
- Reduces demand of piped water
- Reduces water bill
Rainwater Harvesting
by Sugandha
Water conservation has become an essential and inevitable practice all over the world, even in areas where water is abundant.
Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and deposition of rainwater on-site for reuse rather than allowing it to run off. With an efficient system, one can be sure of water reserves at times of water shortage. The overall cost of the system is less than a water purifier. It reduces the demand for groundwater, thus reducing the water bills, as the saved water can be used for irrigation, toilet flushing and for other needs. It can also be used as drinking water if adequately treated.
A switch to this eco-friendly system is a step towards a greener and more sensible world.
Q.6. You are Vivek. You feel that practical education easily fits into all aspects of teaching nowadays. Write an article titled ‘Practical Education: A Better Step Towards Learning’, in about 100-150 words expressing how practical education is better than theoretical education using inputs given below.
- Quick learning/understanding
- Interactive sessions
- Enhanced ability to learn
- Team work
- Introduction to industrial qualities
Practical Education: A Better Step Towards Learning
by Vivek
Education is the key to develop a generation of responsible citizens. It is the foundation of a strong intellect. Our primary education has a great impact on our future. Theoretical education is the commonly used way of imparting knowledge in our country. It usually employs teaching in a plain manner without any interactive exercises, whereas, the new practical aspect of imparting education involves inputs from students in interactive sessions. Exercises and experiments are common features of practical education.
Most of the activities involve team projects or programmes where students are required to work in groups or teams, where students are required to work in groups or teams, which introduces them to the industrial qualities of leadership and team spirit as well.
Practically sound students not only have an enhanced ability of grasping things but also have the potential to shape their future in a better way.
Q.7. You are Sonali, member of the School Heritage Club. You are shocked to see poor living conditions of villagers in a remote village in your district. Write an article in about 150 words for a local newspaper discussing the problem and measures that can improve the unhygienic and unhealthy conditions of villages.
- No in-house toilets or dispensaries
- Lack of drinking water
- Health problems
- Modification in government policies required
- Awareness campaign
- A step towards healthy India
The Plight of Villagers
by Sonali
Villagers in India are a living story of economic deprivation, places devoid of basic facilities such as in-house toilets, adequate drinking water, dispensaries etc. The lack of these facilities in rural areas poses a threat to the health of India as a whole.
Although access to sanitation in improving, the increase is still not equitable. Also, the health burden due to poor water quality is enormous. Water quality problems are also a result of open defecation due to lack of in-house toilets. The lives of villagers are nothing short of a living hell.
Government policies and programmes have undergone a series of transitions, but modification of these is again the need of the hour. Investment in improving sanitation, awareness campaigns, setting up dispensaries, water quality monitoring and infrastructure review can be drivers towards the path of a healthy India.
Q.8. You are Poonam Negi. With the help of the visual input given below, write an article in about 150 words on the topic ‘Renewable Energy: Promise for the Future’.

Renewable Energy: Promise for the Future
by Poonam Negi
Renewable energy is an inexhaustible source of energy, and India has a great potential for generating as well as using this source.
Use of biomass is already prevalent in the villages of India. Hydroelectric power plants and wind power plants producing electricity can diminish the electricity woes of the villages. Solar cookers, heaters and other products can bring down the energy consumption of cities. Moreover, these are environment friendly and have no waste products. These alternate sources of energy can help India save a lot of money spent in foreign exchange to buy petroleum products.
Although India has initiated steps to harness these resources, there is a long way to go for a promising future for the planet.
Q.9. You are Kartik of class X. You have noticed the rise in number of students flying abroad for higher education. Write an article in about 100-150 words expressing your concern over this issue and suggest ways to control it.
- Flight of raw and native talent
- High quality education
- Better job opportunities
- Better scope and recognition of international graduates
- Setting up quality educational institutions
- Relief from government policies and reservations of seats.
Going Abroad for Good Quality Education
by Kartik
The status of internationally mobile Indian students is changing. With newer and a wider number of courses being offered abroad, the preferences of students for professional/higher education is changing.
An important reason for many Indians’ choosing to study abroad is lack of good institutions in India. Students turned professionals seek recognition on a global platform and feel the sole way to achieve it is high quality education. Scanning of job opportunities, scope and growth analysis through an eagle eye acts as magnets to our native talent.
India will have an upper hand only when the polished talent shines in the motherland, which is now a rarity. To control this drain of talent, quality educational institutions should be set up in order to restrict the outgo of students. Good quality foreign institutions should be encouraged to set up their institutions in India. Along with this, removal of government constraints like reservations of seats in educational institutions and public companies may also prove to be a good measure to combat the problem.
Q.10. We have travelled the stone age to the age of computers. There has been an explosion of technology in the field of science. Write an article in about 100-150 words on the topic, ‘The Future of Information Technology’. You’re Monika/Mohan.
- Easy and cheap
- Very quick
- Various benefits under one roof
- Information at doorsteps
The Future of Information Technology
by Monika
Information technology (IT), in the first instance, beings to us the latest developments in science and technology. With advancement in technology, we can communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world in a matter of a few seconds. Due to IT, we are having very fast and cheap worldwide connectivity. There are more sophisticated machines to help us disseminate knowledge. Cell phones enable us to send or receive messages, listen to songs, watch movies and other videos, do net-surfing, send e-mails, create presentations and do many other things. Computers provide us with all information and act as our brains. The internet has become more expensive and intensive. Nanochips are now introduced in our bodies to monitor and control body functions.
The world can, thus, hope for a truly bright and glorious future for IT. It also holds the key to the solution of our most pressing problems like poverty, ignorance and backwardness